LIBn is Recruiting (Liberator Outfit)

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by A Crispy Taco, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Blackinvictus

    Sent you a PM
  2. A Crispy Taco

  3. Ashunman

    My co-pilot ChazMaAttack and I are looking to join. We have upgraded libs, scythes and lightnings. We both also have mics and TS.
  4. A Crispy Taco

    Sounds good Ashunman, add me to friends in game and we can chat. Please keep in mind LIBn does not TK, trash talk or troll :) So make sure any bad habits you might have die at the door. C ya in game!
  5. repinSniper

    And we appreciate it! ;)
  6. T-Dawg302

    I have rolled with Taco a few times. If you guys wanna get some nice Liberator practice in, then you should join their squad sometime. It was a lot of fun!
  7. Ashunman

    Hey that's good news to me. I can't stand players with that attitude in any game.
  8. Easir

    Libn has the best Lib pilots and gunners I've ever seen and they're all incredibly nice people.
    If you want to practice flying/gunning libs, or just want some fun, I'd definitely reccomend these guys!

    Just last night, Libn and Jenk worked together for Saturday Night Ops and we just steamrolled everything in our path...
    Couldn't do it without Libn, the best Lib outfit on Connery.
  9. A Crispy Taco

    Thanks for the props Easir :) We might not be the best Libs on the server but we do like to fly them a lot. See you in game
  10. TheFanOfJets

    I am looking to join, if you have a lack of lib gunners, ill do that, if you need a esf pilot, i can do that but im bad :p
  11. miendude

    If anyone's looking to join LIBn please head to and fill out an application there, once approved we will happily send you an outfit invite.
  12. Dredbr1nger

  13. Bounder

    Bump for those out there who are still going Lib postnerf
  14. Brahma2

    People stopped?
    • Up x 1
  15. PurpleBeefer

    I recently had more chances to fly libs and found they are extremely effective and turning the tide in a battle. luckily or unluckly i was gunning for a ****** out lib when the pilot disconnected at a reload station. the other gunner asked if i was a pilot, i said "sorta" took the lib and then garnered many many certs that night. So i figured id join up with the LiBn crew if i saw a chance. Ill take a look at the forums and when you guys take to the skies, ill be sure to follow.
  16. PurpleBeefer

    Theme of the outfit "You are all winners"
  17. Brahma2

    Is that positive or negative? I'm lost.
  18. PurpleBeefer

    it is positive, read it in the Papa Vanu voice. just how lost are you?
  19. thehumanslayer12

    Ah! Another competitor! Welcome the Connery, you lousey scum! (Lol I don't mean it :p) Here you will learn to DIE and Kill others. Good luck! You're gonna need it :3
  20. NolusWings

    Last night two of your members (Battlegear and his gunner, didn't see name) were flying around a Lib and TKing all friendly vehicles during the alert. Awesome, sign me up for this amazing band of TKers! lol...