help me understand this.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ghost001985, May 19, 2014.

  1. AdamRah

    VS gets all the forgein noobs who like lasers and just shoot when no ones there giving away the sundies position
  2. AdamRah

    what do you gain out of tk'ing a locked harraser, yes it's a team game but i dont want some br 1 shooting everything when theres nothing there
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  3. Moz

    Seems you need to look up the definition of sarcasm.

    Replying with "blah blah blah rest of rant blah blah" is indeed sarcastic.

    Also the way it was written would imply that he thinks the OP is the kind to dish out justice for a team kill. When in actual fact he implies he ran the dude over before he could be a ****** in the first place.

    So yeah both sarcasm AND misunderstanding are clear, sorry to disappoint you.
  4. Aegie

    Just /report them and try to move on- best not to stoop to that level as it will only add to the filth.
  5. SafetyDance

    Fly a locked gal, laugh at ******** friendlies and proceed to squash them. Baddies cannot comprehend a good player will always be more effective alone than in combination with baddies, that is one of the reasons why they are baddies. Just stay far away from any friendlies or be ready to defend yourself from them at all times.
  6. hostilechild

    I get TK'd running around way too much in some Camo's (dark ones) NC seems to think i am VS or something. Typically this is lowbies and i have to explain to them that blue dorito over my head means friendly, that TR are red and if you can see me at night, i am not VS:p .
    They get 1 free the next one is returned in kind.

    I felt bad after killing a lvl 5 medic last night but he kept repeatedly shooting me while i was in a NC MAX. Then he screams, **** you looked like VS (REALLY, think he had too much to drink!!!!)

    On flipside, lately i have noticed no dorito over friendlies and have shot them :eek: couple have died from that 1 bullet:mad: So been even more lenient lately with retaliation. Itchy trigger fingers happen.
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  7. FateJH

    I actually did before replying to your post. Used Merrian Webster.
    What FABIIK had said felt too heavy-handed to count as sarcasm.
  8. ElastaPlast

    Technically he didn't tk a harasser, the harasser tk'd him.

    You can always ask them politely (or impolitely) not to shoot when there's nothing about and if they don't listen, kick them.
    Just lie and say that you are waiting for outift mates.

    The two wrongs here didn't make a right.

    I still don't understand why you'd be solo in a harasser though. Drive, stop, change seats, shoot, get hit, change seats, drive away or repair from back seat, repeat....
    There must be better ways to use one. :confused:

    Touché. :)
  10. DK22

    I figure its more like some people thinking, locked out = non team player.
    frankly, I'd never do it, but hey.....
  11. MorganM

    I'm a pretty good gunner and I'm a little miffed ppl lock their vehicles but I know there's a lot of bad gunners out there so I can see why.

    What pisses me off is I jump in a vehicle that's unlocked and then they kick me out. Just lock your vehicle right away please. Especially when we drive off and I'm like "ok cool this is gonna be fun" *LOCK* oh thanks for leaving me out in the middle of no where or dropping me out of your freak'n lib jerk.

    It would be nice if more people said WHY they kicked you. Sometimes they will say over proximity "sorry running solo" or "squad mate is on the way". Cool, got it, thx for telling me. I think the ambiguity lends to feelings of rejection. Instead of assuming it's for a good reason they assume it's for a bad reason.

    Maybe I'm reading too much into this =) I've never C4'd someone for this. I've certainly shot the jerks who leave me far from a base but never blew up their vehicle. Only does damage on the harasser anyway... and minimal damage at that.
  12. ghost001985

    well it depends, if im not in a squad, its squad locked. if im in a squad, completely locked. i said this befor in other posts, but i use the harasser as a fixed gun, so not moving, and at distance so 230 + meters. so at that range, why would i need another person to repair, or a gunner when the harasser isnt moving?

    thank you! they are just wasting ammo, and giving away your position!

    but that just brings up the main point, oh they locked it for "whatever" reason ill just TK them and kill that harasser! and yes ive been TK'ed by someone that i kick, i told him politely "i waiting for a squad mate" then boom! all im doing by killing him first is saving my harasser.

    look above. yes what you said is how they meant to be played. and i have f1 and f2 bound to my mouses 4th and 5th buttons, so i can jump into whatever set however fast i want. lastly i have soloed a lighting that was with in 30 meters, in my harasser. if you hold the directional keys as you change sets the harasser will continue in that direction for a short while.

    or maybe have a way to lock the vehicle as you spawn it.
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  13. DFDelta

    Somewhat related story:
    The other day a random teammate gunned down the outfitmate riding on my flashs rumble seat so he can ride on it himself.
    Of course I squadlocked to kick him off, turned the flash around and killed him with my Kobalt.

    He actually was outraged that I would kill him over a seat on a vehicle.

    Think about that kind of logic for a second.