Change the GD-7/f to 167 damage/ 700ish rpm

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FactionTraitsFTW, May 18, 2014.

  1. Codex561

    Cool, now I want a 600+RPM one.
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  2. Taemien

    I still want a 200dmg @ 560-580RPM weapon for the NC.

    We need more 200 dmg weapons.. Have plenty of 167 dmg ones.
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  3. Alarox

    167/600: 1670 DPS
    143/750: 1788 DPS
    167/700: 1948 DPS
    143/845: 2014 DPS

    Why do people assume 167 damage weapons will be overpowered with more than 600 RPM? It won't make them overpowered, it will make them competitive.
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  4. CactusLynx

  5. Yuki10

    DG-7F is not that great of a gun....personally dont care if it gets nerfed. On the other hand, instead of doing these micro-adjustments, they should concentrate on fixing what is broken for everybody (you know, those million bugs that no one pays attention to).
  6. NaySayer

    Nerfing isn't the answer. SOE just makes everything bland, instead put out guns that fill the gaps, DIFFERENT guns, not just copies that have no effort put into them.
  7. Bankrotas

    We'd actually be better of with another 200 damage than 167 damage weapon...
  8. LibertyRevolution

    Just drop the GD-7F to the 125 damage tier, give it 5 more rounds in the mag, and be done with it...
  9. Bankrotas

    So... We'll have to rely on Cyclone to get us equal footing with Lynx and VX6-7?
  10. LibertyRevolution

    NC is the hard hitting slow fire rate faction.
    Your high fire rate weapons should be worse than the higher fire rate factions.

    I am for nerfing all NC high ROF weapons to almost uselessness.

    The Cyclone needs a visit from the nerf hammer as well.

    Not a single NC gun should have a fire rate over 650.
  11. Bankrotas

    Sadly, due to netcode, what this will end up doing is leaving NC use shotguns.
  12. Mongychops

    Oh, you mean the Gauss-SAW-S-with-worse-stats, yeah but 577 RPM is not 600 RPM, just so you know.
  13. minhalexus

    And Nerf TR ranged weaponry to uselessness too?
    Talking about Cougar, Sabr, and TMG.

    They should change the GD-7F into a 167@660, instead of making it a useless weapon.
    Or maybe 200@550.

    That would solve your complain of NC having high RoF.
    Making it 167@660 will lower its high RoF, 125@845 will do no such thing.

    They should also revamp the Blitz into a 143@750.
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  14. Goretzu

    Why would they do that? :confused:

    The GD-7F is fine as is (making it a 167/700ish weapons would be to ADD factional flavour), why make it a Lynx 2.0 clone when the whole point of the Lynx 2.0 was TR complaining they didn't have the fastest RoF Carbine.
  15. Goretzu

    In that case they could move the GD-7F from a 143/845 (2013 DPS) weapon to a 200/600 (2000 DPS) weapon instead! :cool:
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  16. FactionTraitsFTW

    Just to clarify this is NOT a nerf thread. This is a overhaul weapons to be more in line with faction traits thread. Just like the lynx was changed to be more in line with TR faction traits. In fact my suggestion would solve some of the issues that NC players seem to have with the weapon. Slower rpm means both less overall recoil and that it takes longer to empty a mag.
    I think its funny that most NC players seem to consider this a nerf, while most TR / VS players seem to think that this is a buff.

    Btw. I'm all for a 200 damage / 550 rpm NC gun, I just thought that this would be a too extreme revamp. Considering however that 167@660-700 would indeed make the GD-7/f very similar to the Bandit 200@550 may be the better alternative.
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  17. maudibe