VS projectiles are underpowered: So much for advanced alien technology lol

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, May 1, 2014.

  1. Paperlamp

    Let's make our guns shoot flashy plasma obscuring more of our vision and giving away our position more easily to enemies.

    Good1 guys. Definitely worth having no bullet drop.
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  2. Gazatron

    Are u making a joke or have I missed something? (It's possibly I've been absent from all things ps2 for five days.
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  3. Hatesphere

    VS weapons are fine, he is off his rocker .
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    Magrider main cannon is the literal opposite of Vanus factions traits. Why do traits matter with the Prowlers but not the Vanus?
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  5. Gazatron

    Yea...I wouldn't mind less of a FSM for some guns or given a short damage fall off ranges slightly higher damages in closer ranges.

    Why do guns have to be stuck at 143, 167 or 200 anyway? Can VS guns not start at say 150? To go with this statement in their faction trait:

    "The Sovereignty's weapons rely on quickly energizing a splash of plasma-like ammunition that destroys the very bonding attributes of the elements that make up the armor and flesh of enemy forces."

    I'd be willing to consider slightly lower fire rates. That way TR can truly say they have the fastest fire rates. For example:

    T9 Carv 750 rpm 143 damage
    Orion 720 rpm 150 damage

    I've not done the math I just wanted to show what I ment. Whether that's balanced or not isn't the purpose if the example.

    Yes, a VS "buff" comment. Don't crucify me just cos I mentioned the words "buff" and "VS" together.
  6. Hatesphere

    to be fair the VS tank gets some no bullet drop secondary weapons. but I agree. i think the VS MBT cannon is in a bad place.
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  7. ExquisitExamplE

    The plural of Vanu is Vanu.
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    You have nothing better to do but correct grammar on a game forum huh :rolleyes:. But ok thanks for the fair warning.
  9. Mxiter

    Because DPS is meaningless, only TTK matters.

    Both weapons would need the same number of bullets to kill, but as the Orion would have a lower ROF, it would be less performing at close range.
    It would certainly have a better TTK at range anyway. (the range where the 143damage tier weapons would need a 8tn bullet to kill).
  10. DevDevBooday

    Paperlamp is simply being Paperlamp.

    Do not question his motives, for I doubt he even knows what they are. :p
  11. EvilKoala

    You mean faction traits like no drop on the super-accurate Saron AV turret and mobility like the mountain goat Magriders climbing to ridiculous places?
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  12. ExquisitExamplE

    What would lead you to believe that I have nothing better to do? Simply because I took less than 5 seconds to make a post does signify causality.
  13. Codex561

    Cause 143 is 7 shots to kill, 167 is 6 shots to kill and 200 is 5 shots to kill.
    150 would be 7 shots to kill which would make all VS guns just suck or be incredibly OP.
  14. LIKE A BOSS!

    If you think the Saron is an AV turret damage level than idk what you are talking about. Prowlers get the Vulcan (though crappy) fulfills all faction traits (secondary) There main cannon has the fastest fire rate and does the most damage. While also being the fastest MBT. The Prowlers traits are shown in every part of the tank. The Main cannon,Secondary,And the Chassis. If you can give me a decent reason why the Magrider only shows its traits in two categories besides "UGHHH I CANT AIM UP OR USE LOCK ONS THAT NULLIFY THE "OP SPIDER TANK" then you sir might have a decent argument. And if you think the current Saron is accurate then you should have seen it Pre-nerf. And by the way. A deployed Prowler shell can hit the Magrider if you aim right at it while strafing which makes strafing useless in some situations.
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  15. D3GGY

    He needed to make sure you Vaknew that.

    Except versus Nanoweaved targets.

    143/150 it doesn't make a difference. But VS weapons could be tuned to be more effective against armored targets and therefore more consistent, at the cost of slightly higher TTKs or being less effective against other armor (GIVE ALL VS WEAPONS SPLASH DAMAGE LOL).
  16. LIKE A BOSS!

  17. AdmiralArcher

    because the VS got the wrong trait to begin with

    the VS should have been medium damage, medium rate of fire, low recoil and high bullet drop

    the NC should have been High damage, low rate of fire, high recoil, low bullet drop, high bullet velocity

    the TR should have been Low damage, high rate of fire (absurd RoF), medium recoil and medium bullet drop

    this follows both phsyics (which are made up because plasma would never actually work)
    and logic

    plasma (if it worked) would still De-ionize rapidly, meaning it would begin to dissapate, but because of balance reasons, lets just say the bullet drop gets worse

    the NC since they use railguns and coilguns, would have low ROF due to capacitor charge times, but their bullets would be very very fast and would have a very high kinetic energy potential

    TR weapons...well they would be like weapons now days versitile but limited somewhat due to size so the damage is less

    the devs really done fkd up with the traits when you apply logic and some form of physics to the game,
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  18. LIKE A BOSS!

    High bullet velocity and No bullet drop are similar but very different things. But don't worry about our no bullet drop trait. The weapons that it would TRULY benefit on have bullet drop.
  19. Vixxing

    Well... blinding the enemies is more of a VS trait than no drop imo... (Dazzle away spandex disco dudes!)

    VS national anthem!
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  20. SinerAthin

    These are just prototypes! Just wait until we've unlocked their true potential!

    They are already superior to conventional weapons in the sense that we don't have to lug around a bunch of bullets. The firepower you need an entire ammo vest to carry, we can fit in our back pocket(assuming we had pockets)!
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