Over 18 hours for maintenance.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by why spend my cash?, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. 1.048596

    Don't you honestly have ANYTHING ELSE to do?
  2. Prodigal

    Proof that this game is practically still in beta after 1,5 years. Thank god I have enough work to do - but I find it funny how SOE aren't able to get **** done :)
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  3. Atis

    Why would they want to? Ppl pay even for that, test data for PS4 is gathering, maintenance fees are, most likely, low, all right in the world.
  4. MongooseTwoFive

    This thread reminds of this. And this.

    As silly as it is that a company as large as SOE seems to not grasp the concept of version control very well, it's even sillier to raise your blood pressure over not being able to play an online game for a day. I've seen drug addicts experience worse withdrawal effects than some people on here.
  5. Drglord

    You know something to all people out there this goes. Sony does stuff like that because the competition is non existant. If your ISP went down for days you would be furious and probably ask for a refund for the days it didn't work. I personally switched ISP's when that would happen because i felt of being cheated out of my money as anyone should. If you are tottaly FREE player i can understand. If you have spend even 10 euros on this game you have every right to be pissed. If you are a subscriber you might as well get the torch and burn them down or cut your subscription. Bottom line they are paid huge amounts of money (more than your average ISP) fora service that is really terrible and alot easier than a ISP. How many players are online any given moment? 3000? 5000 at peak hours from all over the world? Tsss.... Oh well like someone would say... Stop feeding the troll. Or in this case stop feeding SOE
  6. HellasVagabond

    So they finally broke it ? :p
  7. N0t0

    OMG... 2Day Maintenance? Seriously?!
  8. TomoB

    Yea maybe they made static electricity to break something in their servers when they were cleaning them with vacuum cleaner and now they have to wait for new parts from Hong Kong.
  9. Moz

    Well this is getting a little silly now.

    This has got to be a spilled can of coke (with cheese as their in murica) in the server room.
  10. why spend my cash?

    If it bothers you, then don't read it very simple.
  11. Bear

    Server maintenance is when you find out who doesn't have a girlfriend/wife/partner/family. It's also when we find out who spends a wee bit too much time gaming.

    Take a walk, it's good for you!
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  12. Bear

    At the rate they're ripping guys off the PS2 team for H1Z1 it won't be long before PS2 becomes an afterthought.

    I find it odd that T-Ray has been virtually invisible lately. I wonder if he's working on Z1 as well?
  13. richardcwc

    I just logged into Briggs and was able to get into the game first time quickly without delay, so I am very happy.
    Sorry you took so long to update the game and made a lot of people angry Sony, but sometimes you have to do the hard stuff and take it in the butt once in a while, and other times people will be happy when it's all working again, so let's hope it doesn't break too much again.
  14. Riadi Abdennour

    THE serverrs is ups , and the bad NEWS MORE CRASHES
  15. RIctavius

    T-ray works on cosmetics , and I saw the dev team for h1z1 - practically people I dont know from the Planetside 2 dev team apart from clegg
  16. Bear

    You should've watched all of the stream yesterday. 75% of the people they showed were all former PS2 people. Jimmy Whis, Tom Schenk, coders, animators, programmers etc.....
  17. RIctavius

    Yes who did 6 month stints, not permemant teams such as Xander, Marlon, T-Ray, Traydectal.
  18. Bear

    It's not exactly like PS2 is a finished product. Hell it's not even inherently stable at this point. I think the departures speak volumes........
  19. RIctavius

    But they aren't departures, being moved to newer teams are essentially promotions with more freedoms for development entailed with them. Besides the irony is that the programming developed by H1Z1 can be transferred into Planetside 2, as they said - the it's the same engine with the same hub development system - there is no problem to incorporate features. So h1z1 is a format for a testing ground for new features on the Forgelight engine.