My Patchnotes for PS2.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    This is essentially the patchnotes/Changelog of all the Balance related things that I would do for PS2.

    NS Vehicles/Weaponry:


    • Magazine Size Cert line has been added to the SkyGuard, It gives 5 rounds per level.
    • Duster Magazine size increased from 10 to 14.
    • Duster now has the Magazine Size Cert line, It gives the duster 2 rounds per level.
    • Spur Damage increased from 225 to 250.
    • Max speed increased to 135
    • Resource Spawn cost changed From 100 to 25 vehicle resources.
    • Flash Turbo is now a Passive Cert Line.
    • Nanite Proximity Repair & Vehicle Ammo Dispensary Moved to the Utility Slot.

    • Galaxy Terminal is now combined with the Aircraft Terminal.
    • In order to Spawn Galaxies at other bases that have aircraft terminals, Your empire must have a Techplant connected to the Lattice system.
    Hunter QXC Quad Cam Crossbow:
    • Explosive Bolt Clip size increased from 3 to 4.
    • Crossbow Head shot multiplier increased from 1.5x to 1.75x
    General Infantry Balance Changes:

    • Guns that have a Option to use 1 Ammo Type, now have the option & have access to to use Both of the Ammo Types.(For instance if a Gun has HVA only, they now have the Choice of using SPA or HVA)
    • Extended Magazine Moved to the Ammo Slot.
    • SMG's, Assault Rifles & LMG's who do not have access to the x2 reflex sight/scope now have access to it.
    • All Pistols now have access to x1 & x2 reflex Sights as optic options, They cost 30 certs/50 Station cash.
    • The Maxes Kinetic Armor Doesn't Effect the Maxes Head.
    General Vehicle Balance Changes:
    • Sunderer, Lighting & all MBT's Now have access to the Surger Power Chassis.
    • All MBT's have access to the Bulldog as a secondary Weapon.
    NC Vehicles/Weaponry changes:

    C85 Canister:
    • C85 Canister Now damages All armor Types.
    Reaper DMR:
    • Clip size increased from 24 rounds to 25 rounds
    AC- X11:
    • Clip Size increased from 24 rounds to 25 rounds
    L8 Rebel:
    • Fire Rate increased from 261 to 300
    • Clip size increased from 8 to 12
    • Missiles can no longer be Shot down by Gun & Vehicle fire.
    TR Vehicles & Weaponry changes:

    • Vulcan Max damage range increased from 10 meters To 30 meters.
    TR Max:
    • Lockdown in and out times decreased from 2.0 to 1.0
    T-7 Mini Chaingun
    • Magazine Size increased from 100 to 150
    • Ammunition Pool increased to 500 rounds.
    T2 Striker:
    • Short reload speed changed from 4.4 to 3
    • Long Reload speed changed from 5 to 4
    VS Vehicles & Weaponry changes:

    VS Max:
    • Zealot Over Drive Engine Cooldown time Changed to be 30 seconds Regardless of Level.
    • Now has a 0.75 ADS move speed.
    • Now has a 0.75 ADS move speed.
    • Magazine size increased from 75 rounds to 100 rounds.

    Magburn Level cert cost adjusted to be:
    • Level 1: 50 certs
    • Level 2: 100 certs
    • Level 3: 200 certs
    • Level 4: 500 certs.
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  2. Scr1nRusher

    I really wish my Bullet points showed up.
  3. Hiding in VR

    I see bullet points.

    I wouldn't have a problem with that list. ;) But not entirely sure about MAX head armour. I am not a fan of MAXes to be honest, but I am not sure we should add weak armour points to slow moving entities.
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  4. NinjaTurtle

    Artemis, Stalker and SOAS:
    • Magazine size increased from 24 to 30
    • Max duration increased to 6 seconds
    • Regeneration at max rank in 10 seconds
    Lock on weapons:
    • Removed from game (learn to aim yourself)
    Please for the love of god
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  5. TriumphantJelly

    Oh yes, I just love to magburb over TR and NC! :D
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  6. Scr1nRusher

    All that change would do is make kinetic armor not effect the maxes head anymore.

    The maxes Head would still have that 80% damage reduction that Max units have, but it wouldn't gain any additional small arms damage reduction from kinetic armor. If that makes sense.
  7. Phyr

    Yes. Lock ons are replaced with burster weapons equal to a single MAX burster. Now everyone can easily pull a an AA weapon, at almost anytime, for free, and return fire immediately, instead of having to wait up to 3 seconds for a lock, that can easily be negated by a flare.

    Would definitely fix that pesky air problem.
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  8. eldarfalcongravtank

    • added 2-round burstfire mode
    • lowered damage at all ranges
    • increased magazine ammo to 15 from 10
    • added 3-round burstfire mode
    • Up x 2
  9. Pikachu

    How about 4-round burst to make it unique? :D
  10. kadney

    I'd love to see these.. :)
    The Inquisitor had a 2x burst on PTS a week ago, but they removed it again.. :(
  11. PlatoonLeaderG

    Stiker gets revamp,it becomes a single fracture.
  12. Dead soldier

    what are you talking about? I've only run over friendlies with it?
  13. Scr1nRusher

    I'd love to see these.. :)
    The Inquisitor had a 2x burst on PTS a week ago, but they removed it again.. :(

    I knew I missed something for the patch notes... that x2 burst mode for the Inquisitor.

    anyways its great seeing people like the notes.

    Now SOE really should follow threw..........
  14. Pikachu

    My radical experimental patch notes for weapon changes.
    The text you are about to read may lead to extreme thoughts of imbalance and reduction in the need for skill if they were to be implemented. Viewer discretion is advised.
    Small arms
    ■ Global hipfire nerf is undone.
    ■ LMG hipfire nerf is undone.
    ■ Slug velocity buffed and drop reduced.
    ■ Slug damage falloff reduced to what PAS had at release when they could rival BASR at medium range. Regular
    shotgun falloff reduced proportionally.
    ■ Vanu slug no drop restored. Velocity changed to that of other factions.
    ■ Second generation PAS slug damage increased so STK at range is better than first generation.
    ■ MCG ROF raised to 900 and the cert that increase it removed.
    ■ Lasher damage increased a little.
    ■ Jackhammer has access to slugs.
    ■ All firearms have access to x2 scopes.
    ■ UBSG magazine size incresed to 2. ROF same as first generation PAS.
    ■ COF and ARC of UBGL restored to pre-PU2. Indirect hit gives a small concussion effect.
    ■ BASR has an extended magazine cert as alternative to straight pull bolt.
    ■ AI mana turret damage buffed a little bit.
    ■ BA and semi-auto scout rifles ROF slightly increased and their damage falloff increased.
    ■ Battle rifle damage raised from 250 to 334.
    ■ SMG COF increased.
    ■ Phaseshift kills with 1 charged body shot plus a fast body shot. Charged shots gives a small concussion effect.
    ■ Railjack pierces targets. Deals higher damage to MAxes.
    ■ TRAP recoil reduced.
    ■ Inquisitor gets 2x burst fire.
    ■ Knife deals damage when the knife is at the center of the screen rather than isntanly, as it is for MAX punch.
    Rocket launchers
    ■ All RLs has a 10m arming range within which they don't explode.
    ■ Default RL, G2A ML, G2G ML, annihilator, decimator damage against infantry restored to full as in pre-PU2.
    Velocities restored to pre-PU2.
    ■ All lock-on ML splash damage reduced to 50.
    ■ Dumfire RL damage increased against armor so STK is reduced by 1. Still takes 2 shots to kill a MAX.
    ■ RL deals 2x damage for headshots, 1HK on MAX.
    ■ Annihilator capable of dumbfire again.
    ■ All lock-on trajectories restored to not guessing the future position of the target.
    ■ Phoenix damage raised to reduce STK against MBT by 1. Deals full damage to infantry. Missiles are visible as
    blue dots on the minimap.
    ■ Lancer charged shot kills infantry.
    ■ Striker somehow buffed and capable of dumbfire. Kill infantry with 2 shots.
    ■ AV grenade is magnetic so it moves and attaches itself to vehicles and MAXes within within a small distance.
    Radius nerfed to be small. Deals full damage to infantry.
    ■ EMP grenade distorts the view of vehicles and has longer effect.
    ■ Flash grenade radius and duration increased.
    ■ TR AI mine gets same stats as the other factions's mines.
    Secondary vehicle weapons
    ■ Walker damagae raised from 130 to 150 and deal full damage to infantry.
    ■ Basilisk damage restored to 275.
    ■ Kobalt damage raised to 250 and gets the old laser precision restored.
    ■ Vulcan COF reduced and damage falloff reduced and deals full damage to infantry.
    ■ C85 damage raised to 240, almost restored. Magazine size raised from 10 to 12.
    ■ PPA damage restored to pre-PU2, 2 STK.
    ■ Marauder restored to pre-Pu2.
    ■ Fury almost restored to pre-GU12, damage raised to 500/500, 2 STK. Magazine size nerfed to pre-GU12.
    ■ Ranger somehow buffed practical in DPS. Proximity detonation works on ground targets within 0.5m and deals full
    damage to infantry. Can shoot down lock-on and phoenix missiles. Splash radius is 0.5/1 against ground targets.
    ■ Bulldog somewhat restored to old performance. Radius increased from 1/6 to 2/8. Get's tracers like tank shells.
    ■ Halberd all versions restored to pre-PU2.
    ■ Renegade ROF and magazine size raised by 50%.
    ■ Any MBT splash damage nerf at april balance patch undone.
    ■ All HE cannon nerfs of old undone.
    ■ All He cannons gets 1m proximity detonation against all enemy tergets. Splash damage affects light armor.
    ■ ALL AP and HEAT cannon damage buffed enough to reduce STK against MBT by 1.
    ■ Viper damage increased to be almost as high as pre-12 fury by raising it to 700/500. Damage against heavy armor changed so TTK is that of pre-PU2.
    ■ Skyguard proximity detonation works on ground targets within 0.5m and deals full damage to infantry. Can shoot down lock-on and phoenix missiles. Splash radius is 0.5/1 against ground targets.
    ■ ESF nose guns damage against restored to pre-PU2 except for A2A nosegun damage to heavy armor.
    ■ Airhammer magazine increased by 50%. Inner splash radius increased to that of banshee.
    ■ Light PPA velocity much buffed. Damage somehow buffed, possibly not against aircraft.
    ■ Hornet direct damage and velocity buffed.
    ■ Rocket pods now have actual parallel trajectories. Maybe a small buff to direct damage.
    ■ Vektor buffed to what it was when liberator update was first released on PTS. Possibly even more buff to ROF.
    ■ Tankbuster damage restored from 334 to 500.
    ■ Shredder damage falloff reduced from 40% to 20%. Damage falloff range changed from 75/175 to 100/200.
    ■ Zepher direct damage buffed to what it was when liberator update was first released on PTS (1200 to 1800).
    Velocity buffed from 200 to 250.
    ■ Duster somehow buffed.
    ■ Spur somehow buffed.
    ■ Mercy nerf undone.
    ■ ZOE somehow buffed.
    ■ Aegis is scaled up horizontally to cover wider area.
    ■ Lockdown increases ROF of AI weapons by 50% instead of ~20%.
    ■ NC MAX AI weapons' ROF and magazine size restored to pre-GU7. Damage against MAXes nerfed so current TTK remains the same.
    ■ Comet deals full damage against infantry again or at most so it's 2Hk. Indirect damage restored to pre-GU8 (80
    to 110). Velocity restored to constant 90. Possibly full damage again to MAXes.
    ■ Pounder deals full damage to infantry again (3 STK). Possibly full damage against to MAXes. Smoke trails
    reduced to that of fracture.
    ■ Falcon deals full damage to infantry again and indirect damage restored to pre-GU8 (250), 1HK. Initial velocity
    changed to 100. Projectiles changed back from rockets to shells. Smoke trails reduced to that of fracture. Damage against MAXes restored to pre-GU8, 3HK. Reload time increased from 1.9 back to old 2.5. Direct damage increasedto keep TTK the same against vehicles.
    ■ Fracture restored to pre-PU2.
    ■ Vortex infantry damage raised a bit. Double charged shot kills infantry.
    ■ Raven damage against infantry restored to pre-PU2. Kills infantry with 2 hits.
    ■ MAX punch when using falcon deals double damage, kills infantry with 1 hit.

    Forumside post formating is bugged.
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  15. Scr1nRusher

    ^ holy crap man lol.
  16. Ribero

    The most I've seen Pikachu write in a long time :eek:
  17. Pikachu

  18. Pikachu

    Its a fun thread and its good sh** to do while waiting for you brain toto release sleeo hormones. Surprising to see my post liked. I was expectting hate and accusations of being crazy. ;)
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  19. Ribero

    I just end up liking all your posts, because your Sig is pretty :p

    And because Cobalt.
  20. GhostAvatar

    Inner splash radius and damage are already the same if I am not mistaken.