T7 Mini-Chaingun - It got overbuffed, sorry.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JibbaJabba, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Zenanii

  2. iXaNx

    I like how you mentioned it can do a little bit of everything, by that you mean scaring people off with the sounds or trying to go head to head with a jackhammer and eat dirt? suppression? players know you cant hit things beyond a certain range and you need to maintain LOS, Jackhammer however , go around the corner and SURPRISE!
  3. OldMaster80

    I have the mcg and i've been killed in 1vs1 by an nc with a carbine. The damage ramp up works as intended. It's a nice weapon but it's still very situational ( as it should).
  4. KnightCole

    Yeah, its kinda crazy lately. The shooting waaaayyyy first and still losing...

    The guys taking obscene amounts of hits and not dying.

    its sunday, i know, so lotsa little kid cheaters are on...but still...dayum.
  5. CactusLynx

    Everybody and their mom has the T7 now because people actually want to use it because its not a piece of trash.
  6. iller

    Sounds like the same situation when the Phoenix first came out....
    But at the end of the day, it's no SVA88/Orion or ZOE.
    No one lives long in this game when they move the slightest bit slower than normal
  7. Hiding in VR

    Well I got mine a while ago, free off the back of a cornflakes packet. Or possibly with an Underboss, its hard to remember ;)
  8. SharpeShooter

    If that person had a jackhammer you would have gone down just as fast!

    So what you're saying is the Chain gun AND the jackhammer need a nerf?
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  9. Xervous

    Just need to buff the lasher and everything will be flowers and rainbows <3
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  10. EvilKoala

    The new sounds are really satisfying, especially the suppressed Lynx.
  11. LibertyRevolution

    I had no issue gunning down these MGC users on Connery with my stock Orion yesterday...
    If you are losing a 1v1 to a MCG, then they are headshotting you and you are not headshotting them back.
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  12. QuakerOatsMan

    [Lag] happens to me and pretty much everyone all the time. I dump at least 5-7 rounds into some guy and I still die almost instantly as soon as the guy starts shooting back, with the death screen showing him at nearly full health. Can you consistently reproduce that same scenario if you're the one using the MCG?

    Personally, I use it because it's mechanically and visually different/feels more fun to use than traditional LMGs. In mid-long range fights though, a regular LMG would definitely be better/far more efficient.
  13. doombro

    As it should be.
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  14. Bennybones

    I've been playing around with it quite a bit the last few days and it's pretty awesome. I'm not saying it's OP, but I'm also not saying it isn't. I'm simply saying that as of right now it's a very good gun. The lack of bloom, the lack of recoil, the high RoF, all means you can kill people at 10-40m with complete impunity. The above mentioned features mean that you can consistently headshot people within this distance, in a sense it's even easier than with other weapons as it requires no compensation and no consideration of anything. Of course the consistent bloom means you'll also miss quite a few shots, but the high RoF means your TTK is probably the same, if not better, than many LMGs at this distance.

    A lot of people use the "large" cone of fire as an argument that the MCG is fine. It's a terrible argument. The consistent CoF and the fact that it's only slightly larger than the Jackhammer's is a huge huge boon and it vastly outdoes any downsides. Combine that with the non-existant recoil and it's the easiest gun to use, which makes it deadly. It's way easier to use the MCG effectively than a shotgun. I'm not saying shotguns are difficult to use, I'm saying the MCG is so darn easy to use literally anyone will be effective with it. Even the Jackhammer has a higher threshold to overcome if you want to use it effectively.

    Right now the MCG is very good. It's less versatile than a regular LMG, but it's capable of pretty awesome stuff in the situations you'll find yourself in around 80-90% of your time in PS2, so the 0-40m range. The MCG is a bit of a crutch for low-average players. Don't be surprised if you find yourself with a higher degree of headshots with the MCG than any LMG. Which is why I can empathise with people who say it's OP. It has happened multiple times now that I find myself being absolutely destroyed (or destroying) from 30m or even more by some fellow with an MCG, landing multiple headshots, more than if they had had an LMG. And the reason for this isn't pinpoint accuracy, it's simply ease of use combined with a high RoF and lack of bloom. It's impossible not to hit the head if you just keep the reticule at the upper part of the chest. With a 600 or 652 LMG, or even the 750 ones, it's more difficult to do the same thing. Don't even think of doing it with the Jackhammer at 30m and expecting much of an effect (which isn't a bad thing, it's a shotgun! But people keep comparing with it). And I'm not saying this is OP, I'm just saying I can understand why people are left feeling dazed and confused.
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  15. JibbaJabba

    I doubt I would have died at all if they had been using a jackhammer. I was at pretty optimal range for an EM-6. This is at the longer end of the range for the MCG and far out of the optimal range for a jackhammer.

    Nope. Nice strawman argument. A bit blatant and hyperbolic though. I didn't use the word nerf at all.
  16. JibbaJabba

    Sorry, don't buy that one. There is nothing wrong with NC weapons and overall the LMGs across factions are really well balanced. There was some pretty horrific imbalance during initial release with The Carv vs the Gauss. That was really due to the flinch mechanics of the game at that time ensuring that if the Carv shot first the Gauss would never land a bullet.

    Spend some time playing the other factions. The Orion is awesome with that bullet drop but being on the receiving end of NC weapons f'n hurts! They hit pretty hard.
  17. Vixxing

    Also got the short end of the stick with sniperrifles especially after straightbolt.. .only gimmick with Phaseshift was you could pull off two headshots in one scope--- (on AFK targets) now all BASR can pull of 5...
  18. JibbaJabba

    I'm gonna go with this.

    Barring some recently introduced bug yet to be discovered this is the most logical explanation.

    I am still a bit suspicious though. The memory of the encounter has faded but I'm not entirely positive I ever really stopped firing nor if he completely disappeared behind cover. It was 3 crates..one at waist height, then two more next to it stacked. Not 100% sure he really made it behind the double crates.

    Explanations dismissed:
    MCG is completely OP
    Lost the headshot battle. I had ample time to aim and maintain because I caught him off guard - both of us very slow targets due to shields. I'm sure his face was well ventilated when I died.
    He popped a medkit... I was at full health + shield. This would only put him at full health, no shield.
  19. Phos!

    Is the OP sure it was the same guy? There are a lot of HAs running around with the mini chaingun nowadays.

    And the thing is that if you're in a range where you can get headshots, the MCG's low headshot multiplier means an LMG would have had more DPS.
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  20. JibbaJabba

    Yep, positive it was the same guy. He *barely* broke line of sight.

    Didn't realize the MCG had a low headshot multiplier. But yea... I'm still pretty baffled as to how I lost. Completely had the drop on the guy and even though I can derp as well as anyone from time to time, my execution during this one was flawless.

    If such a thing happened a lot it would be frustrating.