Why double xp only for sub-player

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ENGTX, Apr 18, 2014.

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  1. Tobax

    What prices would those be exactly? don't recall having to pay $60 for the game. If you mean the $15 a month that's a little different as you get $5 back each month to spend in-game (so it's really $10) and in 2 days from now with the changes coming the monthly fee remains the same but you get access to SOE's entire library of games and rewards in like 5-6 of SOE's games. You get a lot more for your money here than any other MMO-game-making-company offers.
  2. eldarfalcongravtank

    i dont really care for double-xp but you still have a fair point

    right now, SOE only differentiates between members and non-members. that is wrong though. i am a non-member but, by purchasing SC, i've probably invested more money in this game than most members out there. however, i am still treated like a f2p player because they don't consider me in their two-class society (member vs non-member)

    again, i don't really care about double-xp. but they could at least allow us (who have invested lots of money in purchasing SC) to partake in some other deals, like SC discounts or weekly/monthly special item discounts
  3. VanuSShooter

    There are daily sales although it is only 50% ... be nice to have like a 1 cert item sale each month or so for none members who purchase, or has Station Cash ;)
  4. Tobax

    It would be silly of them to do 1SC sales too often as it's just giving stuff away for free that they depend on selling to pay for the game, they had all helmets on 50% sale only a few weeks ago including the player studio ones which is mad as they then earn nothing off them with that discount.
  5. WorldOfForms

    Buying SC and paying a membership are not the same thing.

    You buy SC, you know what you are purchasing. The ability to get in-game items. That is the transaction. If you as a customer aren't OK with that transaction, don't buy SC.

    If you purchase a membership, you are not buying SC. You are buying perks. That is the transaction.

    People who only buy SC and not membership are not the same customers. I don't mean they are lesser customers, I just mean, you didn't buy double XP weekends. Why would you think you should get those for free? Nobody is getting those for free. A 15$ subscription is essentially paying for double XP weekends, along with the other benefits.
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  6. Prudentia

    I think many People here don't understand that no 2x XP Weekends hurt Player Retention and generel Player Count.
    If this Weekend would have been a Double Xp Weekend for all Players, many would have looked at their pc, thought that it's a Holiday, got some Chips and Drinks and do a gaming Marathon. then they would have made a lot of certs, unlocked a bunch of stuff and got in the "just one more cert" mood. Player cought, he'll be motivated for atleast a week till he has maxed out the certline he was working on.
    Without Double XP, they sit infront of their PC, talk with their friends and hear that another game they Play has Double XP Weekend and they will Play that, not playing Planetside 2 for some time.

    Congratulations, you managed to lose Players to another game.
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  7. BITES

    Well that would be because you are a f2p player, one of purchases do not a committed player make, which is why the benefits for membership scale ... I can guarantee your spend is nothing compared to mine.

    You get all the above by committing to a membership plan .... and "SC" you can use to buy those one off purchases...

    They are rewarding the people who believe (by showing with memberships and whatever else) with XP benefits. ... people complain "There is not enough benefit" ... now you/others complain there is too much? .. Hilarious.

    Complaining about free things and how people who pay get more than them ... awesome generation.
  8. vanu123

    They are a business, that is their reason. As a fellow f2p player I am fine with them doing this. It gives them (members) a direct benefit w/o hurting any of the f2p players and avoids a "pay to win" aspect.
  9. Zorlox

    doesn't reward the people that pay, it rewards the people that sub. those that dump $1000 into the game the first couple months aren't rewarded via double xp. and, i should add, those are the ones that spend the most on the game.

    that said, i don't see a problem with them doing it this way, /shrug. they need a reason for people to sub, just not something that'll get me to sub.

    on a side note, subs already had a bigger bonus from double xp than other players.
  10. BITES

    Unsubstantiated BS Detected.....

    If anyone wants to support the game, you subscribe. Simple.
  11. VanuSShooter

    Some people prefer to support the game by purchasing Station Cash. The main reason of this is because they prefer to have the 'POWER' of buying anything they want in weapons, cosmetics and etcetera in game.
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  12. VanuSShooter

    Also, I'm sure some people also buy Station Cash each month, and I'm sure most of those people buy at least $10 worth of Station Cash because who buys the $5 SC?
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  13. Prudentia

    i bought Stationcash for 100€ ~160$ that would be 10months of Membership
    that never gave me any benefit
    well actually it did, i got the Loyal Soldier pack, the month of free subscruption for people who already bought something with stationcash and the 6 months of Planetside 1 that came from being subacribed. i just didn't pay a dime when that happened, the first stationcash i ever bought was in november '13.
    i bought stationcash after i got the benefits, because i wanted to support the game. but me actually paying anything didn't give me any benefit.
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  14. BITES

    And those choices have obvious .. and well published benefits and costs.

    They chose, and in turn opted out of the benefits.... deal with it.
  15. VanuSShooter

    So what? Buying Station Cash, even monthly does not support the game? You serious? Premium Membership isn't the only thing that is supporting the game in terms of money...
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  16. Kerempooh

    Precisely, from the developer's point of view, double xp weekends are not about "rewarding subscribers" - they are about concentrating and increasing the population and thus the raising the quality of gameplay. This is a much more important motivation for player retention (including the paying ones) than a few days of double xp.

    By making double weekends members-only they basically shoot this down, making those events largely pointless. Considering how enormously this game's quality of experience depends on the number of players (the majority of which are non subscribing ones) I'm sure someone could make a convincing case for actually PAYING a certain number of players per server to play the game and so provide content to subscribers and whales.

    I don't know what's going on in PS2 business direction department in the past few months, but whoever is in charge right now has no idea how this market or its customers operate. This is not a seller's market anymore, not by far.
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  17. VanuSShooter

    I don't know what else to say about this ...
  18. BITES

    No it isn't ..and as everyone with sense has replied .. it is the only way that gets you double XP and all the other benefits that comes with it ... seriously have you suffered a head injury recently?
  19. Ronin Oni

    Actually, they started doing the 1SC and 99SC sales because SOE stopped doing the SC mega sales.

    SC costs so much money... games then have their own sales, and mega sales, in game.
  20. Appalachian

    How ridiculous. I think PS2 has one of the whiny-est communities I've ever seen. You people really can't figure out why they made it subscriber only? You whine about spending hundreds of dollars on station cash but don't get the same benefits as subscribers? Why would you spend that much on a game but not also spend the pittance of $15 a month for a subscription as well? Thats like the cost of one cheap dinner. Its even cheaper if you buy more than one month at a time. At its cheapest of 9.99 it is the price per month of 2 packs of cigarettes, or 1 and a half mcdonalds value meals, or enough gas to drive roughly 50 miles, or even one ticket for one person to see a movie. I bet every one of you go see movies at the theater on occasion. Thats ten bucks for a couple of hours of entertainment. How many hours do you get from PS2? Much more I guarantee.
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