I hate Proximity & Scout Radars

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    Theres no counters.

    Proximity Radar doesn't help anyone but the people in the vehicles.

    Scout Radar Negates any stealth or movement Advantage anyone has, and Negates the role if the Sensor dart/Device entirely.

    They take no thinking, nor no skill.

    They are Bad gameplay mechanics.
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  2. DJPenguin

    Implants, soon.
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  3. Bujias

    Actually there is a way for the sensor dart and scout radar crouch and dont move until its gone, i dont know if it works for the deployable thing tough.

    Btw there are many things that take not skill at all in the game, as a pilot coyotes and a2a lock ons always come to my mind, get use to it, they wont nerf it for us i don't think they'll change recon either, i wish they did with both, but they wont.
  4. RisKey

    I'm all for implants that hide your presence but then those people shouldn't be able to carry C4 or armors have no chance.

    What's skilled about jet packing over tanks dropping c4's?

    Proxy gives me a chance in armor to avoid c4 and mines. Proxy radar takes up a slot putting you at a disadvantage.
  5. Pikachu

    Hardly anybody uses scout radar anyway so it cant be much problem for you. Im the only one around using it 95% of the time. Me and my radar flash. No nerf!
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  6. Flashtirade

    ITT: a mad LA didn't get to C4 that one tank/sunderer

    If you're upset that someone certed into your soft counter at the cost of not having better armor, auto-repair, or stealth, then suck it up. You were at a disadvantage from the start, the correct response is to learn from your failure, not demand that your opponent be penalized for being better prepared.
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  7. Scr1nRusher

    I don't play LA a lot (Primarily a Infiltrator/HA). and I don't even have C4.

    Its such a bad gameplay mechanic that also negates any stealth play.
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  8. Lucidius134

    can't wait for thermal dampening so I don't get seen by being within farting distance of a lib
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  9. quatin

    Running prox radar comes at the cost of NAR and armor. It's a huge trade off.
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  10. Flashtirade

    You keep on saying that it's a bad mechanic because it stifles stealth play, but why is that inherently a bad thing? One player limiting the possible actions of his opponent is a key component for dynamic gameplay. It's not like stealth is the only way to take down a vehicle.
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  11. EliteEskimo

    You can talk about taking away Proximity Radar when Light Assaults not longer can carry enough C4 to easily solo a Main Battle Tank...
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  12. IamnotAmazing

    that or if there's one that mitigates concs/ flashbangs, ohhhhhh I can taste it :p
  13. Get2dachoppa

    One of the issues with Proximity and Scout radar is not even knowing that you are being detected by it. At least with recon darts & motion sensors, you are given indications on the mini-map they are in use. With vehicle radar, this isn't the case. Its not quite as big a problem with proximity since it has a shorter range and only works for those people in the vehicle but it does become a problem with scout radar. One stealth Flash parked somewhere and you'll never know you were detected on radar. Same with an ESF buzzing around overhead. At the LEAST, scout radar should give some sort of warning or indication to the people it detects that they are being tracked by radar.
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  14. LibertyRevolution

    There are a lot of cheese items in this game.. radar is so low on my list of complaints it doesn't even register..

    OHK sniper riffles.
    Cloakers with SMGs.
    Galaxy thermal bulldogs.
    AI mines.
    HA shields.

    All have to get nerfed into uselessness before I care about radar...

    Radar is fine
    Thats the only way a vanguard can even think about AI work

    proxy radar shows where to kill the infantry so infantry does not kill your vehicles

    infantry should be a at disadvantage against vehicles
    Proxy radar is barely even used so it is not even a problem.
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  16. MarkAntony

    1st Learn to move
    2nd cloaking and uncloaking can be heard for miles and they can easily be seen while cloaked.
    3rd ROFLOL if you are getting farmed by that you need to get some AA
    4th watch where you are going. they already put lights on them for people like you.
    5th Rocketpods are already nerfed to hell. Killing a lolpod ESF is as simple as getting some AA or dumbfiring it.

    Can actually agree on the HA somewhat. Charge up time will end that though.

    On topic. Proximity radar is fine. Scout radar is the problem. You should never be visible to any sensor while crouched and not moving. Or crouched and moving for that matter.
  17. Ravenorth

    Proximity radar is actually a good example how to make a balanced radar, it gives vehicles a counter against sneaky infantry, but dont take away their possibility to remain undetected by vehicles if they are clever, so it gives a counter play mechanism for both sides. Unlike scout radar... there is no counter play against it, which is just a really bad design.

    On a flash its not so big problem, because it exposes the driver, its also loud and the most weak vehicle in the game and doesnt need any specific weapons to deal with. Scout radar ESFs are a different story, giving a 200m radar that can detect everything on the most fastest and deadliest hit and run vehicle on game can just never be balanced.

    Either ESF scout radar needs to be swapped with proximity radar with the same range or scout radar needs to changed work like proximity radar; being able to detect only moving players.
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  18. IamDH

  19. Marked4Death

    Crouch walking will work for darts and the motion spotter, but nothing at all counters scout radar. You can be crouched, cloaked, holding your breath and under 6 layers of concrete, it will still spot you within 200m on ESF's. DJPenguin is right, the only counter will (probably) be implants.
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  20. OldMaster80

    It doesn't need to be nerfed: it needs to follow the same rules of the other detection devices. The fact those radards can spot you even if you're not moving is just crap. I like the fact they're meant to prevent C4ers to easily destroy vehicles, but at the moment scout radars are the ultimate Infiltrators killer: clue you're being spotted, no place where to hide, no way to escape. Put a scout radard on a liberator and you're going to farm like hell.
    From the Infiltrator's point of view this is just ridicolous: you only carry a pistol, move slowly crouched being patient to not cross a sensor dart area, you remain stationary behind a crate for 5 minutes waiting for enemy to pass by then suddenly BOOOM a liberator from 300mts away bombed you because you were freaking visible.
    This must be changed somehow.
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