SOE, Thank you for 64 bit!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codex561, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Codex561

    I think I am one of the few players that truly appreciates it! At the price of crashing everytime I change continents, I get good FPS (above 20). This got me sold!

    Now I may actually put some money into this game.

    Dont like? Use 32bit! problem solved! Everybody is happy!!
    • Up x 3
  2. Badname707

    Yeah, my FPS was generally staying above 50. I was even able to turn some of my settings up
  3. NCDaniel

    I continent crash. :\
  4. Codex561

    Yeah everybody does.
  5. Maljas23

    My Launchpad still runs the 32 bit one. How do you switch it to 64?
    • Up x 1
  6. Codex561

    You need to force it.
    Go to the directory with PS2
    Rename Planetside2.exe to Planetside2original.exe
    Rename Planetside2_x64.exe to Planetside2.exe
  7. daniel696

    It improved my fps in 0%! That's great!
  8. KnightCole

    I had over 100FPS sitting in a Tower spawn room lol.

    The Constant crashing is beyond annoying, thats no doubt.
  9. NC_agent00kevin

    Reporting a 0% increase in FPS with the 64 bit client - but a 100% increase in crashes and hard freezes!
  10. Maljas23

    This is not working for me at all. It redownloads the 32 bit version everytime.
  11. ExquisitExamplE

    Same. How does one run the 64 bit version?
  12. Phyr

    Open the launcher first, then rename the files.
  13. Codex561

    Are you sure your system is 64bit?
  14. Tito

    its work if you crash try again 64 client its better for mee fast load spawn
  15. kadney

    Some people said that the only difference between x86 and x64 was the RAM usage. But how should your FPS benefit from this?
  16. Codex561

    More ram = more FPS.
  17. TeknoBug

    Between the 32bit and 64bit I see no difference in FPS performance, then again I'm playing on an i7, I haven't fired up PS2 on the AMD system yet though. I also get the crashes usually at the character select screen or sometimes spawning from an AMS, I jump continents when I log in and haven't crashed but I haven't jumped continents after fighting yet.
  18. Tobax

    That is not necessarily true, if your running the game GPU bound for example your probably not going to see any advantage and the real benefit of the 64bit is meant to be a more stable game with less crashes but instead it induces a 100% crash rate so your better off on 32bit until they get it working. Also the renaming of launcher.exe files ONLY works after you open the launcher, if you do it before you open it then the launcher will fix your renaming.
  19. Codex561

    Really? I must check that.
  20. kadney

    Do you have any proof for this? Benchmarks?