Way above recommended system specs, horrible framerate.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by EmeraldShadow, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. LordMondando

    Sounds to me like there is something software based going on significantly chewing through performance. Don't see how single v. dual channel could be doing this.

    Only thing left at this stage. fx8350 and 660ti combo can handle the game nicely (and lol at the person playing 'i are high level electrical engineer amd + 660 are the badz') I know this because that's my set up.

    so either you have two highly defective chips which this is only showing up in one game, or there is another factor(s) effecting overall throughput of the system.
  2. BlockLike

    I had a very similar setup to the OP
    8350 @ 4.4ghz
    GTX 660
    2 x 4gb 1600mhz RAM
    Mobo Gigabyte 970A-DS3

    I would get terrible frame rates in large battles

    My performance increased massively after a few upgrades and pushing the OC further (large battles never get lower than 50fps and moderate battles anywhere from 80-100fps)
    8350 @ 4.8ghz
    2 x GTX 660 sli
    same RAM
    Mobo Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0
  3. aceoyame

    The problem is definitely a lack of dual channel. He basically has 8 GB of RAM @ DDR2 800 MHZ with real ****** timings
  4. Nikushimi

    I never said it was the cause of the problem, just a potential bottleneck.
  5. aceoyame

    His CPU isn't the bottleneck. I had a Core 2 Quad @ 4 GHZ get better FPS
  6. Gammit

    Did this help? Previous to this, you had less than 5% free space on your HD, which can hurt overall performance in certain situations. I would shoot for at least 10% free space; enough to make the graphic blue and not red under "Computer" within Windows.
  7. EmeraldShadow

    Really? because my CPU while not in game is at a healthy 1% usage... (sometimes spikes to like 5%)

    And my ram has at least 3gb of free space even while playing...
  8. EmeraldShadow

    I compressed them, I didn't have enough stuff on skydrive, and no it didn't really help at all.
  9. EmeraldShadow

    Both of you are ignorant, it's not my ram's capacity, it is the ram's speed that's the problem, it's only in single channel unlike yours, so for some reason it seems to perform terrible in planetside2.
  10. aceoyame

    100% correct. The reason it is so bad in PS2 is because it is constantly pulling **** from RAM. Most anything CPU intense is also RAM intense.
  11. Gammit

    Did it ever get below the 10% threshold? You did not mention that.
  12. cruczi

    I think the RAM dual channel upgrade won't have more than 1-2 fps effect, probably none. Your problem lies elsewhere. See here:


    http://www.gamersnexus.net/guides/1349-ram-how-dual-channel-works-vs-single-channel?showall=1 (comparing 2x4GB in matched vs mismatched DIMM slots).


    You can also draw fairly reliable conclusions on any CPU intensive game if you just look at benches of any CPU intensive software. The gamersnexus.net review shows charts for all sorts of CPU/RAM intensive tasks like Adobe Premiere live preview.

    If you do see a big enough improvement that explains why you were having bad framerates, then it's entirely possible the single 8GB DIMM is faulty.
  13. Ultramarine

    What is your ram's speed, and why are my ram sticks from 2009 sufficient over yours? I don't even think these things have a brand label on them...
  14. EmeraldShadow

    That game is not as ram intensive as planetside2.
  15. EmeraldShadow


    Also off topic, what's funny is i was looking at ram on Ebay a while back and someone made the name of their listing "G.Skills ripjaws 4gb, it's like 8gb at this speed!" Isn't that hilariously ignorant? xD

    But yeah I am going to buy my ram off of Newegg. (Soon)
    • Up x 1
  16. EmeraldShadow

    My hard drive isn't fragmented btw, and I only compressed like 10% of my videos, going to compress the rest tonight.
    • Up x 1
  17. cruczi

    So all you took from my post was the pretty graph? If you actually clicked the links and read the rest of my post, you presumably also believe Planetside 2 to be more RAM intensive than Premiere live preview encoding. I'm truly interested to see what effect your RAM upgrade will actually have, I'm just saying that all the evidence so far brought forth points to an impact so small it's almost hard to measure.
  18. LordMondando

    Unforunatley that doesn't really rule much out. If its something like a firewall that heavily monitors network traffic, it won't be high when there is no network traffic.

    If you can try running Windows task manger in the background whilst you play, alt tab out when you can and have a look at processes, spesifically anything using >300-400 mb of ram.

    Who, hang on, your at 5gig of ram usage>

    That's actually quite a lot, even when I have chrome in the background (which is notiously heavy) I don't go that high. I'm running the game + chrome atm infact 4.72. Going much higher than that will cause windows to flip out and start using virtual memory (performance killer 9000) as doesn't like going anywhere near the max avalible physical ram.

    In fact only 2gig of that is easily explainable by ps2. 3 at a push, whatever is using 2-3gig (or things) is likely demanding quite a lot of CPU time.

    That's actually an indication that something may be up. Remember we have very similar systems.
  19. Ultramarine

    That's interesting.
  20. Clockwerk

    Looks like you're so sure about fixing your own issue.

    I guess mod can go ahead and close this thread as there are at least 3-4 threads created by the same guy about the same topic clogging the forum.