What music do you play to?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dieter Perras, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Traxiconn

    Yep. I'm on the same faction and server and I heard what you're talking about.

    PROTIP: IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE VIOCE IN ANY GAME, playing music through anything BESIDES you head phones is a NO.
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  2. Huxer

    No offense to you of course but, I'm sorry you can't differentiate MAX footsteps with music playing...I can. I would like to make a caveat to what I was saying. I do not play music while in a serious squad during ops times. At least not as afar as I'm willing to admit.
  3. WyrdHarper

    It's whatever works for you. I personally find it pretty distracting, especially when combined with TS chatter--depending on what you're doing you can very easily be talking on ~5 voice channels at once, which is a pretty hefty amount of stuff to process.
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  4. WyrdHarper

    See above--I have trouble doing it while also holding lots of conversations (usually platoon, squad, our TS command, leader, prox, and there's others that get used (especially whisperlists), and pretty much everything people are saying in these channels is mission-critical, so I have to be focused on that, in addition to whatever else is going on.
  5. Alarox

    If you're playing music then you're not hearing the subtle noises which make a difference. Ever hear a Sunderer driving from 300m away? Or distinguish a Prowler from a base turret from 500m away? Or the noise of a Liberator engine when it is coming to tankbust from 300m above you? They're all things that you can barely hear over the noises of the game that I only hear because I wear a great headset and have the in-game audio effects up high. If I were to listen to music, I would never hear them.
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  6. Huxer

    I get that, I understand it has a marginal advantage. I can still hear infiltrators and can tell the differnce between factions, I can still hear jumpjets or max or even infantry footsteps and know if they are outside or inside the building.No, I cannot hear a prowler at 500m and I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not willing to trade that in my normal gameplay, I like music more than I like winning.

    You must have much deeper ties to the other players on your server to have 5 different conversations running at the same time. I guess I am much less of a social creature and I'd rather be satiated by music than listen to other humans dribble on about what's important to them while I'm playing.
  7. Alarox

    1.) The advantages are not marginal in the context of what I was saying.
    2.) Of course you can choose to play music, I'm not saying you can't. If you enjoy the game more with music then do it.
    3.) If you're playing music then you'll never know that you missed an audio cue that could have helped you.
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  8. LibertyRevolution

    You can't have music on if you want to have situational awareness.
    I can't tell you how many people I killed who obviously can't hear me running right behind them on metal floor..

    Keep playing music, my knife thanks you.
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  9. Dieter Perras

    *sigh* I'm going to have to post this a lot on this thread aren't I? But I guess that's the nature of forumside everyone's so ready to jump on the "you suck" bandwagon.

    Some of my best killstreaks (20<) have been while rocking out to a great beat.
  10. Huxer

    Well, to be fair, if you are running right behind them they're already dead you jsut haven't pulled the trigger yet but okay, like I said, I can hear footsteps and listen to music at the same time. Now I understand with the TIW guys you are taking it very seriously and everything must be sorta hyped up and serious. I think it's fair to enlighten you to the fact that I am Hypnokitty from vanu on your server and I'm just not taking it that seriously.
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  11. WyrdHarper

    I'm a leader in my outfit, so yeah, I do have to talk a lot, and it's not idle conversation (well, usually). I'm generally giving out orders to my squad or platoon, helping to make tactical and strategic decisions based on the overall map, using leader chat (varies from day to day of course) to talk to other squad/platoon leaders (in addition to tells and such), and using prox to call things out. If I'm flying in our air group, then there's generally a pretty continuous stream of positional and target callouts, as well, and if I'm on the ground then there's a whole lot of other callouts (eg sunderer/beacon positions, location of enemies, need medic/engineer/max/heavy/w/e here, target eliminated, etc. independent of all the squad leading stuff). So I agree, the degree of socialness with which you play generally does have an impact, as well.
  12. Alarox

    Is that what it seems like? We're just playing the game and having fun. Coincidentally, being able to hear subtle cues makes me more effective and makes playing the game more fun.

    Like I said, if it lets you enjoy the game more then listen to music.
  13. s0jooman

    Epic songs for each fraction: (need youtube annotations on)
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  14. Dieter Perras

    Wow thanks :D
  15. St0mpy

    I used to play music in every game, especially when flying and it was a nice accompaniment but in PS2 i just cant, ive tried it and keep trying it, even with mellow soundtack/ambichill it ends up having to go so low that as soon as there is any action i cant hear it till it stops and then the music emerges again.
  16. JorgeSarcos

    I Love you, You love me - Barney and Friends
  17. Aesir

    Most of the time, nothing. But when I'm farming I play Vocarock ...

  18. Trudriban

    My Light Assault theme song right here
  19. Lucidius134

    Nothing most of the time. Used to have a playlist for dogfighting but i gave up on that.

    I get a lot of free XP by killing people who do listen to music though.

    snes soundchip too stronk
  20. Morro

    Couple I enjoy playing in the background.