What music do you play to?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dieter Perras, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. SinerAthin

  2. Regpuppy

    I actually listen to footsteps, cloak sounds, ESF sounds, and people on Teamspeak. So... none, I guess? I find it too distracting.
    • Up x 1
  3. NinjaTurtle

    I play a lot worse when I listen to music. There are too many auido cues that offer warnings or clues as to enemy locations that are hidden when listening to music.

    When I do though it would be something like Audio Machine <---- This is so epic when playing. You could be the worst player but feel like the best

    Aside from that I would listen to some metal, something like this for example

  4. Cinnamon

    I only listen to the wu-tang clan when playing.
  5. Pikachu

    Fabulous secret spandex was revealed to me the day I held aloft my awesome orion and said: By the power of Vanu! *magic explosions and flashes* I have the spandex! VA-NU!
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  6. Morro

  7. Regpuppy

    You're inferring the wrong thing from my post or you don't get the meaning of that phrase then. Because I'm not boasting about it. :p
  8. Syrathin

    For a long time I played games with the game music turned off and sound effects turned up but I've kind of stepped away from that in most games, Planetside 2 included. The reason being the prevalence of explosions, More often than not I've found that audible cues are drowned out by the near constant use of things that go boom and after a while the sound of all the explosions wears on nerves a bit. There are games I still do this with but this isn't one of them.

    As to the music I listen to while gaming....
    Usually anything that isn't too distracting or loud and obnoxious. I listen to quite a bit of different stuff but most of the time it's oldies more specifically Motown or Chillstep and DnB or whatever genre/sub genre you consider it.
    (Anytime you mention anything step or drum and bass there's at least one guy who gets overly snarky about the history of electronica and what songs belong to which genre. But before you get to that point I'd like to say I've heard it before and I just don't care...Find a corner, Hole or some other quiet place and die...just die.) :rolleyes:

    Sound Remedy
    Coyote Kisses

    The Marvelettes
    The Temptations
    Smokey Robinson
    Stevie Wonder
    The Ronettes
    The Crystals
    Pretty much every "The somethings" of that era. :D

  9. andy_m
