Totally pissed off!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Juho, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. Wecomeinpeace

    Didn't get teamkilled once in the WG (VS Miller). Tbh i thought they had turned it off again.

    I got to admit i barely ever hang around in the WG though, it's the goldshire of Ps2.
  2. sustainedfire

  3. The Rogue Wolf

    Lies. I've been in all the warpgates and I've yet to see a naked Night Elf dancing.

    Those female Vanu Infiltrators aren't too far off, mind you, but still.
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  4. Jalek

    This is new? When the login deploying changed from WG to other places, I got killed immediately a few times by people just hanging around empty outpost spawn rooms with apparently nothing else to do. Maybe they were waiting on a zerg or something, I never asked.
  5. KnightCole

    Yes, If im in the WG, I spawn and instantly hit U and run anywhere but right in that first room...
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    As a matter of fact it was NC. NC woodman FU & FTW !!
  7. uhlan

    Lol, what do you expect in a F2P game on the internet.
  8. equinub

    With WG changes tk'ing hasn't been to bad.

    Only been stabbed once afk. Shot once.

    Less than Tk's in spawn rooms.
  9. Radioactive Bomba

    Not too bad neither, i was running around with my beamer once on Miller, fired a shot at someone as i just went aorund, i was TK'ed, when i spawned and TK him, and then he tried four times to TK me again he failed and leaved lol.

    But else i don't see too much tking or anything, i wouldn't personally mind if friendly fire in WG was turned off indefinitely. If someone TK's me im Tking them simple, bad sportsmanship baaah.
  10. SacredRay

    I don't see what the complaining is about. Just redeploy or something. In fact I think the tk'ing on the WG is pretty funny.

    The other day I was on my NC alt on Cobalt and I just randomly shot a guy as I spawned into the warpgate. He must've been pretty pissed off because he turned around and just killed me and ran away towards the landing pads. So I spawned in again, ran after him and gunned him down.

    He then spawned in and got his revenge by killing me whilst I was perusing my vehicles at the terminal. He then faced the spawn entrance knowing that I would be coming to kill him back. I was in a good mood, so I changed to light assault, flew from outside and killed him again.

    Another guy watching this unfold decided that I was the aggressor and started shooting me. I killed him too.

    From the distance, they both spawned in together coming straight for me. Knowing I was in deep **** now, I spawned a Reaver and booked it. lolz were had.
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  11. Kerunian

    Only teamkilling I've been seeing in WG is that done by my outfit to each other (and that time an officer accidentally rammed his galaxy into a BMC liberator line up). Outfit leader pointed out the other night how quiet it's been and we all just thought "oh yeah, it's not the apocalypse we predicted."

    It's only temporary anyway so bare with it. I'd rather a bit of teamkilling you can escape from (by moveing up the lattice with respawns or just have a relaxing drive) than rampant invulnerability.
  12. Lazaruz

    Logged in, got TK'd inside the spawn tube twice in a row, logged off.
  13. Fangry

    Mission accomplished