Nerfside C75 Viper. Does it really need Nerfing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Villanuk, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Ronin Oni
  2. Villanuk

  3. deggy

    AI damage will get nerfed, it's the only thing SOE nerfs. Tanks don't get to kill infantry.
  4. Fortress

    Yes, it needs to be nerfed. Preferably right back to its pre buff status, but I could argue that it needs to be nerfed even further than that.

    Source: 14k+ viper kills.
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  5. Posse

    Sure they don't, my 48 KDR and 90 KPH with the Viper say otherwise.
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  6. Gav7x

  7. Gav7x

    someone with common sense
  8. Ronin Oni

    I expect they'll change the resist type to do less damage to tanks, keeping damage to harassers, sunderers, and infantry the same.
  9. Gav7x

    ohh great tanking overlords dont get enough infantry kills

  10. deggy

    I run AP, if you're trying to accuse me of farming you're barking up the wrong tree. AI is not currently a viable option.
  11. Ronin Oni

    Funnily enough the AP canon is actually great for killing infantry with it's highest velocity, less drop, and not susceptible to losing OHK to Flak armor.

    HE is pretty bad and more of a support suppressive weapon now. HEAT is still the preferred AI canon if that's what you're going for, but my MBT always runs AP these days.... and until they nerf the Viper there's no reason to use anything else on the Lightning.
  12. Hosp

    My 2 Cents:

    Some have mentioned, Viper is quite versatile. But I particularly use it for only 1 reason (Not stating reason purposely). And I have the HEAT and HE for my lightning as well (and skyguard but not related). I use them all. I don't find Viper to be OP, I think HEAT RoF is a tad slow and HE is aching for something, but I still utilize them all to decent effect as I pul them for very specific reasons. HEAT being the only one I pull for general use.

    I am being vague about what I sue them for, one obvious, one not so obvious, but as I use all 3 I don't find any OP wether I'm on the damage dealing end or damage receiving end.
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  13. PWGuy93

    Yes, damage MBTs but unless they hit with every shot with several full volleys they don't get a kill. It's simply a deterrent against armor. It's nothing like AP which can take out a lighting in a couple of hits.

    Not too impressed with the direction of the game since the Lib buff, it feels like they are building up the meta game yet this patchwork of pieces shouldn't be released on their own but should wait until the other pieces are ready to come out at the same time. Right now the Liberator update is overpowered and some other update will make it less so but the gap, this gap, this instant of time the overall balance is lost.

    So excuse me for being less than positive about how they will treat the Viper. I don't see it being a weapon worth using for a while as based on their updates it will probably fall between future updates which will make any change more acceptable.
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  14. Villanuk

    Agreed, which is not OP in my mind, if it were, then what about the decimator, are we going to nerf that because it can damage tanks and kill infantry in one shot?

    This is the problem is with SOE, anything that in the slightest multitasks, gets nerfed which is nonsensical and once you start, where does it end.
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  15. Hosp

    Umm...Lib was buffed to better multi-task.
  16. Ghosty11

    Didn't they already nerf the Decimator when they gave it that horrible velocity reduction? Using the Decimator against armor you have to be almost underneath the tank you are shooting at, otherwise you are aiming at the sky trying to guesstimate where rocket will land.
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  17. Ghosty11

    Well if it does then SOE failed in their mission for the patch in that they were trying to make the Lib belly guns more specialized, and reduce the kill everything ability of the Dalton. (i.e. Shredder - multi-role not as strong as the Dalton for AV or as strong as the Zephyr for AI, Dalto AV, Zephyr AI and the new gun ok I really don't know it's niche ;) )
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  18. Villanuk

    Dalton got nerfed thou...
  19. Villanuk

    Still dam effective, i can still hit a push back tanks within a decent distance. Its no good for long range, but short, best option. ( imo )
  20. Ghosty11

    I still use mine in my CQC load outs, but I don't see many vehicles when I use my CQC load outs, so I use it more often as a anti-MAX launcher than an anti-vehicle launcher. I use the AA launcher as my general purpose launcher, then I generally have a special AV launcher for an AV only load out (Lancer for VS, Phoenix for NC and SKEP for TR since they made the Striker trash)