Scheduled Server Maintenance March 21st

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. andymak82

    How long does PS2 maintenance last for?
  2. lambusado

    For some Europeans it's a work day and only in 5/6 hours they will be able to play, so the servers are not a problem.
  3. Bruno Puntz Jones

    Another day, another nothing done on now rampant invulnerability exploit.

    But hey, at least we got those long-awaited high vel ammo tweaks.
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  4. revan1141

    Can someone explain to me what this invulnerability bug thing is everyone keeps complaining about? I have yet to experience.
  5. Harry P

    how long does maintenance LAST FOR ?????
  6. hostilechild

    would have been nice to see


    Could careless about all the other fixes until that is done, game is unplayable since most won't log but exploit it.
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  7. Headslinger

    Flip a Gal upside down and it cant be killed.
  8. Harry P

    that's my big question !!!!!
  9. Regpuppy

    It's exactly what it sounds like. For some reason, random players can randomly become invulnerable. Any vehicles or turrets are also invulnerable when they're in them. How or why, it's not publicly known. But it was introduced in the last patch.

    Some players are good sports and don't abuse it. But you have those whom are either completely oblivious or knowingly exploit it and it can basically ruin a battle. Nothing like one tank taking on a column, a max that decides to camp a point with it, or someone creating an invulnerable spawn sundy.
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  10. Headslinger

    Maintenace is usually 4 to 6 hours
  11. d_carey Developer

    Yes, VR has been safe since the last update.
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  12. Headslinger

    Funny thing is these are the exact same maintenance notes for yesterdays maintenance?????????????:mad:
  13. d_carey Developer

    A player's hit capsule is not affected by his cosmetic geometry.
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  14. ScrapyardBob

    Yes, they need to forget the idea of "last hit gets the kill". Just change the system to a single pool and hand out XP based on share of damage done (rounded up to the next 10% or next 20%). Everyone who does at least 30% damage should get that counted as a kill as well for purposes of K/D.

    The concept of "assist" vs "kill" in a combined arms / massive warfare game like PS2 just doesn't reward teamwork properly where players focus-fire to take down a particular target. All of those players participated in the "kill" but only one lucky person gets the kill counted.
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  15. d_carey Developer

    /waves hand

    Yesterday's update was not the update you were looking for...
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  16. TwoHeadedDevil

    • An updated map is now available. (Stopping and asking for directions is still strongly discouraged)
    • Removed all deprecated objects from Amerish (no more pink barrels) (If you are still seeing said barrels please discontinue whatever medication you've been issued).
    • (Note: The term "easier" is subjective and we do not guarantee a reduction in you being shot in the face)
    • Adjustments to arm hit boxes so that they're less likely to block the head during certain animations. (Seriously guys, it may be "economical" but putting your hands over your heads is not a replacement for good head gear).
    Pat on the back for the additional comments. Genuine LOL moments here.
    But seriously, great update list guys. Looking forward to the servers coming back online.
  17. Headslinger

    @D_carey this isn't star wars, but that was funny lol
  18. ByteKnight2

    Timing is based on 6:00 AM Pacific Time (-8) - I am east coast and they kill me at 9:00 AM (-5) one of the few times I get to play.
  19. Justicia

    Removing warpgate invulnerability is going to be interesting :)
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  20. Balrock

    Because middle of the day in Europe is not primetime for either Europe or America so the majority can be happy :)

    On this note thanks to SOE for changing the time and moving it out of EU primetime, wether or not that was the idea behind it, it is much appreciated!

    Also FF turned on in VR is going to be nice, now we can actually fight each other there without worrying about grief or CD. You might want to consider keeping the VR like this and only enable invulnerability in the Warpgates after we see how it goes.
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