Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by OdinsPride, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. OdinsPride

    Great OPS last night gentlemen! I am constantly impressed by your commitment to bettering yourself and the outfit! Keep up the great work...
  2. OdinsPride

    Had an awesome time tonight during training. If you are tired of having to take a base with 60% pop, then come join us! We aren't having fun unless we're outnumbered!
  3. OdinsPride

    Excited for our scrim against Ascension Company tonight! Be sure to watch the streams!
  4. Gables

    good luck!
  5. Gamingroach

    You guys did great last night on Amerish! I've never seen a huge gal drop platoon and took us all by surprise. Had good defensive fight holding ground against DL3G, TXR and CIK

    <3 Gamingroach203 NC
  6. Kaal87

    Hey thanks for the post roach! The outfits of the TTA (The Terran Alliance) enjoy taking a crack at you rebels any day.
  7. OdinsPride

    Get ready for Training OPS tonight gentlemen! It's going to be a good night on auraxis
  8. OdinsPride

    Welcome to all our new members this week! We are really excited to have you be a part of this outfit!
  9. optiger


    I submitted an app, I played planetside originally and just now found time to pick up Planetside2. I submitted an application on Enjin, could you take a look? Interested in joining your outfit.
  10. kikyerazz

    So. I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I've got a random question that I'm curious if someone in this thread can answer for me. I am a former member of Dark Skyes from PS1 (divisional CO, XO, yada yada you probably get the idea) and I'm just curious if DS is still alive and kicking. I've tried both the "new" website for them and our old one, but can't seem to get anything on either of them. Would love to hear some good news from some familiar faces if they're still fighting.
  11. OdinsPride

    We get quite a few applications, which one was yours? We usually are able to reply within a day or two...
  12. OdinsPride

    Good to see you man! Yeah we have a few old DS members that joined DL3G looking for something competitive and coordinated!
    As far as I know, DS is pretty much gone (at least for PS2).
  13. kikyerazz

    I'm not going to lie, that kinda breaks my frozen little heart. I'll hit you guys up though if i ever get the time to actually game again. This old dog still has some teeth, i promise you ;). Thank you for letting me know what's up.
  14. OdinsPride

    Yeah we had a great relationship with DS, and were sad to see it go the way that it did. But on the other hand we were able to welcome a great group of guys into the outfit!
  15. InvitroCanibal

    What are the conditions for joining?
  16. Kaal87

    Hey Invitro, thanks for taking interest in the outfit.
    Look over our Codex @ for our rules and expectations of all our members.
    If you feel you might fit in, submit and app on our enjin site. Hope to hear from you again!

    -KaaLock, Officer
  17. OdinsPride

    Busy week for The Dread Legion!! Server Smash OPS, Outfit OPS, Training, Outfit meetings, you name it we got it!
  18. OdinsPride

    Crazy Stupid Ops tonight Legion! Time to get some scalps from our friends over in the NC and VS!
    • Up x 1
  19. OdinsPride

    Welcome to all our new members this week! Looking forward to seeing you all in action!
  20. OdinsPride

    Can't wait for OPS NIGHT tonight with the TTA! First night back after kicking *** in the server smash.....hope you guys are ready!