Server Maintenance March 14th 6 AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Yaesu

    Yes! The shooting thru walls, trees, and mountains is getting really bad. The game is getting to where it's not fun anymore.

    Ammo packs not reloading unless your standing right on top of them, it seems.

    And AGAIN, having to unload half a clip into some players, good shoulder/head area shots to, and they don't go down. They hit you, sometime just grazing shots, 4 to 5 times and you're dead?

    The down time. Patches should be tested to make sure there's no issues before being released. Do all the maintenance/patches in one session, so it's only one partial day. Not 2 or 3.

    I don't know if SOE reads the forums or not, but for someone who WAS thinking of a premium acct, who instead has been playing less and less because of all the constant problems, it's not looking good.
  2. SnipersUnion

    But the server went down without warning FOR the patch, when everything was normal and before the bugs that came with it... 45 mins before we were told they would. Or was something in game bugged then too?
    • Up x 1
  3. DeadlyPeanutt

    disagree. i like the kill position indicator. bad for camping snipers and camping LAs... so sad.

    also enjoy the humor in patch notes, fwiw
  4. Ransurian

    Wait, wait, wait! This hasn't been fixed, and it's making custom vehicle exteriors absolutely and utterly hideous.

  5. Ransurian

    Again, and to reiterate, this is an infuriating bug. A hotfix for vehicle exterior camos would be wonderful. I'll be a happy camper if it happens within the next week or so.
  6. Gursuay

    DOUBLE XP at the weekend is better idea! I'm ready to forget mistakes of SOE, for double XP :cool:
  7. GIJo

    This game has no definition of "Camping" that is how you capture a facility. This isn't Quake!
    No, Hell! NO! the death screen should never reveal a snipers location. Also, this death screen theatrical scene should have an option to turn it off. I want my old death screen back, at least give us the option for what we want.
    • Up x 1
  8. Shetonas

    THANKS !!! Medical applicator working ! I can play as CM again !!! :)
  9. Reagerrr

  10. customer548

    About the new Death Screen feature: Beyond the fact of (on my own opinion) that it doesn't bring any usefull information...i find it way too much invasive. I mean,it takes your whole monitor screen,and you have to click in order to go back to fights. I prefered it to be A LOT smaller on my screen,a bit on the very bottom of my monitor screen (as i was before);while keeping the same informations. And i'd like not to have to click in order to make it desapearing. The killer's XP gains animation is also (for me) way too flashy. I would prefered it a bit smaller,because i really don't care about how much XP the opponent is gaining.

    But,i would like also to have the same kind of feature relative to the people i kill. Death screen is not such a bad idea. If Death screen is made to last forever in this game,i'd also would like to have additional informations about the players i kill.

    But please...make it SMALLER on my screen,disable the XP gain animation (or make it less flashy),and please do anything in order to skip the fact that i have to click in order to go back to fights.

    Thanks for this great game ^^
  11. MakazeHikari

    Even a sniper shouldn't be standing stock-still for minutes at a time, so the minimap location indicator, in my opinion, is a good thing, since it forces people to stay on the move and change the landscape of the battle.
  12. FarSpace

    I agree, as a new/not very good player yet, it is helping me get my situational awareness, knowledge of weapons etc... Old players I'm sure they still like knowing who killed them and stuff. Us newish players like the data and info. It helps put us into the game more and believe me I'm sure you want us to be a better players. Sometimes it is so easy outdoing me in game it is just silly. BTW I recommend the Auraxis Control Center app. for android, I don't know about apple.

    It would be nice if it kept getting improved. like being able to adjust it's apearence and click on things for even more info.

    Awesome game, I suprised more people are not playing planetside, I think it hould be even biger world, why not.

    P.S. The weapons are not really better then each other just good depending on your play style. And the stats are awesome for seeing even how other people use them too.
  13. OldGuyAndy

    I wanna start by saying I'm fairly new to the FPS game and I love it and PS2 has been a blast (for the most part).

    WRT death screen:
    IMHO, a little hint for a great player is going to go a lot farther than a big hint to a new player.

    As a player who doesn't get a lot of time to play and has gotten to his BR through slow grinding, I really DO NOT appreciate the new death screen. It's not that I don't think 'noobs' shouldn't get some much needed 'training', but I think the directional 'suggestor' is only going to help them to the smallest degree. What it is going to do is give the players with great situation awareness and 'ultra-refined' battle skills a little extra leg up on those who can't get away quick enough or are themselves still learning the dangers of not moving very fast. This will happen because the best players will really, really know how to use the new death information to their advantage, especially when compared to the 'noobs'. With that said, I think the new death screen is giving the obvious DISadvanage to the players you claim you are trying to help.

    Besides all that, has there been such a vocally negative reaction to any other game change other than perhaps implants?

    Again, IMHO, I wish they would get rid of the directional 'suggestor', and as for the rest of the screen, I really don't care what color and brand of jeans the guy who just killed me was wearing.
  14. Fujikaze

    Nope. Its not. None of my characters can do the quiz.

    Seriously i didnt think it was this hard.
  15. TeaDiver

    I like the directional indicator. Let the camping infiltrators have their easy mode be slightly affected.

    I'm a new hand here, but my own impression is that I like the new death screen. Perhaps instead of a pressing something to get out of it, why not have it automatically end like the old death screen but allow the player to press/hold <space> or something to keep it up if she prefers to see it longer?

    EDIT: Though OldAndyGuy's post makes a good argument re the directional indicator possibly helping the best players too much. Not sure if it'll play out that way, but it's a good point to raise.
  16. Lynoocs

    yup. really nope. but thank you for upgrading my jump jets and hunter cloak to max :)
  17. Panzerfisting

    Yeah that's great considering that game still lags like crazy
  18. HasItComeToThis

    Only got the quiz on 1/5 of my chars that it should have appeared on.
  19. Scatterblak

    That's funny right there, I don't care who you are.
  20. TeknoBug

    WHAT! No hotfix on removing the death screen??