No one, or at least the mass majority likes the new death spot indicator...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Gambitual

    1. I agree that the killcam/map/whatever does not need to be in the game. It was fine before it. I don't care if it softens the game up for newbies. I just started a couple weeks ago and I am still not terribly good, but this is unneeded and unwarranted. The worst part is just that the killcam/map/whatever is just adding more for the game to do for really no benefit or reason.
    2. People are saying that there are already a myriad of ways to detect infiltrators. I agree. However, adding EVEN MORE ways does not make an infil's job easier. And yes I do understand the logic of moving to stay undetected, both for infil's and any CQC soldier. Point is, it is just, again, unwarranted and unneeded. In addition, too much a change of the status quo of the game and I personally don't agree with post-mortem detection of enemies of ANY kind.
    3. Had to space this. In direct reply to the above quote, why you be hating snipers? Any time you kill someone, you are helping the team. I personally don't sit at render distance because shots are just about impossible. I use my recon darts. Some smart engineers even give me, a lone infiltrator, my own little ammo bag so I have unlimited darts for a while. In such cases, I use those darts verrrry liberally. Also, I'm not afraid to back my team up with a pistol in CQC. Also, I've personally saved teammates by killing enemies directly firing on a guy. Also, shooting enemy infiltrators helps the team out. Also, when all else fails, I spot the hell out of my enemy. People love to argue over situational awareness, but to those who have excellent awareness a spotting sniper is your best friend.
  2. LT_Latency

    This is one of those things that everyone will complain about until it launches then no one will care 2 days after.

    It's the same thing as damage ICONS, It's just to help players during those WTF moments understand why they died.

    It will still take you at least 15 to 20 seconds to get back to a spot where you can start looking for the guy who killed you and by then he could be anywhere. You would have no more information then the damage icons gave you at this point.
  3. TheBloodEagle

    Newbies will like it and it's exactly what it is for. Just limit it up to BR10.
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  4. Littleman

    If you're operating at long range, being revealed isn't going to hurt you, and it's not really "skilled" play anymore than shooting at VR dummies is MLG status.

    If you're operating at short range, being revealed might hurt you, but generally you'll either be moving to avoid being found (thanks to the infiltrator's chronic case of flatulence) or get caught because you're still actually not invisible, even in deep cloak, and player volume suggests that statistically, someone's going to see you pop out of your bubble sooner rather than later.

    The camera is a newb tool. Experienced players can figure out player locations without it. Griping about it is like griping about the hit direction indication marker when taking fire at this point. Get over it.
  5. ElCreepo

    tons of drama queens up in here :eek:
  6. Epic High Five

    If that's the curve we're going for then remove the HUD from BR100's
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  7. LT_Latency

    It's fine, The this will only help BAD players who you are going to be able to kill when they come to find you anyways.

    Any good player would have figured it out from the damage icons.

    It's basically sending you free kills
  8. Winfield

  9. AzureKnight

    You guys do know it's not just sniper affected by this.

    Let's say you're in a 12-24 squad and are fighting another 12-24 squad. You break off from the main group to flank. You kill three guys and managed to take some cover to reload while an enemy medic rezzes them. All three of those guys now know where you roughly are.

    You say "Oh, well you should never stay in the same place anyway." Well, what about those using suppressors? They use those to not be spotted on the map for a reason and being spotted by the kill cam and then having said guy resurrected makes having a suppressor have very little to no point. Not to mention, there are amazing places to sit and wait for people to come in to your sights, places that are not normally looked at and having those pointed out to people makes hiding much more pointless.

    As I said in another thread, this is a game that, due to the short TTKs, you don't want to be spotted in any way. If you're in a small squad this is especially apparent and having your position thrown out, even if you move from it, means you're that much sooner to be killed.

    This affects snipers mostly only due to the fact that they tend to be stationary. However, it's not as much of problem for the long range snipers unless they kill other long range snipers. The close range snipers (under 100-150 meters) are going to be in a lot more hot water, however.
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  10. TheBloodEagle


    Maybe you haven't read anything else except posts that agree with your bias & I'm not for the deathscreen either (I've been playing since BETA, have you? I don't need it) but Higby said the #1 that again...NUMBER ONE complaint from new players is that they die "randomly" out of "nowhere". So would you prefer that game bleeds dry and dies out because no new players want to get into it and then you have no place for your epic comments or would you rather have a game that keeps growing and has a healthy community. Maybe you haven't read other threads where people STILL think servers should merge because of lack of players in primetime.

    You don't make the game and this isn't your livelihood and you most certainly haven't invested millions into the development. The devs have way more data and info on what the game needs. But all they need to do with this issue is allow intermediate and vet players to turn off the deathscreen or just limit it to low BRs.

  11. LT_Latency

    How did those 3 guys not know where you were from the tracers, sound and hit icons??

    Only a really bad player wouldn't have figured it out and you can just ambush him for free points
  12. Fujikaze

    Warning Huge wall of text.
    I stand corrected again.
    Those 12x bush wookies stops maxes from getting repaired or kills the medic thats resurrecting people to give you a moment to push up and annihalate them. That bush wookie is taking out enemy snipers and AV turret engineers to save his platoon from tons of headache.

    What you want is another LA or HA to fight at your side. You cant tell people how to play or what to play. Even they are useless to their faction thats their choice and sooner or later they'll understand their mistake but that doesnt change the fact that Infiltrators gameplay is greatly damaged by this indicator. Any person with a working brain will hunt you down, more people you kill more people will come after you. Even the people with Stalker cloak is damaged because of this. They should rename it because after you kill someone they come again and start shooting everhwhere with freaking miniguns till they find you. When they find you, if you are in a group of people trying to take them one by one, you die . No chance of survival regardless of the skill level because it decreases your survival chances every time you kill someone.

    If you dont even play the Infiltrator as your main or secondary, you have no right to talk about the changes. Espicially if you do it because of your hate towards that faction.

    Sniper is not meant to be used in close quarter. There are people who uses them but they are not effective as the SMG variants so your choice of words should have been "Infiltrators" instead of sniper. Those infiltrators are not as advantageous against MAX and other classes because they are fragile and they are not meant to fight in zergs. We're infiltrators not yout everyday rambo. Sniper is meant to take out high priorty targets in open area's. He doesnt have to come with you and hack consoles etc, if he's out there taking out engineers and high priority targets. You shouldnt judge a whole class because you've seen some bad players.

    Also Who claims that it's for new players? Nononono, its not for new players. New players doesnt even get mad or flustrated because get get killed by snipers. Infact it makes them learn. When you die, you understand that you shoulnt stay still or stay in open areas in battles. Its just people with hatred towards Infiltrators that got this out of SOE's hat. Also Infiltrators are not farmers, infiltrating is hardly better than any other squad helping activity. It just that people who doest sniping loves that action. Even if the infiltrator gets tons of kills etc, that doesnt come anywhere near to a person who hunts down Enemy armor and aircrafts. Its not farming, its just that some bad players shows up their head to an infiltrator more than they should.
    That death screen punishes everyone not just infiltrators, sneaky LA's get punished by this. Stalker cloak people gets punished for killing people. Its not bad playing, a person who took his time to find a good position to hunt people, deserves to kill you if you screw up. Its just that you are so bad that you dont go after an infiltrator who killed you. Wanna be free of the infiltrators? Hunt them. If you cant, dont whine. get good or get rekt.

    You said you liked infiltratos who goes with you and you hate the snipers and also you want this death screen to stay. That means you dont like "12x Bush wookies" and you like the people who goes with you and hacks turrets etc. Meaning you just said that.
    "A bad HA is more usefull than a Good sniper" ? Excuse me ? You lost me here. This makes me question your knowledge of this game. Honestly please stop talking like you know anything about snipers. Infact stop talking. Because you are not making sense in anyway. Also youtube is your friend. If you are too lazy to look up for them, dont pretend like noone does that.
    Its not hard to process. Your hate towards snipers makes you welcome the death screen which ruins a sniper players gaming experience by dumbing the game.

    So you are saying that BR100 players are so pro that they shouldnt need hud? Honestly im trying hard to come close to your way of thinking and it doesnt make any sense. IF this was to help the new players, it should be limited to people under BR10. ONLY that would make it help the new players. This is a buff to the veteran players. A direct buff AGAINST a spesific class.

    After all the things i said here. I will proceed to ignore your posts because no matter how hard i tried, you contradicted yourself and made no sense not even in a single way. Your hate towards a class makes you unable to give feedback because only thing you want is the deletion of the Infiltrator class because you cant use your head to stay away from snipers. Good luck on your life. From now on i will ignore your existence.

    I stand Corrected AGAIN.
    Edit: Eh [spoiler] doesnt work. halp
  13. Phazaar

    Given the absence of value of squishy targets in virtually every scenario, and the corresponding absence of reward for said non-existent priority targets, this style of gameplay is simply not viable, necessary, or desired.

    Shoot and scoot is only viable if a sniper is making incredibly high value kills once every several minutes, in games where death matters, or at the very least in games where K/D matters. None of those three exist here, and thus it's a nonsense.

    Let's say you ONLY take a minute to 'scoot' from place to place, and that you NEVER get found or killed, and that EVERY place you go to you immediately get a headshot on a target that is always there immediately. For this, you will get a MASSIVE 6000 score per hour. Alternatively, you can go back to playing as a HA/Medic and sit on an eeeeeasy 40k an hour farming in a biolab/tower fight, all the while knowing you're never going to be troubled by those pesky snipers again, and that if anyone's stupid enough to waste their time in game sniping, your team mates can enjoy a wonderful and instantaneous revenge kill for you... Or just rez you so you can get it yourself.

    It's pathetic. It's rewarding people for dying, and that's simple nonsense.
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  14. Souleater

    Then they need to wise up and stop listening to rock music and running around like (insert the modern equivalent of Rambo)

    I regularly die out of nowhere: to Libs, LOLPods, AP shells, unexpected shotguns, C4 and other such stuff. These are probably the things new players are complaining about. I die less often to snipers or LAs who have carefully positioned themselves. Thumbs up to the ones that get me like that...I hope I learn from them. But I shouldn't get a giant finger pointing them out.

    And...I have a strong suspicion that this deathcam may be used to troll newbie players. AI mines, C4, overwatching snipers or vehicles will be great tools to kill anybody rushing back to get their 'revenge'.

    The other issue with the screen is the mass of information it provides. Little of which the new player understands. and of that they do how much is actually going to be useful? Does it help to know that the guy who just killed you has killed over two thousand other people with his Gold Potato Peeler?
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  15. Rebelgb

    Awesome! One less Sniper in the game. This game has no need of Rogue class snipers. Go play WoW. Thanks!
  16. EmmettLBrown

    Um. People die randomly out of nowhere because this is an MMOFPS. There's quite a lot more guns pointed at you than your standard shooter. Probably doesn't help that the end of the tutorial has you hit the "instant action" button either.
  17. Kallowe

    The thing is this cam thing doesn't help BAD players, but good players. Bad players won't use it because they're bad plain and simple. They don't have the awareness, aim, or movement down. Even if they do track down their killer they'll still probably get murdered.

    Good players can take advantage of the increased certainty of knowing where their killer was. In shooters knowledge is power. If an intelligent player knows where someone was they can predict where they will be going.

    This will just be giving better players an advantage because these players understand how to exploit game mechanics to their advantage.
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  18. Fujikaze

    Again, you dont see the benefit of that said sniper becuase you dont know what he's doing. He might be taking out medics and engineers. Might be taking enemy infiltrator that points their reticules over your head. You dont know and for some reason people thinks infiltrators are useless because you dont see that much infiltrator trying to kill you because they are after your infiltrator squadmates. Honestly people Infiltrators are more useful than you think. Maybe not useful in biolab things(i hate basr using people in biolabs because honestly thats where snipers gets weak and useless) but most of the time snipers takes some fire off of you and prob. you dont even notice it.

    Plus if you find them that annoying, go hunt them. Save your team from them. Because if you cant or dont hunt them, basically you deserve to die to those people. As for the infiltrators using snipers while the tower or whatever the place you are is being swarmed by enemy vehicles. You are right about them and everyone hates them but that doesnt mean that every decent infiltrator or people who likes using sniper rifles in a nicely concealed place should get a deathmark placed on him.

    This indicator basically rewards you for dying. You can pretty much guess where your killer is no matter how wide is that indicator. Any decent person will go after the infiltrator logically.

    This is the main reason why i play Infiltrator with my BASR.

    Every hatemail and sad person i see in forums shedding those delicious tears, feeds me. FEED ME MOAR.
  19. LT_Latency

    Right and they want more people to stay longer. This game doesn't have a good retention rate. This change doesn't effect good players will see some tracers in almost any gun fight.

    and help bad player understand what is going on but they will still probably get killed anyways.
  20. Evilsooty

    A horrible change that was downvoted in the roadmap. Why has this been introduced?