Instead of nerf after nerf after nerf... What is needing a buff ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bibibla, Mar 8, 2014.

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  1. Matixzun

    Well, the MCG needs to be fixed, fun weapon, but there are lots of better choices.
    I agree with the lynx being buffed to the top RoF carbine, since it's overshadowed by the Jaguar, and TR as the RoF faction should have it anyway.

    In general I thing the devs should take a good look on infantry weapon balance for all the factions, I find troubling the fact that according to the current roadmap the devs don't have infantry weapon balance changes planned currently, they seriously need to take a look on that.
  2. Maljas23

    ... It is useless atm. It doesn't have to be overpowered, just viable. The only reason to pull your faction's "S" varient carbine is for smoke. Hell, the UB shotgun is more useful than the launcher atm.
  3. Giggily

    There's no way to make the UBGL viable without it being OP, is the problem. The current incarnation of the UBGL is after a year of nerfs, and only now has it finally gone from being hilariously overpowered to being more of a utility for splash damage. I like the change.
  4. Maljas23

    I can't say I agree to the bolded. The biggest problem with it was that people were using it with the ammo drops engiees had. As I am sure you know, you could supply yourself with infinite nades. So, sitting on top of a biolab spamming nades onto a full pad netted big points which is why people were doing it.

    I am not saying that removing the nade restoration from the ammo packs are enough to fix the problem with the UBGL, but the way it is right now, it isn't worth pulling.

    Can you honestly say that you would pull it in any real situation over other weapons?
  5. Giggily

    No, because you shouldn't. The UBGL isn't a gun, it's an attachment for an actual gun and should, at most, do like 1/4th someone's HP. The UBGL's only role that seems appropriate is harassing dudes trying to group up on the other side of a choke point so that they can't push in with full health and shields.
  6. Maljas23

    Giggily, I know it is an attachment. The gun that uses the attachment is subpar to other guns for every faction. The only reason to pull it over others is for smoke. UPGL is suppose to soften targets up but it barely does that job at all currently. I agree that it shouldn't be powerful enough to be a primary weapon. However, there really is not a reason to use it over other things.
  7. Giggily

    The only other way to balance the UBGL would be by making it so that it cannot be reloaded, which I'm not sure SOE can do, and by increasing its splash radius. That's barely even a buff. Currently you can use it to splash targets around corners and get kills, especially if they're at low health. I'm fine with that. Also the S/SF variant weapons aren't really all that bad.
  8. AltF4Fun

    That thing was like broken forever.It barely even reloaded the first few months.If they give it some buffs and not reloadable,I wouldnt see any difference to back then.Was always wondering why they didnt do it in the first place.Someone mentioned that this bug was actually kind of there to prevent refill,but was just badly implemented.
  9. Giggily

    Even then it was way too strong, a direct or nearly direct hit was instant death for someone and anyone standing around them.
  10. Maljas23

    Agreed that stopping the reload would be a good first step. Won't go further than that because I don't know if that would be enough.
  11. AltF4Fun

    Im still kind of ashamed by the the amount of kills I got with the SF back then.I agree it was way to strong then,but a good balance and no refill wouldnt really hurt the gameplay imo.
  12. Phazaar

    Both hipfire crosshairs and ADS dots -need- to be fixed. Just center them. Yesterday. The ******** has gone on long enough.
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  13. Sarcasmo

    Then why not make it a boxing glove on a spring, Thats about all it is with the already microscopic blast radius anyway.
  14. Armchair

    Removing the refill entirely would be pretty dumb, but drastically increasing the time it takes to re-arm so that you can't endlessly spam them is a good idea.
  15. Maljas23

    Why? You could still refill them via terminal, and SOE already increased the refill time on them once before. It wasn't enough.
  16. Merlock

    The reaver can use a buff in speed, likec mone, we got 2 big jets with 8 smaller jets and we fly slower then a scythe with what 3 small jets? Or give us more dmg resistance, the reaver is a close combat aircraft but we die equally quick as the fast and almost un hittable scythe or mosquito
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  17. Zapon

    regarding the ranger, i thought the only diff between it and a burster arm was it's COF (or SOMETHING, might not be COF) is like worse by a gigantic degree.

    It needs to be made far more effective- I dont buy the 'deterretnt' idea some people have

    if you have a walker and ranger sundy, the ranger should not be something that cannot take out aircraft at all in a air heavy situation while the walker has a slightly better chance.

    Anyway, for buffs

    -The Photon PPA needs to damage armor again. I dont care if it's a small amount. before the changes, Photon PPA gunners saved my tank's life against enemy sundies when my main cannon was out of ammo in the middle of nowhere on esamir, where now i would be screwed in that same situation

    it can be a really small amount- they ust need to not be useless against vehicles

    The kobalt then probably needs to also be able to damage armor by a very , very small amount.

    I'd talk about ESF's , but we need a altitude ceiling increase really badly.

    OH, how'd i forget? Undo the series of nerfs to thermal's tange, put BACK the color palette for IRNV

    and for Night vision, if it's goign to be genuine and not highlight- then enhance the details it can see at night. this will be tricky- as SOE doesnt want to mess with nights and just made them brighter in a very recent patch, so they're going about it all wrong...

    But thermal needs to not have range issues like it does now. 400 - 500 m + thermal isn't a bad idea.

    For proof, (or pics of pre nerf color palette) see

    For other weapons....ZOE was overnerfed hard

    harasser needs it's repair seat speed back. also, if flashes were affected, so do they

    SOE needs to make a decision of if flashes should be faster than harassers,

    They need to not put on the back burner making magriders float over water...I know, this would only come into effect at heyoka chemical right

    OH, Magrider cannons all need a velocity buff, since they somewhat undid the nerfs to the other two tank guns but didnt undo the nerfs to the magrider gun from a year back - velocity needs to be way higher

    I have a very scary suspicion the engineer AV turret(which i dont even have) is going to get over nerfed.....
    going off history of stuff that gets nerfed

    I would also say scopes in general need a buff, on weapons. especially the higher zoom ones(READ as in , reduce sway the way it is now on higher scopes

    VS pistols need a very severe look at for buffing in some way, as right now they are a shame when you look at them, and then look at the other factions pistols.
  18. Hoki

    I'm stealing this.
  19. PostalDude

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  20. Pikachu

    HE cannons
    AA secondaries
    Harasser turbo
    A2G nose guns
    Flash grenade
    AV grenade
    Battle rifles
    Shotgun slugs
    Sunderer radar
    Drifter jet
    Surger chassis
    Racer frame
    Sky bug frequency
    Adrenaline pump
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