Extremely high ping while playing on EU servers

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Matlock0, Mar 2, 2014.

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  1. Magicool

    CERES right now ping up to 2500ms people are jsut teleporting everywhere this isnt even lag anymore this is a 3D slideshow
  2. Ivke

    My pings on Miller right now are 190-340, created a new character on Mattherson and ping is stable 150-160. Fix the EU servers or move them to US.
  3. JaL

    I cba, but i'll ask people to chime in with their routes and problems to see if i'm the only exception to your equinox route = lag theory.
    • Up x 1
  4. JaL

    And that goes for anyone else in the thread too. Provide traceroute samples (to your server) if are experiencing lag.
  5. Frostbitten

    It isn't that simple as you think - this is server lag what people are experiencing, not connection lag.

    I have 1-2 sec. delay on Cobalt constantly and traceroute (fiber optic connection) is absolutely fine:

    Tracing route to amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
    2 4 ms 3 ms 2 ms
    3 10 ms 10 ms 10 ms htr01-hst02-2.ip.t-com.hr []
    4 13 ms 10 ms 13 ms hvz02-htr01.ip.t-com.hr []
    5 11 ms 11 ms 12 ms gvz01-hvz02.ip.t-com.hr []
    6 28 ms 27 ms 30 ms
    7 38 ms 38 ms 37 ms
    8 34 ms 34 ms 34 ms
    9 41 ms 40 ms 40 ms vlan60.csw1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net []
    10 40 ms 40 ms 40 ms ae-63-63.ebr3.Frankfurt1.Level3.net []
    11 40 ms 40 ms 41 ms ae-45-45.ebr1.Dusseldorf1.Level3.net []
    12 40 ms 40 ms 40 ms ae-22-22.ebr2.Dusseldorf1.Level3.net []
    13 40 ms 40 ms 40 ms ae-47-47.ebr1.Amsterdam1.Level3.net []
    14 50 ms 48 ms 48 ms ae-56-111.csw1.Amsterdam1.Level3.net []
    15 40 ms 40 ms 39 ms ae-1-51.edge3.Amsterdam1.Level3.net []
    16 38 ms 37 ms 37 ms SONY-ONLINE.edge3.Amsterdam1.Level3.net []
    17 103 ms 100 ms 102 ms amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com []
    Trace complete.

    Except maybe for last hop, which is regularly between 30-40ms.

    EDIT: in game ping says 9000ms.

  6. nallar

    It does seem that you may be correct! I found a possible explanation as to why I see no latency increase on the non-equinix route - I'm testing that on my Linux server, and Linux traceroute uses UDP while windows tracert uses ICMP. traceroute -I shows the same latency problem on a non-equinix connection.
  7. Beyond The Grave

    Using (Miller)

      6    30 ms    28 ms    31 ms  ve5.bg3.am1.as16243.net []
      7    61 ms    56 ms    42 ms  po6-1500.bg1.am1.eu.equinix.net []
      8    39 ms    49 ms    39 ms  po7.bg1.am3.eu.equinix.net []
      9    36 ms    49 ms    53 ms
     10   106 ms   149 ms   119 ms  amspsn-liv-gw02.planetside2.com [] takes a damn long time to actually respond, 50 ms or no.
    When ping -t the game server I still have a few dropped packets.
  8. nitram1000

    Miller server just disconnected, insane lag as well.

    Tracing route to amspsn-liv-gw02.planetside2.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 <1 ms 1 ms 1 ms BThomehub.home []
    2 5 ms 4 ms 4 ms
    3 5 ms 5 ms 5 ms
    4 9 ms 8 ms 9 ms
    5 9 ms 9 ms 8 ms
    6 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms
    7 8 ms 8 ms 9 ms acc1-xe-5-0-3.sf.21cn-ipp.bt.net []
    8 20 ms 16 ms 15 ms core1-te0-0-0-7.ealing.ukcore.bt.net []
    9 18 ms 15 ms 15 ms peer4-te0-5-0-1.telehouse.ukcore.bt.net []
    10 15 ms 15 ms 15 ms linx-236.te5-4.bg2.ld4.eu.equinix.net []
    11 126 ms 203 ms 200 ms po4-3020.bg1.ld2.eu.equinix.net []
    12 25 ms 26 ms 25 ms po9-1405.bg1.am1.eu.equinix.net []
    13 27 ms 25 ms 34 ms po7.bg1.am3.eu.equinix.net []
    14 25 ms 26 ms 26 ms
    15 25 ms 26 ms 27 ms amspsn-liv-gw02.planetside2.com []
  9. SirJMD

    Extreme lag.. 1-2 seconds lag on terminals. Got disconnected a few minutes ago as well..

    Unplayable :S
  10. SamCrow1

    Every week something else on EU servers, please fix the game, or all players will left it, I mean WTF??!!
  11. Frostbitten

    Cobalt crashed couple of minutes ago.
  12. nitram1000

    I honestly feel at this stage, SOE are trying to kill PS2 in Europe for some reason. Maybe they want us all to buy PS4's. Either way, I can't see many casual players hanging around much longer if this bull **** continues.
    • Up x 1
  13. Apathy

    I've been looking into this (working for an ISP has it's advantages) and the information is too vague to be able to make a clear conclusion.

    I'm seeing what could be poor performance on what appears to be the Equinix's network link to LINX, however it's possible that this could simply be core switches / routers dropping or delaying packets intentionally.

    Interestingly my end point results and latency don't tally up with the 800+ms I've been seeing the ingame latency tool reporting...
  14. Cipherpol

    Nice the server crashed again on friday night.
    Just carry on!:)
  15. Dramonicous

    EU lag been going on for about a month now (since it got REALLY bad, it wasnt all good before thou).
    Everyone is feeling the effects of the lag, even if they arent lagging themself then they will feel it when they get shot by someone lagging.

    My MAX have been killed 30 SECONDS after entering a tele/spawnroom, mostly by pounder MAXes but the occasional gunfire too. Some of the times this happend I had a dedicated engineer repairing me, he started repairing me from 10%ish to 75%ish and then BAM BAM BAM im dead inside the teleroom...

    The lag also causes the new VS sniper Phaseshift to fire normal shots rather than charged even if you hold down the firing button. This gun should simply had been given 2 diffrent fire modes that you could switch between.

    This lag is unacceptable, and im simply not enjoying the game anymore.
    If nothing is done by the end of march then I will take a long break from the game, or possibly a permanent one.
  16. Frostbitten

    Yay, premium crash experience.
  17. nallar

    Could it be some sort of low bandwidth issue? I was trying higher length settings with ping and see ~550ms for 55000 with high packet loss (>50%), not sure if that's just due to throttling large ICMP packets or an actual issue?
  18. Pig


    Me no happy Pig
  19. Apathy

    If the problem was saturation / limited bandwidth being available to the network, you'd tend to see the erratic latency and loss on any sized packet. You'd also tend to see consistent point on a trace where performance is noticeably poor onwards. Having said that it's not out of the realms of possibility.

    As I said, the information we have to hand is too vague to draw any decent conclusions and to be honest it's unlikely that we'll get a straight answer.
  20. testsample

    getting around 50k ms ping atm, did SOE say anything about this?
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