Matherson TR has made me into a sore loser....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasterCheef, Mar 4, 2014.

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  1. Trudriban

    This might sound disrespectful but believe me when I say it isn't meant to be so
    Sure, Mattherson VS mains who 4th faction might be swapping over to find things to shoot at, but that is most certainly not the case for those in the NC and I'll assume the TR. Like I said in that other post a while back, our side winning alerts is closer to an impossible dream than an attainable goal. It gets ridiculously discouraging to look at the tab screen during, say, a biolab alert and finding your empire only has one that is currently a few minutes from being lost because there's no way you'll be able to match the VS numbers. Give it enough time and you have an entire faction that sees no point to staying loyal, and makes a VS alt for every time that "Alert Incoming" announcement is made.
    You are right though, not every 4th factioner does it for easy wins. I still kept my old TR main to hop into my red boots whenever my outfit isn't doing anything and the Terrans need some help, but I also have a VS alt that collects dust for the rough days when I don't care whether my gun shoots out conventional bullets, magnetized metal, or super heated plasma, I just want to feel like I have the ability to contribute to a win. Those who don't want to swap over either log out, concentrate on an unrelated hex with the TR, or stick to the VS front and possibly feel the worst of the frustration of losing again
    sorry if I sound angrier than I usually do tonight, **** mood and promised a friend I wouldn't apply rum to it
  2. Rift23

    There's no such thing as balance in video games, and Enclave/Buzz were the epitome of every negative stereotype associated with gamers, particularly FPS players.
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  3. Eclipson

    Waterson TR is starting to become like this. During Prime time the population evens out a bit, NC still on top, but the TR will be pretty much even with the VS. Any other time though, the TR seem to be getting steam rolled. The NC have so many excess players online during non-primtime hours that its not uncommon for them to have a 48+ platoon ghost capping another continent.
  4. CrashB111

    A big part of people not participating in alerts is they are quitters that after almost a year of fighting VS with double our numbers, they just don't want to try anymore.

    The only people to be blamed for the current situation of the server are the fair weather fighters that swarmed VS for ZOE and after SOE so kindly refunded their certs they just put them into other gear and stayed over there.

    People can try to blame TR or NC leaders, players, or strategy all they want. The root of the problem came from Vanu getting an overwhelming advantage, and then bludgeoning the other factions to death with numbers until they no longer had the will to go engage in losing fights against 3:1 odds day after day.
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  5. minhalexus

    Most embarrassing thing is that TR in many alerts get more score than NC even though NC has more pop than the TR.

    But i think the main thing for a faction to dominate a server is how good the large outfits are.
    Large VS outfits on mattherson have matured and VS is the best faction on mattherson (even with equal pop)

    This is probably because large VS outfits have matured and now they are actually really good. GOKU/GOTR/V
    As soon as VCO/TAS/GOON of the NC get as good as these two, i bet NC will be in a better place than it is right now.
    TR on the other hand has lower pop, but still has 3 great outfits: AOD/BWC/903 marauders

    Smaller outfits like AC/TENC/DA (i dont know any TR outfit that is small but good) can win small fights of 12-24, but they are not the alert winners.

    At the moment the best impacting outfit on mattherson is GOKU (IMO)
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  6. MasterCheef

    It may sound lame, but i appreciated the pep talks in this thread. I think i'm just going to try and tough it out, look at the game from a different light.

    Its not so much that i'm a faction loyalist as i am a person who likes to stick with their initial choices. Hopefully there will be a savior outfit that will turn things around one day.
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  7. GaBeRock

    They need to show some fan created material on the charachter creation page, as well as outfits accepting applications. This would help draw new players into a faction and keep them there, instead of quitting as soon as they drop into a firefight with no support and get brutally steamrolled.
    TR page needs to show the TR speech (as in CrashB111's sig), and VS/NC players can vote for their own video.
  8. acksbox

    Mattherson TR don't have it that bad.

    Population is highly dependent on time of day, and I still regularly see them with competitive pops.

    They also win a far number of alerts, even with pop disadvantages, because a substantial portion of Mattherson VS like to do strategically incompetent things like wedging themselves between TR and NC as much as possible, so they can't really fight anyone except VS.
  9. minhalexus


    I'm an NC player, and i few months back i felt the same way. I think that NC and TR on mattherson are just scared of the VS.
    (maybe that is why TR and NC fight each other regardless the fact VS has 50% of the territories)

    But if you think of it VS are the true victors, since they make the best use of their pop, TR in the middle, NC scoring last.

    But as i said, this is only because large VS outfits are just better than large NC/TR outfits. Give HNYB/BWD/VCO/TAS some time and they will get better (at least i hope they will)

    Trust me, even if NC has 60% pop in a territory and they are going against the VS, i have my finger crossed cuz VS have recapped points at literally the last second.

    TR pop a few months back were more balanced. It was usually 32% TR - 31% NC - 37% VS
    Lets just hope the TR quitters return to their respected faction.

    Now its: 35% NC - 36% VS - 29% TR
  10. Epic High Five

    I guess my point would be, why can't that happen more often?
  11. Negator

    Typically, blaming things you cant change won't produce results.
  12. Maljas23

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  13. WyrdHarper

    While I can't speak for other outfits, 903rd does various training sessions throughout the week which take people away from the main platoon--some of these are also done on the test server. Not surprisingly a lot of the people most interested in training are also people who lead squads and platoons. Often, if certain "main" leaders are tied up with something else, there may not be a (large) platoon going, so people don't stay on as long, artificially decreasing the population. We also do scrimmages from time to time which takes away a platoon of people who might otherwise be playing on live.

    I believe other outfits do similar things.

    For example, my "schedule" of Planetside this week looks like:
    Monday: Air Practice
    Tuesday: Scrimmage (PTS)
    Wednesday: Limited time on b/c of rl commitments
    Thursday: Air Training
    Friday: Ops
    Saturday: Regular Play
    Sunday: Outfit Meeting (Occurs during primetime, so generally a fairly slow evening, though tends to be more active during the day--prevents us from running public platoons close to meeting time)

    So while I'm playing PS2 every night except (maybe) one, there's only twoish days I'll be on during which I'll be participating in Live Platoon Ops/Regular Play. I'm sure other people have other schedules, especially since it's a good time to branch out and try different parts of the game if you're a Mattherson TR outfit.
  14. Pat22

    ...You do realize that just because they shout "GINYU FORCES RULE" at the end of every VS victory doesn't actually mean they're the ones who did the most work... right?

    I mean, no disrespect to GOKU guys, but if Dapp started shouting some nonsense catchphrase at every base they helped capture, would you start thinking that Dapp was the most influential outfit?
  15. EliteEskimo

    Bringing up valid issues to bring a better understanding to what Mattherson TR are up against is fine though. Especially when some people don't know the full story and just think that Mattherson TR is bad.

    1. Life for one, many people seem to go to bed early or have jobs/families that keep them preoccupied during the week. I have university classes for instance.

    2. A lot of people have come to terms that TR is currently in a bad spot, are boring weapon wise, and need refurbishment. I think more people would be on if our weapons got a sound overhaul, are underutilized weapons were brought up to par and revamped, and the abilities on our tank/max were tweaked.

    3. Because NC/VS double team us or throw way more people our way than we can hope to handle.If the VS didn't throw 1-2 of surplus troops at fun battles I'm sure more people would want to play during the week. Playing with little territory, few resources, all while being zerged doesn't make for a fun game for Mattherson TR to play. It's alright to have a challenge, but being at a constant disadvantage lowers morale over time.

    4. More TR outfits need to host public platoons, this is a work in progress, but currently few do consistently outside of AOD.
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  16. Pat22

    Indeed, any time I log onto my TR alt and try to join a TR platoon, pretty much all I have to choose from is AOD platoons or non-outfit squads. It's not a very appealing selection.
  17. Pondera

    Let me tell you a charming story, OP. Once upon a time, a Vanu soldier logged into PS2 late on night, and thought she'd go and have some fun with the new content on Amerish.

    When she got there, SWEET MOTHER OF ALL VANU, the TR were on the warpath and it was like the pied piper was in their ranks, playing his flute on the "murderer" setting. Everywhere she went, she was horrendously curb stomped by the TR presence, and eventually she just gave up and went back to work on her college degree.

    But after getting some work done, she came back, partnered up with her JENK allies and enacted horrible bloody vengeance that they cannot show on the War Correspondent series, as it was too brutal.

    Moral of the story is that, sometimes the TR get their act together and win. Sometimes the NC rally and push someone to warp gate. And sometimes, the VS Japanese players log in and slaughter everyone. Advantages come and go.
  18. Stew360

    TR and VS are the same thing on matherson you have both working agains the NC , TR making the VS win , its recurent and its a fact !
  19. Stew360

    MAYBE if your empire could stop to work for the VS and work agains them , you might be able to get anything done ;) just saying stop been the VS pawn and be your own empire , stop acting like coward trying to go agains the easy target already busy fighting the VS zergs and go agains the Zergs nasty empire that is the VS on matherson ,

    Your definition of winning should be MAKING THE VS LOOSE !

    If i make sure the VS on matherson Loose its a win for me :)
  20. EliteEskimo

    This is a thread about Mattherson though, not Connery lol:D:p
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