Any Tribes players remember the laser designator?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoki, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Hoki

    And how if you had a weapon that lobbed bombs, you would see aim aim reticle for where to shoot?

    Itt that would be pretty cool.

    Give to LA as a tool. Maybe inf too.

    LA get up on a vantage point, designate a target, people with a weapon within range and LOS get a target to aim at, shoot, and it will go to where the LA had targeted.

    If you haven't played tribes, its not a lock on at all, just a dumb-fire assist.
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  2. Nailhimself

    ooh, yes. That thing was absolutely brilliant. I played Tribes 2 long time ago but I still remember the "Heavy Rocket Launcher" which could only be fired if anyone in your team had a target in his laser.
    I would like to see this in PS2.
  3. dsiOne

    This would be a great Platoon leader cert - goes in tool slot for any class.

    What the targeting laser does (I seriously cannot find a single video featuring it, wtf?) is automatically calculate a firing solution and displays it on screen as a target in the sky for players wielding a weapon with a viable firing solution. Fire at the target and your shell will land on or near the designated area depending on how good your aim is. Obviously this only really works for certain weapons that have a large arc with good range.
  4. starlinvf

    The problem we have right now is a complete lack of well designed indirect fire weapons. With all the fear, hatred and crippling toward splash and lock ons, we've become the anti-thesis of Tribes..... and by that I mean Tribes:Ascend.
  5. WTSherman

    Bulldog sundies. Bulldog sundies everywhere. :eek:
  6. bPostal

    That was a feature in Planetside as well. I recall using it to call in Flair fire. It wasn't used often, for whatever reason.
  7. xArchAngelx

    Hoki...I love you man. Give the infil the target deployables...remember those? And everyone else a target laser. Give Maxes a .ortar weapon...god..I would be in heaven.
  8. mooman1080

    Some how I doubt they're going to give LA a long range bombardment tool. Or anything that is long range for that matter.
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  9. xArchAngelx

    The Laser tool is not the bombardment weapon...They would have to point a green, visible laser on a target. Then the MAXes with mortar weapons would get a dot that shows up and shows them the angle that they would have to fire their weapons to hit the "painted" target.

    Could make it a Zephyr round with a long reload time, as to not be too OP. And make it so you can only see the target reticules from people in your squad/platoon/outfit.
  10. IamDH

    I dont like this for the same reason OS is hated.

    Bombs + Spam + Stackable (assuming you want it for LA) + Multiple LAs per battle raining bombs = Terror
  11. starlinvf

    It was the Flail (Ancient Tech Artillery Vehicle). The reason it wasn't very much was kind of the fault of player behavior. Flail spam was highly effective at denying infantry from being in area...... on both sides. The inability to properly communicate when it was safe to stop bombardment, or restart it for that matter, other then sudden grief points, coupled with a long flight times made long range use difficult to coordinate. Changing your impact zone was also difficult since Lazing could be spotted easily enough, allowing targets to move away a lot faster then the painter could update the target. Secondly, all those coordination issues were nullified by parking at an angle on hill within draw distance of your target, and aiming it yourself.

    Given how points work in this game, the only incentived way to work artillery into the game is to create a artillery platform, link several "objects" to its operation, and sharing the Exp from activity in support of it. It might also help to side step a proper "driver/gunner" seat while in siege mode, so points aren't centralized around a single operator. In fact, it might even help to build it off an outpost system similar to the old tribes turret platforms, making them a adaptable offensive/defense tools in the vein of SAM sites.
  12. Bruhja

    don't hold your breath they had it in planetside 1 so that means the devs wont even look at it.
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  13. DeadAlive99

    It was awesome in Tribes, but Tribes was a radically different game. It was far easier to jump right back in the action after you died, plus free vehicles, etc. It was all high speed and action packed.

    Massive artillery strikes in PS2 would be devastating on resources, I would imagine, and could stall fights and make people just want to walk away. If PS2 were the size and speed of Tribes, then, absolutely.

    Of course, I believe that anything can be made to work with enough tweaking and balancing. Personally, I would love to see an HA mortar. I loved using the mortar in Wolf ET. That was a total blast, but you had to practice and learn where to place your mortar and how to elevate it to get the shot you needed. There was a certain amount of skill to it.
  14. Kn4ck3br0d37

    It seems a lot of people are misunderstanding what you mean. I played Tribes and Starsige. Oh Starsige.. good night sweet prince :(

    Anyways as a clarification: The laser designator doesn't fire anything on it's own.

    With that out of the way, it worked exactly as the weapon triangulation did in Starsige. It just overlays basically a mark saying "Shoot here to hit that target" basically calculating where you have to lead to hit wich is a pretty cool idea for teamwork.

    So to demonstrate the Tribes laser designator idea, here's Starsige. When he locks on to a vehicle you will see a line from the vehicle extending out into a circle. That is what the designator would do and it calculates correctly when you switch weapons.

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  15. Kristan

    Yeah, that thing might be nice if MAX would have it's sort of Fusion Mortar.
  16. Kristan

    It's not LA that bombs, LA is guiding. For the matter of bombing we need something that costs resources, like MAXes.
  17. Yil

  18. IamDH

    Well he was referring to Tribes so i can only assume thats what he meant.

    Correct me if im wrong, in tribes (after you get enough points/credits or whatever it was called) you pulled out this long thing that you had to hold down the mouse and then bombs would just fall out of the sky

    After reading your post, i suppose you mean something that just points out where the target is. Isnt this similar to spotting?
  19. Kn4ck3br0d37

    Well look at the Starsige video in my post, it works exactly like that. You see that circle that appears when he targets things? That's what the designator did in tribes. So it would be something like this:

    * LA/INF/PL with designator puts the beam on what he wants to target and holds it.
    * Artillery units or anything else would get an indicator on their screen that tells them where to shoot to hit whatever's being targeted.
    * Teamwork yo.

    I can understand some people protesting if they thought it was something along the lines of "Click here to call in automatic airstrike" because that would be pretty bad.
  20. Kristan

    That was Orbital/Tactical strike.

    And that's not just pointing, that's guidance system. One player that works as guider pulls laser pointer and aims it at certain location. From the point where laser reaches your teammates see a column of light, like waypoint or spawn beacon like. When other players, that have arc weapon kind, will aim at that waypoint they will see a mark on that waypoint where they need to aim to hit the spot that guider aims at. That might work if developers will give MAXes a weapon like this.

    Slow firing, slow shell flight, bright trace, huge arc, useless at close range, requires skill to hit targets. Might actually help fighting zergfests.