[Suggestion] The Ultimate Thread Dedicated to Refurbishing TR as a Faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EliteEskimo, May 3, 2013.

  1. z1967

    I just wanted to be the 1,000th post. carry on.
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  2. AltF4Fun

    Congrats mate:)Also great thread,definitely deserves the posts and views.
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  3. EliteEskimo

    I actually think the bezerker mode would be a really cool idea, I think WaaWaa had a similar/identical idea before in this thread or another. It would make battles between NC and TR really cool to see at night, and the TR would finally have a good ability that meshed really well with our speed trait. Another good thing regarding this proposed idea is it would be really simple to implement. The developers already can make Vanguards, ZOE Maxes, and Infiltrators glow so I imagine making a Prowler glow wouldn't be too difficult of a task. :cool:

    Feel free to continue to contribute ideas and suggestions to improve TR. By the way you were technically the 1001th post according to the counter:p

    Thanks, and I hope that players of all 3 factions will continue to post cool and innovate ideas/suggestions to improve the TR. I'm hoping that a thread of such magnitude and one filled with so many ideas and constructive feedback such as this will eventually catch the developer's attention. I think we need to summon RadarX to help us in this cause.
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  4. AltF4Fun

    If that tread doesnt catch their attention,I volunteer to spam their twitter accounts with this thread. I heard this social medium gets their attention really fast.:)
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  5. Ebonlock

    *Lights Beacon*

    The world must know of this thread and its great feedback!
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  6. PlatoonLeaderG

    Dont forget that Sundies and harassers glow too alongside heavies,i dont think its hard to make them.Agree we will still be weak with our prowler armour but at least with berzerker ability we will be able to hit and run from close range and it will be so much fun!

    Another idea i thought(a bit silly but i wanted to share it :D)-TeamPlay:We would have a third turret at all times when the ability is equipped it will be only for air,imagine the only tank with 2 secondary guns!

    Weakness- we will need 1 more gunner
  7. PlatoonLeaderG

    I hope you dont get them mad :D by doing that and lock the thread!
  8. EliteEskimo

    I would politely send them the link to this thread, and part 2 which is in my signature, and just let Higby/Other Developers know that these threads have massive amounts of good feedback and ideas into improving the fun factor of TR as a faction. I have linked part 2 on Reddit, so I guess that means Twitter is the next step. On the bright side Malorn has been made aware of these thread's existence. :cool:
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  9. terranhawk

    The devs should read this thread well done sir!
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  10. AltF4Fun

    So they are kind of aware of it,in one or another way. Good to hear. And if its on Reddit they have most likely seen it.:D Some answer from SOE in here would be great just to make sure,but maybe im asking to much.
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  11. GoEErs

    I must say again this is excellent work to all involved, especially you EliteEskimo. I have read and re-read this thread at least 3 times and continue to glean information that I missed each time. I have so many notes on weapons platforms, tactics, and general infantry combat that it will take a few weeks for me to digest. Thank you again.
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  12. Ketadine

    With time, you'll master the second shot, but if you already did not know, the shots come out now from the crosshair. So the offset turret is just for design sake and servers no utility.

    Regarding the "close-range brawls", the concept is ... bad to say at least. Even the better polished tank battles of World of Tanks and BF series do not have AV weapons suited for close range. And even if you do have the dps edge with a Prowler, it is utterly negated by the Vanguard shield. It is thoroughly OP for every situation, but that is a different thread entirely.

    Anchored mode is a bad concept by design. They gave it to the "fastest" tank in the game in order to provide more variety to the Prowler. But, an increase in fire rate and shell velocity for all the mobility is not a good trade imo. More so when a recent patch of vehicles not sliding that much on slopes has forced the Prowler to come to a complete stop in order to deploy the Anchored mode.
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  13. PlatoonLeaderG

    i have been using anchored mode recently and what results did i had? D-E-A-T-H by c4,last time i used i was shooting from 400-500m and after 2-3 min i died by an NC light assault(it might be my luck but i m surviving and doing more dmg without it)
  14. Santondouah

    Prowler armor is the same as Maggie and only 5% less important than VG. Stop using this argument like the prowler was as weak as a flash...

    What a weakness !
  15. PlatoonLeaderG

    Playing TR it is a weakness,you dont know how hard is to find a gunner for my halberd prowler....i have it for 2 months now and almost 2 guys wanted to gun,and i pull prowler a lot!

    Either way its just a silly idea,even to me seems a little OP you dont need to make fun of me :(
  16. Santondouah

    I did not mean to offend you, sorry if I did !

    My point is just that most players (I guess) play in outfits and thus have absolutely no issue at finding a secondary gunner. In my outfit as soon as somebody pulls a VG its secondary is manned in the second, even if it's a Basilisk.

    What you have to keep in mind is that secondaries have a DPS almost as high as primaries. If the third gun respects this "rule" it will make the MBT nearly 50% more powerful. If it doesn't respect this rule people will find it useless.
  17. Tycoh

    Keep in mind that the Prowler has a very small lifespan directly after it spawns. Players don't like constantly gunning/healing a tin canned death trap that can't dodge like the Mag or take the hits like a Vanguard.

    2 lightnings will do more work than a 2/2 prowler due to:
    • 2 cannons firing simultaneously at multiple targets
    • 2 moving targets for the enemy to shoot at
    • Combined health is higher than a single prowler
    • Cheaper to pull and just as effective
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  18. Santondouah

    Let's consider a magrider with AP canon. Did you know that it needed 6 shells to destroy from the front either a prowler or a vanguard ? I don't know where this legend telling that the prowler is as resistant as a flash comes from, but you should check your figures before using them to argue.
  19. Tycoh

    Statistics are just numbers on paper. Give a low BR player a fully certed out prowler and give a BR100 a stock magrider and i'll bet my right hand that the prowler will ultimately lose.

    You should try tanking as TR in Mattherson, we need more high BR competent tankers.
  20. EliteEskimo

    Ya when I think about TR's faction abilities I'm often left wondering "And this is fun how?" For instance Anchormode helps your farm at a faster rate and become a turret. But is becoming a turret fun? No, and certainly not in compariosn to being given the ability to fire faster for 8 seconds on the move, with a cool down. Is being able to rush an enemy tank popping an up to 8 second invulnerability shield or being able to escape through an ambush/ bad situation due to the shield fun? Yes. Is being able to go super fast for a limited amount of time to catch a fleeing vehicle, go up terrain, escape in the heat of battle, or get massive air fun? Yes.

    Then we have Lock down for the Max. It promotes camping doorways, and basically bio lab farming scenarios all at the cost at being immobile and thus an easy target for rockets, grenades, and C4. I call that boring. Meanwhile the NC get a riot shield which can be used to push up, or to shield from damage while reloading, or make a slow fall back maneuver. The VS get an ability that temporarily speeds you up and gives you higher damage. That's fun too. For the most part I don't think abilities that make you immobile are very fun, and maybe it's just my opinion but I think as the go fast faction we are the last ones who should've gotten this type of ability. I think it would've made more sense to give the heavily armored, slow firing Vanguard an artillery mode.

    Anyhow for the most part I agree, oh and I think a cool side ability for the Prowler to deal recoil between shots issue could be resolved by allowing us to fire both shells at once if we wanted and maybe have a slightly longer reload time after doing so.:cool:
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