Is the cheating/aimbotting/etc really that bad?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Calmdown, Feb 6, 2014.

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  1. Frazzle

    Agreed. Several sites were advertising working hacks, but most were definitely rip offs (which I'm still laughing at). That said, there's a couple of old hack sites that don't show up on google that I used to monitor when I ran a CS server. Not only do both of them have working hacks, there was a long conversation on one of the forums about tips on how to tweak different settings.

    Either you made your comment without enough research or you are trying to spread propoganda.
  2. WTSherman

    Well, I'm not going to go into "subtle hacks" (though it stands to reason if something obvious like say, invincibility, works, then sneakier things that are harder to notice would work too) but the obvious ones I've seen while playing so far are:

    Two invincible+speeding Galaxies (the kind that zip around at light speed and chain-ram everything without even smoking)

    Three speedhacking infantry (this is referring to obvious speedhacking, not "maybe", this is only counting infantry that were zipping around faster than ESFs. One tried to be sneaky about it and only turbo when he thought we weren't looking, but one of us had a flash with scout radar so we could see him zipping around the minimap)

    One invulnerable Scythe that spent an entire alert hovering in one spot with scout radar equipped (extensively confirmed by multiple AA units and his own admission)

    Three noclippers (one that set up AI MANA turrets inside terrain pieces, one that repeatedly overloaded a Biolab SCU while the shields were still up and oh-so-creatively named himself after the hack he was using, one that set up an AV MANA inside terrain pieces, all confirmed visually)

    None of the above is "suspicious" or "he might really be that good" stuff, these are only incidents that were blatantly obvious, highly visible, and confirmed+reported by multiple people on both/all teams present. I'm fairly confident all of the above have been banned, but it still shows what kind of things are possible and demonstrates that we need to remain vigilant.

    I don't even play that often, and usually only during prime time, so honestly I find it hard to believe when people who have put in three to four times as many hours as me and even play during off-hours say they "have never seen a single hacker".
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  3. PanzerGhost

    I myself have seen what looks like speed hacking from infantry, or very bizarre flickering players that look like they are lagging but are actually there going around the level super fast and you can't shoot them. Not sure if its a bug.

    I run a i7 4770K and a Gygabyte 780Ti, so generally the game is quite smooth even on (true)ultra settings, granted the game has poor optimization since I can still drop from 120/90 fps down to 45 in the weirdest locations, not even crowded areas.

    Either way, with a fully equipped NC "Warden" Rifle I have turned around 180* and gotten a head shot on somebody who had shot me from behind like 5 times. And I know how angry that player must have been. But even with a "Warden" the enemy player must have had low health, because even with a headshot you wouldn't have died so quickly.

    I'm not sure if players realize how low their health really is when they engage other enemies from behind, only to be shot back and die instantly.
  4. Frazzle

    Don't confuse hacks with exploits. Hacks are programs that are installed. Exploits are "exploiting" bugs to achieve an advantage.
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  5. Xien

    If there's no hacks for PS2 as you imply ("all"), then why did Smedly make that statement on twitter, how is hacking "fairly low" if there's no working hacks?

    SOE. :SMH:. Come on now...
  6. Frazzle

    There's a lot less hacking in PS2 than most shooters. Not just these days, but historically as well. Pretty amazing considering so much is calculated on the client.
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  7. Sledgecrushr

    I think you are experiencing what is commonly known as rubber banding.
  8. PromptCritical Developer

    I specified a time frame: "last few months"

    Cheat detection and development is (potentially) a never ending cycle. Currently, there are no working cheats.
    Will someone develop a new cheat and/or repair an existing cheat? Of course.
    Will we detect that cheat and ban everyone using it? You betcha.
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  9. Xien

    Completely disagree.

    I've been playing shooters for 10 years and I never felt compulsion to complain about cheaters until PS2.

    The difference is, in other games, the devs and the community own up to it...
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  10. Xien

    Uh-huuuuuuh we believe you. ;)
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  11. LT_Latency

    Yes, everyone is just hiding expect you and a few other people with bad KDRs.

    It used to be a problem and the whole community complained and we were spammed regularly with message about Admins watching us and people being banned for it. Cause it WAS a much bigger problem when the game was new.

    Those days are pretty much gone. If it was a huge problem these forums would have more then 1 thread and 2 or 3 people complain about the issue.
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  12. Frazzle

    Ever play any of these games?
    BF 1942
    Bad Company 2
    Frontlines Fuels of War
    Counter Strike 1.6
    Counter Strike Source
    Counter Strike Global Offensive
    Americas Army
    Team Fortress 2
    Any of the CODs

    Just off the top of my head this is a list of the FPS I've played that hacking was significantly worse in. Do you even know what to look for to spot a hack? Just cuz someone seemed to kill you quickly, doesn't mean they hacked. A lot of the old methods of detecting hacks through observation are gone due to the client side hit detection in this game. Clever cloak use and a large sample size is the only means I've found to determine with any certainty that someone is hacking subtly. Don't confuse exploits with hacks.
  13. Simferion

    Two days ago I came back after awhile to play a bit in the early morning...
    I saw a friendly warping all around a base. I called it lag in chat but it was a blatant hack: he was warping many meters through walls and so on.
    If people don't see any cheaters they are lucky, liars or they trust too much other players.
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  14. Utrooperx

    In reply to Prompt Critical:

    I agree with your assessment that at this moment, there are no working hacks in PS2.

    Why do I agree? Because you (SoE) just did a major update, which broke them. As you indicated, its a "never-ending cycle" as the people who are paying for these illicit abilities are demanding fixes...which will quickly restore the status quo of "fairly low".

    Personally, even though the weekly updates are a total SNAFU, I like them...because for a short time thereafter people miss...I can actually make it to cover when somebody starts shooting at me!

    Its amazing!

    You just keep doing those weekly updates...:D
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  15. Xien

    No no no, a dev posted that there are no working hacks, so you are lying.
  16. Xien

    So what's my KDR then?
  17. Hatesphere

    ps2 has 8 servers with its entire player base on them, how many servers did you visit in other FPS games that might have insulated you from the hackers? PS2 just concentrates the experience of seeing a hacker compared to other FPS games since they have far fewer places to keep running too. overall the amount of hackers is likely on par with other games, if not only slightly higher due to the f2p nature.

    keep on pushing that passive aggressive agenda!
  18. Robertooooo

    Im pretty sure i met my first cheater earlier today. Or that depends if it's possible to go fullauto with Gauss SAW on 50 m+ range and still get headshots. I was in my MAX suit and got killed in a matter of seconds by a single BR5 HA :D
  19. Hayabusa

    HAYA clan has hacks? Can you be more specific. I am sure that nobody in our outfit hacks. We have been gaming together for years. At least give a player name and be more specific.
  20. G.O.A.T

    Personally only a rare few times have I thought " that was pretty weird", most of the times I never ran into hackers.

    I think more people than you think used "subtle" hacks.....Like strafing slightly faster left to right.

    They don't outright hack but do enough to get a nice edge and so people won't notice.
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