From Your Friendly Neighborhood Engineer...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Linedan, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Linedan

    ...a few gentle reminders.

    1. If you are a MAX/tank/party bus/ESF/whatever and you have been shot to hell, and I run up and start repairing you, why are you running/driving/flying away? Especially if we're in a relatively safe location? Stay there a second, get fixed, get back into the fight. I will gladly fix you up because you're better at shooting things than I am and will be more useful. Just trust me on this. I'm surprised whatever empire I play for even lets me have a gun, much less explosives.

    2. For MAXes: If you need repairs, it's OK to ask for them. Once. Sitting there and spamming "I THINK I BROKE IT!!1111!!eleventy!" every three seconds is liable to make me forget which button my repair tool is on and give you a stream of lead instead of nanites. Accidentally, of course. I'm kind of old and distracted easilySQUIRREL!

    3. See that thing on the floor? It's a mine. When a bad guy comes through the doorway, it blows up and (hopefully) makes him go away and gets me part of a cert. If I put a mine down and then you decide to stand on it while you shoot out that doorway, don't get pissed off at me if you get turned into a blue-and-yellow pudding when that VS infiltrator tries to sneak by you and sets the thing off. Yes, I will screw up and put them too close to friendlies sometimes, because I just love me some mines, and I apologize in advance and will gladly pay for your time in the cloning vats to regrow that missing leg. But if I put the mine down first and then you decide to hump it? You just signed a disclaimer releasing me from all liability, and also saying that I don't have to shovel your remains up.

    4. Ammo. I love putting down ammo, because I'm lazy and it's a stupidly easy way to make it rain certs (I don't even have to hold down the button like when I repair things!). I will gladly put down ammo for you. Except if you stand in front of me and spam it repeatedly. We've already established I'm old and get confused easily and I might just wander off into traffic instead.

    5. Corollary to #4: Before you start spamming "I need ammo," look around. Seriously. Just look around. I might've put an ammo pack down on the other side of the room 10 meters away because that's where the guys with the Freedom Rockets are trying to make the bad Magriders go away and, quite frankly, they need it more than you do. Ask yourself this: Am I dead? If the answer is "no," then put your left hand on WASD and walk your *** over to the ammo to load up. If the answer is "yes," you need a medic, not an engineer.

    A message brought to you by the Intergalactic Federation of Combat Engineers, Auraxis Local 297. Look for the union label on your next ammo box!
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  2. DeadAlive99

    Here's one that annoys me. A Max asks for repairs, you begin repairing him. He then turns, sees you, and walks up so close to you that the beam cuts off. Or sometimes they walk right over you and past you, and the beam cuts off.

    If you're a Max, and you have a beam on you, don't get too close to the engy or it will just slow down your repairs.
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  3. f0d

    also if you are a max dont shoot at me if you want repairs - im just going to ignore you and/or finish killing you if you do
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  4. Flapatax

    It takes a second for the max user's client to tell them they're getting repaired, so to you it looks like they keep running.
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  5. St0mpy

    I suppose I have 1 thing to add to this.

    MAX, when I crouch to repair you its so you can have a full sweep of the room and watch my back, it is not an invitation to crabwalk around or go gangnam style on me, keep aware soldier!
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  6. EmmettLBrown

    Infiltrators: if you're not using the motion sensor, for god's sake spam those darts before you run off to your little 007 conventions (or wherever the hell it is that you guys go). That ammo pack is for you too!
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  7. DeadlyPeanutt

    as an engie main, i got a few chuckles out of this post. sooooo familiar.

    I LOVE keeping maxes healthy cause they say thank you, unlike tankers (and they don't run over you).

    maxes... PLEASE PLEASE stay in cover when you want to be repaired and let us repair you completely before you run off and kill something. remember, engies don't have an iron suit. if you run into fire half repaired, i'm not going to follow you. AND running out into fire when you're half repaired just doesn't work. you get killed, then you put your medics and engies at risk when they try to go out and get you. and if you're in cover being repaired STAND FRIGGING STILL... god... better yet, crouch in cover when you want to be repaired. engies all know that means you need to be repaired. i repair maxes who crouch and stay still first. the twitchy maxes can wait.

    finally, maxes please remember that the engie tool has a heat up and cool down cycle. you may have to wait a couple of moments for the nano tool to cool down so i can finish repairing you.

    btw, medics THANK YOU for all the thousands of rezzes of engies in hot zones. medics in hot zones are the engies best friends. (i've been rezzed a dozen times in one fight keeping maxes up in a hot zone and never had time to say thank you to my medics)
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  8. DeadlyPeanutt

    also, i'm completely ignoring tanks... been run over too many times. if a tanker isn't an engie who can repair his own tin can... he's a moron.
  9. AssaultPig

    the most annoying thing is the maxes that don't cover you while you repair them. There's nothing more frustrating than a MAX that goes and immediately hides in the corner while being repaired... and then I get shot in the back
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  10. VonStalin

    don't repair my tank please. I never stand still and my tank repairs itself... All you do by repairing my tank is committing a suicide.
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  11. Santondouah

    I have even better: it spams "I need repairs", you come to him, once at 25%HP it starts walking (or even sprinting in worst cases...) back to a huge fight and then yells at you because you did not repair him fast enough.

    I don't follow those anymore.
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  12. SacredRay

    These two paragraphs are neither funny nor are they even accurate. I've had my fair share of stupid engineers who simply spawn turrets and derp around. Then there are those pro MLG engineers who simply use the class as an alternative to the CoD Scavenger perk. Its BS how a good supporting class like Engineer is desecrated by garbage console kiddies who have no regard for anyone but themselves.

    If I'm an Engineer and I hear "spare batteries, I need more ammo", I put that sh*t down immediately. If a MAX asks for repairs, I run over there and repair him - because I know that if he dies, most probably the Medics won't be able to get to him and we'll face enemy MAXs without Maxs of our own.

    So if I'm a MAX and I need heals or I'm infantry and I'm doing pretty well in my role, I'm going to keep spamming v->3/v->4 until you Engineers do the jobs that fit your description.
  13. Calisai

    This, this and more this. ^^

    I'm a Mag driver and I have level 6 repair as do the majority of my gunners. The Mag has an unquenchable thirst for spandex enclosed blood... stay away. If I'm not outside my tank repairing... there is a reason. As far as I know.. you're some level 2 engy tool who'll spend forever trying to fix up my tank and not even succeed in preventing a single shot.

    If you come up thinking you are going to be helpful... you're not... cause now I have to be careful of your fragile ***... or take your head off... and the majority of the time I can't even see where you are. My main defense is strafing in unpredictable ways... all it takes is a tap and you'll die... it's pretty ridiculous actually.

    Go repair the Sundies, my crew can take care of the Mag.
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  14. Benton!

    Please, please don't ever teamkill something that uses resources. How would you like it if your infantry classes were put on cooldown?
  15. LibertyRevolution

    That's nice that is how you play engineer. Don't expect the rest of us to be at your beck and call.

    People who spam voice commands get ignored by me, maxes that try and cut into the beam when I'm repping another max don't get reps from me, maxes that shoot me for ammo repairs get shot back.

    Maxes that think that because I started reps on them that I am now their pocket eng will find themselves running off into battle half repaired and alone.

    It is not my job to take care of your max. You need something, you come find me, if I'm not busy with my own game, I will help you.
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  16. SacredRay

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  17. AzureKnight

    If I'm a support class, I'll play as a support class. If there's a battle and I'm engi or medic, you can bet your *** I'm up on the front lines as there's too few support classes typically and all those bullets and slabs of health gone get such great XP and certs. I will say, however, if you see a whole bunch of engis raining down hell on tanks with AV turrets, or two or three guarding the only hall with AI, turrets don't expect any of them to jump from their cert farm.

    Though sadly, we can't spam them any more. i think with a patch they reduced it to two per character as any time I try to spam them, the oldest ones after the second dart disappears right away.
  18. Vinakis

    I do at least try to put down an ammo box before spawning my turret. If it goes away, just position yourself in my peripheral vision and yell for ammo so I can hear you over the cert machine. :D
  19. FieldMarshall

    If at any point you poke me with your bullets to get my attention for repairs/ammo. Be prepared to die.
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  20. f0d

    i have been an advocate of people not tking under any circumstances but i have been killed by too many max's that want repairs in a hurry that i just dont take it anymore

    after the 15/20 or so times i have been killed (and many MANY more that just damage me) by a friendly max because my repair tool was on cooldown or i was looking at the map at the time or was typing a message to someone i stopped caring for those THAT SHOOT ME for repairs and started defending myself instead
    dont shoot me and i wont shoot you