So this guy killed me.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wave, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. wave

    I am TR and I ran past A guy with this camo and decal scheme. He turned around and shot me. THIS IS BULL POOP!!


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  2. Astraka

    So you're telling me you hacked his account? Because that's not a death screen, that's a loadout screen.
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  3. mikenzb

    Well the spandex is there so?

  4. AdmiralArcher

    probably used a screen shot from else where with the same camo since he didnt have enough time to screenshot
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  5. Tobax

    He's doing it wrong, meant to be using giraffe :p
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  6. wave

    Read carfefully, I said with this camo and decal scheme, his name is VsDulux and I did not get enough time to get a screenshot.
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  7. BioPhysics

    How do you not recognize that as a Vanu heavy?

    Vanu heavies have big chests, but don't train legs.

    TR heavies are just fat.

    NC heavies have scrap metal taped all over their bodies.
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  8. Phazaar

    I do think it's pretty freaking funny that these camos etc exist. I get that the whole idea of camos is to camoflage, but it's literally like they have no freaking clue what they're doing... Like back in Rainbow 6 when you could change your camo to a camo that wasn't coloured like your team, but the opponents could also use the same non-team coloured camo. No doritos to boot... So freaking dumb.

    Thanks for this post OP going to get my outfit to get this camo for fighting the TR.
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  10. Maelthra

    This is kind of why I don't like the camo system just a little bit. Back in Planetside 1 I could always tell, in the blink of an eye, whether someone was a friendly or not. In PS2 there are some camos that make people look so not like their faction that I sometimes slip up and shoot a friendly before I realize they're a friendly.
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  11. MrMurdok

    Seriously? This guy just screams Vanu.
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  12. PhantomOfKrankor

    Always check for the diaper, easy way to identify VS.
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  13. HadesR

    Glad to see camo coverage is equal across all Factions .. Remind me why Did NC Infi's get a bra and pants again ?
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  14. WyrdHarper

    What with his NS weapon, neutral camo, and the fact that he shows more red than purple? There is absolutely no reason for VS players to have a red decal available. If you glance at someone for a second ( which is often all you have) as TR and see red, you should be able to assume "safe."
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  15. Purg

    By default - if they have blue above their head, try not to shoot them.

    If they have nothing or red above their head, shoot them.

    Look for doritos (or lack of..), not camos. If you're pausing long enough to distinguish reds, greens or purples before you shoot, you're doing it wrong.
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  16. NoctD

    I've shot at countless nothing above their head only to discover they were friendlies.

    The blue doritos really need to display more reliably, but they don't. :(
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  17. CokeDemon

    I killed a friendly last night cause he had a red colored gun. I always use the 'if they look like the enemy, kill first, ask questions 2nd' advice.
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  18. Crayv

    You can tell this guy is VS from all the purple

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  19. deggy

    I have no trouble distinguishing anyone's faction...

    Y'know, since there are actually differences besides color.

    This is like complaining because a Magrider had Desert Camo on it and looked too much like a Vanguard.
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  20. NoMoarAmmo

    Besides the fact that there's a gigantic VS symbol smack dab in his chest...