Server Downtime for Patch February 13, 2014 6 AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. GalXEEEEE

    The moderators are going to have a hay day with this forum. USA vs EU lol
  2. BravoDown

    beiber is canadian
  3. themayorofspace

    I went through this...and still...nothing.
  4. Belaz

    I really don't know why SOE doesn't just plan for patches to take 2 hours but say patches will take 8 hours then when they only take 7.5 hours everyone will be happy.
  5. VitasBanditas

    Oba koke gramatika :eek: ... Any way ur right.
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  6. Tiedemann

    I think it's time to work on some rules in our outfit.
  7. Pondera

    And who do you suppose pays for all that free healthcare and education?

    Look, everyone needs to stop saying that America is the center of the world. It's really not, but neither are we fat, greedy, stupid or guilty of any of the other horrible sweeping generalizations the world says about us. It's certainly not true of me.
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  8. mersk

    If half this forum was high right now, there would half as much rage. Then again, if SOE employees are NOT high right now, they have no excuse for this ridiculous downtime.
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  9. Headhunter242

    best answer
  10. Tealrider

    ..... servers up yet?.......
  11. NickVolkers

    Omfg im so done with all those updates, i just came back after a long day of work and now i wanna play the game and there is AGAAAIN and update. And its already 15 minuts over time, dont post that its gonna take 3 hours because it always takes longer..
  12. Teltower

    Ist ja herrlich...da fängt man gestern an zu spielen, freut sich aufn Feierabend und dann sowas...
    Dann liest man noch es ist ständig so, da komm ich ja voll oft zum spielen...nicht.
    Download + Installation 6 stunden und an Update Tagen gar nicht spielen....lächerlich.
    Man plant ja sein Leben nicht danach wenn mal keine Updates sind... schlechtes Timing zum Anfangen...
  13. imfabiohello

  14. DoMA55

    seriously guys the game starts to look "in dutch" zo godverdomme kikke!!! fracking cool it's like real war butt in real life your dead for real butt I like it so much that I play it now for over 1 year addicted as hell ! ! ! server Woodman DomA55 :-o you are very bad I know :-D I'm not 15 any more

    SOE hurry up

    schiet op man sloome ik verveel me kapot
  15. VonStalin

    here, you can take some of these :D ąčęėįšųūž :D
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  16. KaMaLa

    Prikin, aš ne vienintelis :DD
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  17. Pondera

  18. Specter57

    maybe, just maybe, its cause of the freaking server patch
  19. framperton

    Um what? You seem to think that the EU commits an equal number of troops to conflicts as the US. They commit forces because they are part of NATO, and because they understand that certain threats can't be just hand-waved like you seem to think.
  20. imfabiohello

    heyy man men