Server Downtime for Patch February 13, 2014 6 AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. themayorofspace

    I do like being Infiltrator just to throw people for a loop. Kinda seems like now people are getting 1 on 1 training as to how to defeat Infiltrators, simply by being one. One the other hand, it WILL be much more difficult to kill an Infiltrator.
  2. Cromell

    If it's stated in patch notes, it's not ninja change.
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  3. Grayson

    I hope you know that those facny looking valentines day crossbows will basically shoot hearts...right? Or its good if those are "sci-fi based" hearts?
  4. Goretzu

    Seems like a reasonable patch, but really you need to do this eariler if you're patching every week, never mind 2+ times a week, as this really eats into EU playtimes.
  5. themayorofspace

    WHAT 0_0 I TAKE BACK EVERYTHING I SAID *deletes planetside* *deletes steam* *blows up SOE* there, done.
  6. strangulate

    I love how the eta said 2 hours now its says 3.
  7. blueangleofdeath

    @XeliasX123 Try certing into the AMS line and make sure you still have a key set to it.

    Crossbow is cool but I would have liked to have seen a regular bow that shot laser arrows or something.
  8. finali

    I need a update to eliminate long patch days.
  9. Xandax

    When something else is happening more often than the said normal, the said normal is not normally.
    Especially when it now also happens twice a week.
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  10. Yaesu

    If the Infiltrator changes get to where the game isn't fun anymore, there's a real good fix for that. I'll just quit playing. I've already seen some real BS in the game that's leading me in that direction now. I can unload half a clip into a player and they don't go down. They hit me 3 times and I'm dead?? WTF is that??? If it isn't fun, why bother, right?
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  11. Takoita

    So, should we come the next day or something?
  12. XeliasX123

    its only 37 min left.. But if it will be like the last one it will take 2 h more
  13. Gheeta

    It is ninja change when it's not available for testing in PTS like all other changes, this is going to make A2A missiles op as **** and we were given no warning or time to tell the developers why this is a bad idea.
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  14. themayorofspace

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  15. Commander Tychus

    "pro" players need their Liberators.
  16. XeliasX123

    Ty bro, i will look as fast as this patch is finished :):)( in 5 h ;))
  17. Garyed

    I thought it must be my bad aiming but I appear to have the same problem.
  18. themayorofspace

    Wait, 5 MORE hours?
  19. GalXEEEEE

    Great lets give the annoying ESFs a buff, and constantly forget Libs. So your telling me that while flying my bomber i can be shot at by two weapons at once by one single ESF? Back to flying my galaxy gun boat i guess cause at least it can stand up to that...hopefully.

    Oh and BTW been noticing a spike in TR people using a movement cheat. Especially a certain Galaxy on Indar (Connery) around 1-2 a.m. PST. Please tell me that was taken care of.
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  20. Jaamaw

    Case and point.
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