Why I consider this game to be completely broken.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bortasz, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Tuco

    wut? I play LA all the time without that stupid C4.
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  2. uhlan

    Yeah, right now it's easier to make certs avoiding team game play. Not as fun to do, but for newbs or those of us with little disposable income, it's the only way to go unfortunately.

    PS2 has many, many issues the least of which is covered in the optimization passes.

    At least they're doing something. Just wish i didn't have to reload after every patch to get smooth gameplay.
  3. Axehilt

    Learn to fly.

    Go kill one vehicle. It'll take ~5 minutes to find one and kill it.

    In slightly less time than it took you to earn 250xp ghostcapping, you'll have earned 1000xp.

    I get ~666 xp/min (~333 xp/min before buffs) and most of that is from vehicle kills. You don't make vehicle kills ghost-capping, you make them in big meaty battles. (It's worth noting that you don't make vehicle kills in Bio Lab "farms", so what many players consider a good farm isn't actually very good at all...unless they for some reason care about kill count.)
  4. LordMondando

    Ok so you are incapble of having fun without rewards in the form of arbitary numbers flashing up on screen.

    Everything you can unlock will allways come in time.

    Play the game to have fun, or else seriously I suggest you just walk away. If you can't have fun outside of the cert reward mechanism your going to hate the game once you have more than you can be bothered to know what to do with br 70+.

    Play the game to have fun, join and outfit, do things just because you can. Play to take objectives because another outfit might be defending them. Do things because they are complicated maneuvers that tax you mentally.

    your never going to get the most out of this game if your soley driven by certz as a reward mechanism.
  5. DeadlyPeanutt

    The OBJECTIVE in the game is to get XP and certs to upgrade your weapons.

    One problem with squads is that most random squads are less organized than a group of strangers (people babbling random nonsense on squad chat while i'm trying fight, squad commanders who have no concept of tactics let alone strategy, indecisive, checking out and begging someone to take command, etc, etc).

    I'm sure there are tightly organized squads out there with good leadership, but they are the exception. I make more XP and have more fun floating back and forth along the front as an engie/HA, helping out where I'm needed.

    If i found a squad that wasn't commanded by morons who have no idea about tactics and i made some XP with them, I might hang out with them. They MUST be rare, because I haven't found them.
  6. Yuukikun

    - You cannot ghost cap more than 1 or 2 bases if the ennemy has enough pop to make you get a 50% pop bonus xp
    - You don't get XP for more than 2 generator overloads.
    - Because of first point, it's impossible to have 3 or 4 bases capping at the same time
    - Even if you were alone (empty continent) there is a limited amount of bases to cap.
    - It only takes 1 player to stop all the caps you start making you gain 0 xp
    - You can plan on ghost capping amerish and it could already be capped by your faction
    - You could have your faction already warpgated and have defenders on the only hexes you can try to capture

    - When you go in fights, you get xp for killing + base cap + vehicle kills/assists + assists + spotting + repairing / reviving
    - You get medals for weapons you use (200 certs for auraxium = 50 000 xp worth)
    - You gain even more xp if healing squad/platoon
    - you actually do something
  7. LordMondando

    How is the objective getting XP.

    Just becuase the game has a reward mechanism, does not reduce the game to that reward mechanism.
  8. Wildclaw

    I find it highly amusing how the majority of everyone posting in this thread are too oblivious to realize that the OP wasn't commenting on ghost capping giving high xp. He was commenting on following orders and running in a disciplined platoon giving low xp.

    He just mentioned ghost capping as one easy way of farming xp. There are many other ways of farming, and the people in this thread have not been shy in mentioning them, all while protesting that the OP is so wrong.

    Disciplined platoons that aim to capture the map are a crappy source for xp. And it is easy to understand why. The battles that give the most xp are stalemates with a relatively even amount of people on each side. And that is the last place where you'll find a disciplined platoon.

    On a side note. If you really want good xp, then run a disciplined single squad and go to larger stalemates where you won't have too big of an impact, but there are lots of enemies to shoot at, and lots of pub friendlies to act as meatshields. Never run more than one squad though, because you can start tipping the balance of battles to easily. And that is not good for farming xp.
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  9. Xasapis

    My experience is considerably different.
    • Ghost capping gives the absolute minimum amount of exp possible. Dropping an ammo pack and going afk in a big fight will net you more exp than ghost capping anything.
    • Second worst exp comes from following outfit ops objective. Which personally I find it normal, since the goal at that point is not maximising your exp gain, but getting the objective for your side by any means necessary. Which may mean guarding a Sunderer that may not get attacked, or staying out of sight as a medic and so on.
    • The best exp comes when I join even fights, anywhere. When one even fight ends, I redeploy to the next even fight, I don't follow the crowd to the next base. These fights, no matter what role you choose, give the best odds to maximise both your cert gain and your fun factor (fighting a winnable fight is more fun than throwing yourself into overwhelming odds or picking your nose while your side has the defenders heavily suppressed).
    • The very best exp comes when the enemy has pushed all the way to our warpgate.
  10. Lockerius

    Here's a concept. You play the game your way, I'll play it mine, and we'll both be happy. But just because the game doesn't conform to some set of arbitrary thoughts doesn't make it "broken."

    Or was this just your attempt to incite trolling? MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
  11. Ulfur

    none of these are quite accurate, often one faction will have 80% of amerish and guys from the other 2 factions are capping their way across and not interfering with each others ghostcapping. I know this to be true, I have seen it many times.if there is on TR and 4 NC on a VS owned amerish you get a solid pop bonus as the TR player especially if the NC are fighting 5 VS at the other end of the map.
    For the gens, again wrong you still get some of the points for a gen, the explosion not the overload, just not all and it was 3 last time I checked have they changed this?
    The number of time just one player has manged to stop all my caps is small compared to the number where they don't. Even then I do relish the fight if only there were a way of continuing it. If only I could spawn there again but I can't cos if I brought a sundy he will destroy it for points and if I flew there I have timer. There are times I would like to continue fighting for a base way longer than it is possible to spawn there.

    check youtube for cert farming guides, or read some of the posts in this thread. They outline the general principle.

    We had this from launch until the middle of last year sometime. its not a great option, because it leaves some guy(s) doing absolutely nothing just stopping the point from flipping back. NO ONE wants to be that guy. Unless this radius was maybe as big as the sundy no-deploy radius. That might work.

    I'm not sure that is a problem, if the server is low pop then whats the harm? No one is being effected by what a solo pilot does on amerish on his own. You may as well say, if the server is low pop then esamir and amerish get shut down. I'm not saying this is completely terrible idea actually.

    The ghost cap part of this thread just shows a kind of exp level I'd expect to be able to get whilst playing "properly" (a very subjective term). The real issue here is that kill farming in big fights gets you more certs (desirable for their upgrade unlocking abilities, not cos they are pretty numbers) than following the platoon leaders orders of pulling a sundy and keeping it alive or going to switch to infiltrator kit to get the terminals hacked, or just sitting behind a max healing him from incoming fire. All of these roles are extremely important, and I am forever grateful that being a useful medic is well rewarded.

    The real question here is "How to improve the reward scheme to ensure those who play purely for maximum certs actually play a "useful" role in pushing the enemy back to their warpgate or winning an alert?"

    How about giving exp bonuses for being in a squad attacking basses marked by the waypoint, to further reinforce Platoon play you could make these bonuses higher for platoon markers. Bonus would apply to kills, heals, hacks and repairs etc.

    What about during alerts: Bio lab alert = lower exp gained at amp and tech plants. etc. Some kind of Prioritized rout on the lattice for small bases marked "Extra Exp Here" on the rout to enemy Bio labs.

    I like the idea of diminishing returns for kills on long fights, but there are many factors to cover here. ie would it be worth saving a biolab by taking you platoon there if the fight has been going on for 2hrs already? Wouldn't it be better to wait for it to cap and then attack it? So, would new combatants have a clean slate? ie start at full exp/kill? If thats the case how long would you have to leave a fight before its worth going back. What if it's the only decent fight on the continent? Is it right to punish those who stay to the bitter end?
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  12. IamDH

    Well when one cap amounts to a few kills, i disagree strongly. I dont understand how this could be the case unless you have like a 0.01KD
  13. Erilis

    They're vital! Literally! I get it! :D
  14. Sock

    I can't say I agree with your inverse kill XP mechanic, but something has to change. PS1 had a system where larger, longer fights rewarded more XP. You got almost nothing for ghostcapping, but people still did it because territory and facility benefits actually mattered. No idea why they went to the flat rate XP mechanic we have here that leads to people discussing the most efficient way to ghost cap Amerish. If you have a mechanic that promotes not fighting in an FPS game, it's safe to say it's a little flawed.
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  15. St NickelStew

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  16. Wildclaw

    Rules of ghostcapping
    1. Never interfere with the capping of the enemy.
    2. Never EVER interfere with the capping of the enemy
    3. If someone kills an ESF, or otherwise interferes, then the ghostcapping is over.
    4. Only one faction per area.
    5. Multiple caps at a time.
    6. No guns, No violence.
    7. Fights will be avoided as long as they can be
    8. If this is your first late night ghost capping, then you have to cap.
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  17. Overblended

    The last patch was so bad I could not play for over 15 minutes without having to close the program and restart. Then last night I get an email from SOE saying I was cheating and the they banned my account. They couldn't understand why my "Latency" was so bad so they closed my account. I couldn't even update my BIOS by myself and they said I was altering "speed hacking" there program. Quite frankly this is BS. I played and paid for over a year, then I stopped paying them and this is what I get. The frickin boot! Anyone that has an 8 core machine will understand the problems I have had with game play. They can take this F***** game and shove it where the sun don't shine. And that goes for you too Timothy Vick - Customer Service Manager - SOE
  18. YouWannaGetHigh

    You take a base in 4 minutes which gives you around 350xp. You do nothing more. Now let's see what you can do in a real fight;

    Blowing stuff = 350-1000xp
    Killing = 100-900xp
    Overcharging Shields = 350-500xp -----> 500-700xp
    Reviving = 100-200xp
    Repairing = X.10xp
    Providing Ammo = X.10xp
    Aircraft - Tank driving = Crapload of xp
    Pulling a MAX = Good amount of xp
    Dominating an Alert = 5000-20000xp
    Being a gunner = Good amount of xp
    Hacking stuff = X.50xp

  19. JorgeSarcos

    How is this relevant to the topic?
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  20. Bortasz

    Show me place where I was saying that fighting=farming give less XP than Ghostcaping.