Very low framerate (often <5 FPS), with fairly powerful new computer

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Shaod, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Shaod

    Hey, I’ve got a frustrating problem. I built a pretty decent PC for my brother, primarily to play Planetside 2 well. While it plays everything else flawlessly, Planetside is unplayable. It’s not top of the line, but it’s using fairly new components, so I don’t understand the low framerate. I’ve tried lots of different ways of troubleshooting it, but none of them have had an effect.

    Using Alt F to show FPS, it normally shows neither CPU nor GPU bottlenecking, even when running at very low FPS. Occasionally it will flick to CPU. It gets almost identical FPS regardless of whether the settings are on Low or Ultra – none of the in game options seem to make any difference. While FPS is somewhat dependent on what is going on around in the world, it still drops to low FPS in small fights (1-12 vs 1-12 will often run at below 10 FPS). Around a quiet warpgate it will get around 40 FPS. These are not single spikes of low FPS, these are consistently low speeds.

    • Haswell i5 4440, Quad core at 3.1 GHz (3.3 GHz Turbo)
    • ATI Radeon HD 7770
    • 8 GB RAM
    • MSI Z87M-G43, Intel Z87, S 1150

    I’ve tried lots to troubleshoot the problem, but so far nothing has worked:
    • Reinstalled
    • Updated drivers etc.
    • Switched to a new SDD
    • Switched RAM
    • Probably more I can’t think of right now

    I’m really stumped on this one. I know it should be able to run faster than this, so I’m really confused as to what is causing the problem. While the Haswell 4440 is one of the slower Haswell i5s, it shouldn’t be unplayably slower than similar specced Ivy Bridges.
  2. DeltaEnergy5

    Your graphics card is in the yellow range on this chart. My graphics card is in the green, but it still doesn't have a constant 60fps. I can't tell you anything more than that... must be an issue with the game.
  3. Irathi

    Hmm since you report consistent low framerate I doubt it is a thermal issue, but check them regardless.

    It could be just that your built in GPU is doin the work and not the dedicated card.
    Download Catalyst Control Center and monitor the dedicated GPU load there.

    If we exclude CPU and GPU from list of cultprit there might be an issue with the motherboard? Tried the latest bios version?
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  4. henrickbr

    I commented on another post about a similar problem -
    I have an AMD FX 6300, 8G ram - 2 graphics cards in SLI GTX 550 TI (together) the game is set on Ultra - The update on the 30th, let ​​slow my game. My fps in big battles dropped to 15fps - while he always fixed at 25fps in big battles and 60 fps in normal battles - I can still play normally, but it is remarkable returns fell - I'm still in Brazil, which contributes to a decrease fps. Maybe, for some equipment, the updates are leaving trails of problems
  5. LordMondando

    I'm going with Irathi on this one. Both your CPU, GPU and Ram combo should be netting a lot more than this and your minium should be far higher than that. Something werid is going on.

    Espeically with a new setup, the Os derping and setting your graphics to all go through via the SoC GPU is the most likely one. Outside of that more data needed.

    Problem with this hypothesis though, is if its running through intels pointless onboard graphix, it should be displaying that pretty clearly as the bottleneck in the game. Also settings everything to low, 'should' allieviate it as PS2's graphical load can get pretty low.

    Was the system a custom build? Does this behavior replicate in other games, spesifically over MMO's in areas crowded with players?

    If its just PS2 and the build is completely fault proof, well.. thats going for the statistically improbable which is generally a bad idea.

    Other culprits might be said build having a REALLY budget PSU and so the CPU/GPU is not getting the power it needs, that starts to get into hardcrash territory though, which you may have noticed.

    Or the motherboard has been done badly is as engaging some sort of auto overclock or downclock. These are normally quite easy to spot and/or fix if you go into the bios though.
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  6. NC_agent00kevin

    I would make sure you are allowing 100% maximum frequency in your Windows Power Plans first, and make sure your onboard graphics arent doing the work that your 7770 should be doing. Also, make sure your PSU is up to the task and has a little overhead before you push its limits.
  7. Americaisnumberuno

    I have a i5 4430 on a z81 motherboard so that's not the problem. The only difference I have from you is the 660 ti.
  8. Americaisnumberuno

    H81* i can't edit post for some reason.