PSA: Get your crap together TR all servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Riskae, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. Riskae

    I get it, a lot of our stuff was nerfed all at once. no other faction has had more than a single outlier nerfed at any one time except us. you get into your prowler and you lock down and you miss all sorts of stuff. you whip out that jaguar that you're 239 kills away from auraxium and you suddenly can't kill people out from 10 feet.

    well suck it up you whiny bastards because in the end it WILL be better for the game.

    first things first: I'm straight out of connery, before that heliodine, before that helios. what that means is that I've been an underpop TR SINCE THE GAME LAUNCHED. I've chewed on and spat out alerts, triple cont locks (from when you needed 100%), and the Hex system with 40% NC/VS and won through loyalty, teamwork, dedication and a desire to do more than farm.

    wake up! you lazy hosers on the overpop servers have been farming the crud out of the NC and VS for a long time and now you're gonna have to work for it. let me tell you why.

    1. no one understood until the striker nerf that the vanguard is the single most terrifying tank in the game. some knew, but they were a small few dedicated and honourable vanguard pilots I had the pleasure of dueling against in my prowler.

    2. Our Mossie platoons were able to dominate the skies, again, because of the striker. that meant we had air superiority and that meant our prowlers and infantry could fight against the targets they were meant for without having to constantly look to the skies.

    I tell you brothers and sisters of the TR, the striker was the worst thing to happen to us and now we must drink the poison that its had in the pipe for us for a long time.

    our prowler got nerfed because it was overperforming. I will bet my last dollar that by this time next year our prowler will have underperformed all year.

    our mossi was nerfed for the same reason, as were our infantry weapons. everything was over performing??!? but we all have alts and we all know that our guns weren't any better?

    the goddamned striker screwed us. well, it screwed you.

    on connery where we never had overpop we never lived the dream. we learned to see a target rich environment for what it was. bloody go time.

    maybe I'm a ********* jerkwad blow hard but I know when I've been wrong. I was wrong to be against the nerfs. they couldn't tell which single thing was wholly responsible for an across the board overperformance of a faction and now they're finding out one way or another while at the same time trying to save the game by giving best in class to the other factions. if populations fall too much for VS and NC because of TR overpop on too many servers the game dies.


    I, being from connery, was pissed because we never got the overpop. but from my perspective nothing has changed. they still outnumber me, their guns are still more accurate and do more damage, their tanks are more mobile or simply invincible.

    nothing has changed for me. its still uphill both ways. I am TR through and through and I'm not going to let an across the board nerf stop me.

    we are TR! loyalty until death! now quit your whining and L2P like I've heard too goddamned many of us say to VS and NC players.
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  2. LordMondando

    Problem is the game rewards blob warfare too much. NC on Miller had the inverse problem for months. Now we might be causing it.

    Need resource revamp soon, logistics is the only counter to blob effectiveness.
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  3. 2ndChance

    Amen, brother Riskae.

    TR medic/engineer from Miller here. Sure, we get our rear ends handed to us, every once and again - But that's war, right? Sometimes Mars smiles at you, sometimes he doesn’t.

    I don’t really care for all that buff/nerf talk – I’m here to play, not complain about (what is pretty much) the will of the Gods.
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  4. NinjaTurtle

    Infantry gameplay is the most balanced its ever been, armor and air could do with a few tweaks but nothing majpr

    I think the TR got sp used to having an easy time of it that npw they are on a level aying field they cant suck it up.

    The game is pretty balanced so get over it
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  5. iMartyr

    I don't think the 4th faction will care tbh.
  6. Kunavi

    "It is the 1st Auraxian Millennium. For long, the Terran Republic has been separated from Earth and the might of their inexhaustible Earth based armies. Our mission's Leader is a rotting carcass.Yet even in this state, the TR continues their eternal vigilance. Mighty armies cross the Vanu infested Auraxis, giving battle in the name of Earth and Peace. Greatest amongst them are the WoodMan TR. Their comrades in arms are too few- They are barely enough to hold off the ever present threat to Humanity from Aliens and Traitors -- And far, far worse. To be TR in such Times is to be sieged by all sides. It is to survive in the cruelest regime imaginable. These are the tales of those Times. Forget the Earth, forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim Dark Future there is no Peace amongst the Stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of Dead Gods. There is only War"

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  7. eshHarn

    my thoughts on the current situation the TR are in :mad:
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  8. St0mpy

    we need some more TR propaganda posters putting up, the last lot were tagged within a week
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  9. come1l

    LOL Connery TR, it's almost impossible to play seriously here and there is no single elite outfit like Recursion or X or FCRW.
    The only efficient squads in TR are those "Friendlist squads" consisted of mainly high BR experienced players..
  10. NoctD

    I still do better on my TR than my other faction characters. But one has to pick the fights in game now more carefully, and I tend to stick to playing prime hours TR now since that's when the big boys show up to play, so there will be battle hardened vets by my side. I can just show up with my NC any time of the day and the results don't vary so much on the quality of people I'd be fighting with (and yes despite overpop the NC can utterly fail at times).

    But that's not saying that TR shouldn't fight on forumside either... if anything, TR seems to be the worse faction at forumside. VS has always been supreme at the art of forumside but all factions will see their ebb and flows, even they couldn't save the mighty ZOE. NC have mostly whined on forumside and strangely they covet most things TR, not VS, which I find weird enough since I think the VS infantry weapons have the least downsides to them and are the easiest to use.

    If you want a list of valid TR complains:

    Prowler Anchor - the undeploy time should be decreased as you cert it up, its too long today and the doom of many a Prowler, I keep unanchored for longer periods now post the velocity nerf, since there's lesser benefit to anchoring when compared to losing your tank faster.

    Prowler Vulcan - totally underperforming all other faction's MBT secondaries by a large margin. Doesn't have range, which is most sorely needed on an AV weapon on a MBT whose faction specific ability suggests using it at range. Only real option is to run the Halberd really. I think a Fracture-like rework and ditching the gatling gun concept would work a lot better, plus put it to working more like the Saron/ML85 does.

    Striker - the G2A mode is just totally broken, it went from the best G2A ability in game to almost useless especially vs. ESFs because they can break lock-on LOS so easily with all those obstacles, and with SOE adding in walls and other obstructions as they redesign the continents, its gotten worse. Only faction specific launcher with no ability to deal with turrets, infantry, etc. Just make it wire guided or something instead, and get rid of that stupid lock-on mechanic.

    MAX Lockdown - again, its a death warrant most times to do it, unless you're behind a lot of friendlies or something. As time goes by I see far less TR MAXes that will lockdown. Then again, I can't see a reason VS should use ZOE either... in general, MAX faction specific abilities are all lackluster now, the Aegis Shield might be the best. All 3 need a bit of work to make them better/more viable alternatives to Charge (and Ammo Storage when Burstering).

    These are some of the most glaring TR flaws today I can think of.

    I hate all TR LMGs personally. On NC I use the GD-22S, and VS I switch between Pulsar LSW and the Orion. But I don't do too much HA duty beyond rocket man so I won't go into that.
  11. PurpleOtter

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  12. Mustang

    Loyalty until death! No matter how dire the circumstances we will always be a part of the Terran Republic!
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  13. IamDH

    There was a time-----right before ZOE, when TR were actually OP
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  14. aRottenKomquat

    I keep hearing that TR was nerfed recently, and as a TR I have no idea what.
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  15. Epic High Five

    The Prowler is still performing better than the other MBTs in all metrics happy to help

    Also I haven't noticed a difference in the lethality of my Jaguar or TRV on my TR guy. Still just as stupidly lethal and it's not like they lost their free exmags.

    Same thing on the NC side. Apparently we got a buff? The Falcons and GD-22S were "buffed" to match the descriptions and stats they've had assigned to them since launch and our LMGs are still the worst at hipfire, only now the gap is a bit smaller?

    Actually the Falcons were nerfed quite dramatically in damage output, it's just that nobody notices because now they actually hit the target

    edit - actually the Vanguard's HE cannon is better than the Prowler HE at killing vehicles. Slightly. I'm sure you'll agree this is a huge mitigating factor and really makes the Vanguard OP because HE is very often used to hunt down Sunderers thanks to its 15 or so shots to kill granting plenty of time to brew some tea or get some light reading done.
  16. libbmaster

    Guys, I think you misunderstand: OP is not implying that TR is now the worst, he is mad at pubs who got used to being TR being over the top good, and now don't know how to win with out a huge zerg and strikers.
  17. Epic High Five

    But they're still over the top good. The problem is just that their command consists entirely of WW2 roleplayers and a pile of swiss cheese
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  18. Hatesphere

    I swear, all the ******** about TR infantry weapons not killing at range, its like everyone forgot how to burst fire over night.
  19. EmperorPenguin5

    I love how you guys whine so much and say the Vanguard is op.
    When your Prowler with AP rounds IS actually OP. The Amount of DPS you deal when its deployed is insane...
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  20. Akeita

    I saw MERC, TxR, TRG