MAXes are dumbing down infantry gameplay

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by blashyrk92, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Lockerius

    I agree with the OP. I also think we should get rid of all armor and aircraft because it's hurting overall infantry gameplay.

    Just go play COD Ghosts and leave the big-boy game to the grownups, ok?
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  2. Hatesphere

    Infantry are dumbing down infantry game play, have you seen how dumb some of them are?
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  3. Purg

    You make some excellent points.

    Further to one of them, this is MAX play in the hands of a skilled player. His infantry play and ESF are no less impressive. This is not an indication of how successful the other 99% of users that'll pull a MAX will perform. Just because there's a dozen or so VS MAX users capable of playing like this does not make all MAX this capable or this deadly.

    Using a killing montage video for the purposes of trying to prove infantry play being dumbed down is disingenuous. If I'm going to throw something up on youtube, it'll be a collection or a snippet of what I consider my most impressive game play footage. I won't show the half a dozen times I entered a fight and died quicker than I could press my LMB. To base an opinion of game balance around that footage is simply ridiculous.
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  4. JudgeDeath

    Asking for max nerfs or removal is the "Dumbing down infantry gameplay" if anything !

    Maxes are just one spice among many that make soup good.
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  5. Catch23

    Tons of bad players and max users in this thread who want to fool the rest.

    Killboards don't lie. Maxes are noob-suits
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  6. JazzaW

    Only problem I see is when a faction is pushed so far back that they have no chance to pull any max's in response because everyone is out of resources. Its one of those, oh why bother rage quit lol
  7. Tuco

    Ah, good old fashioned badly simulated logistics.

    More accurately simulated logistics means that the further back you're pushed towards your warpgate, the closer you are to your supply depot and the easier it is to fight. In videogame backwards-land, it's the opposite.
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  8. Vanus Aran

    I think its
    " Infantry who IS TOO LAZY to deal with maxes are attempting to dumb down gameplay. "

    Maxes are truly not allmighty. And bigger Zergs often got more territorys in the first place -> so they have more people on the same continent -> this too can all become a Max -> and can do so more often cause their empire got more hexes.

    As always the scales tips to the overpopulation-side.
  9. Camycamera

    remove vehicles, they are dumbing down infantry gameplay.

    see what i did there?
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  10. Patrician

    Because Maxes are not vehicles but infantry and can, therefore, be revived.
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  11. Sock

    Infantry are dumbing down MAX gameplay.
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  12. SinerAthin

    MAXes actually put some strategy into infantry combat rather as opposed to constantly running around with your shotgun like a Hamster drugged up on speed and caffeine.
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  13. biterwylie

    Do you really think Planetside 2 has the possibility to have its infantry game play dumbed down?

    A: People just charge around like headless chickens! First to see the other chicken wins.
    B: There is no cover.
    C: There is no lean mechanic.
    D: The area of effect weapons such as grenades have no area of effect?
    E: The rockets launchers are powered by springs inside the tube rather than rocket motors, with the physics of a tennis ball in flight.

    I am not sure there is a game more dumbed down.
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  14. blashyrk92

    Laughed so hard when I read D and E but it's true.

    But if all infantry players are chickens, then MAXes are dogs. Not because they're smarter than chickens, oh god no - not by any means. But because they tear up chickens in no time.

    Sure a couple of chickens can sometimes fend off a dog but then comes a paramedic and a vet (medic and engineer who also happen to be chickens) to get him up and running in to time so he can continue to dismember more chickens.

    The worst part is, unlike crows and eagles (ESFs and Liberators) which need skill to be efficient, anyone can just get in the dog suit and tear up chickens without any skill required. And when the chickens start throwing homing grain balls (lock-on missiles) and shoot exploding hay at the birds (flak), the paramedics can't do anything to bring the poor birds back to life.

    Such is human nature I guess, people are more inclined to love and help dogs, and dislike and shun the birds. And most of PS2 community is no different.
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  15. Catch23

  16. Catch23

    Liberators need skill?
  17. blashyrk92

    For A2G not really, A2A Daltoning, however, is one of the hardest things to do in the game :p
  18. Scaronn

    I will give up of my MAX as soon as you provide my LA/Infiltrator with double bursters.
    For infantry fight (And for killing MAXes) HA is enough.
  19. YouWannaGetHigh

    Good answer. No counter responses, just saying MAXes are easy.

    As I've said, why dont you go pull one and see if you can last long?
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  20. Longasc

    I think MAXes should not be able to be rezzed. Destroyed tanks don't get repaired either.
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