Server Downtime for PU02 December 17, 2013 9:30 AM PT (6:30 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. DoradusGenudine

    Hey SOE, do you see how everyone hates you even more now? Think you could stop breaking this game? Cause you dont make ANY money of people who play it for free... And when the people who pay money for it, like me, get on here after practically EVERY UPDATE and tell you how ******** you are, dont you think you should stop breaking the weapons we payed actual money for, and start pretty much just making everything more dangerous?

    BIGGER explosive radius' more powerful weapons, etc. I mean who are you trying to make this game for? It would seem to me that the general consensus after each more disappointing round of nerfs is that you guys are wrong and just generally totally suck in every way.

    I want my awesome, futuristic weapons to do awesome, futuristic damage. And I dont give a **** about people who cry about them being OP. Wanna know why? Cause I DONT JUST PLAY ONE FACTION. So... I dont FREAK THE **** OUT AND CRY when one faction has some advantage over the others because I ASSUME that the other factions will have some worked in advantage over them.


    Like seriously what can I say was good about this update? Umm... well I think nerfing the harasser halbred was a good idea, but other than that? I guess you have to include the stability updates LOL "servers are being monitered for the new crash bug" LOL good job SOE. Oh and making AP turrets do more damage is good but lightning AP turrets need a bigger buff so its only half good and does half good really count?

    Since you guys dont seem to understand what people actually want to see, let me help you out.
    1. More stability updates (you get props for this)
    3. CERT RESET (another major fail, another EXCEEDINGLY SIMPLE task you have not been able to complete BECAUSE YOURE GREEDY!!!!! YOU JUST WANT MORE MONEY!!!! ITS BEEN OVER A YEAR AND YOU CANT EVEN TELL US WHEN YOULL DO THIS?????)

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  2. LilMoses

    "Sell new guns with every patch" would be a good business model. Actually SOE should have offered handkerchiefs for TR and VS, too.:p
  3. Switch2013

    Wow, that's some rant.

    Personally, I'd like to thank all of you involved at SOE for the hours you've put in, not just to the game itself, but the time you've just spent fixing this patch over the last 2 days.

    As someone who thought they had a good rig, but suffered badly with FPS issues, I also wanted to take the time to thank you all for stopping dev and going back to resolve the problems, in my experience it is rare that a company will hold their hands up and do something about it, and give it the transparency you did.

    You've made an amazing game, and as a long time gamer, I can say that this is the best game I have played in many many years.

    Cheers, and Happy Christmas!
  4. jOGI

    Hey Guy - how old are you?
    Have you read some more threads and posts? Not everyone hate here around.

    In fact, we all are here, especially in this thread, cause we LOVE to play planetside2 and we are getting upset even if we can not play cause server downtime. If somebody really hates the game, he would leave, he would even not register. Thats it.
    And im sure they will watch the numbers of players and if they are clever, they will react.
    In my opinion before the patch these where the facts:
    planetside2 is fun! Much fun! The Vanu / aircraft and the tanks are the easymodes to play it - thats just my feel about it. Just my feel, cause on the battlefield they are very hard to fight against. But: thats also the fun. Maybe my feels are right, maybe not. As an infantry-player one of the funfacts was also, to win fights against the "op / easy"-players. Its part of the story - we fight against enemys that are stronger than we - and we loose it, and we win it sometimes - the sweet tast of victory is only worth it, if you win against the stronger than you.
    After reading all this threads i have one question:
    would it rellay be fun to play it for you, when all buffs / nerfs fitting in always easy wins for you? If you want that - just cheat like some poor people do.

    But i don`t think so. The tension, the adventure for me is not to count certs / xp or my (really bad) K/D-rate. The fun is at the battlefield and surviving and be a usefull, good part of a team with the same destination.
    And for me: planetside2 is still the game, which upset me on the battelfield, which bring me feels of glory and failure - a few hours a week. Its good. Still good. Stop missusing the experience of planetside2 in reading tables and comparing of numbers at the stats. Get in, fight with your team and race - face death and victory, also against "op"-races or "op"-aircraft...or...or....or. better you die with a bummer of wapon in your hands for the right thing, than survive and get your buffed freewins. And the experience for me also comes in learning new tactics against the enemy - and the enemy use new tactics to counterattack......

    just my 2 cents.

    Facing you on the battlefield. ;-)
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  5. DegoMusse

    Uh, I have had significant problems sniping after the patch, and it's almost all because of the Performance part of the patch.

    I think reducing animations at longer ranges was not a good path to take, I see how it increases performance for some players but it looks very cheap when you see players moving at range, without any animations.

    The problems are due to the lack of predictability of enemies if and when they have next to no animations. They also "skip" steps, they don't move constantly but they hop forwards. Looks like lag to me but it isn't, since all the players do it. o_O

    I don't know if it's just me, these are my opinions from my experience in the game after the patch.

    - DegoMusse
  6. Lacecho

    Wow good to know it wasnt just my PC. Thought it was a server issue but your saying its because of the adjustments in the patch for sniping?
  7. AlloyVulture

    It's not only you my friend, Ultimately I have been playing sniper/infiltrator exclusively with a friend and we where having the same issue, impossible to hit targets because of that jerky movement, really, it seems cheap as you described, like a lag produced by the game since it happens with everyone that crosses ones scope.
    The most important problem I have noticed is with bullet velocity, specially with my ns7 pdw which is the one I use the most, thanks to the jerkiness of other players movement and what seems like a slower bullet velocity (incredibly hard to lead and hit at range 15-30 mt), also what seems like a double bullet hit (which was hardly noticeable before) makes it difficult to lead targets since you don't know what 'hit' is the one one should be leading and makes hitting at a distance a PITA, also the 'new' cosmetics of this weapon, seems like watching the weapon straight from a CAD program and a very thorough polish = looks very fake (and what happened to the cassette like magazine? that thing was awesome) and now my character's thumb goes through the laser sight in this weapon, tsk tsk.
    Before I could tell when a player was hipfiring or aim shooting (gives you a glimpse of how quick of a reaction the other player has to ones movement, among other things) so I could adapt/change my approach in a one vs one fight, but now is the same animation for both hip and aimed shooting, so that part is broken.
    All this was so bad that in one day of the patch been released I have consider giving my PS2 time to other games.
    there where good things in this update, but the bad ones are massive in my eyes.
  8. cluckay

    damage range nerf on boly driver? [IMG]
  9. westli

    try lip stick when trying to kiss SOEs *** next time
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  10. Rhumald

    -0.1 damage multiplier to for leg shots would be hilarious. some part of me hopes that's how it is in production, just for the laughs.

    Example math:

    -30 * 0.1 = -3 (you lose 3 hp instead of 30)

    -30 * -0.1 = 3 (you Gain 3 hp, as your end number's value has flipped)
  11. Aoikazego

    Takes 8 decimator rockets to destroy a vanguard (side shots). Takes at least 4 rockets in the ***. That is NOT the same damage as before.
  12. Elddric

    SO , After a bit of playing with the new update... What is this adding time to scoping in and slowing down the mouse speed so we cant track moving targets effectively any longer?

    Please fix it as you just KILLED the short to medium range sniper rifles ability to be used.
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  13. Galbatorix

    I agree with Elddric.. please fix this if its a bug and remove it if its a new feature.
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  14. Benjamin2501

    Now Doradus, this doesn't seem to be very constructive. :)
  15. Switch2013

    Sorry, didn't realise that I wasn't supposed to thank people for making games I enjoy playing. Try being nice mate, it's Christmas after all ;-)
  16. SidCom

    Report from my gameplay yesterday on Miller:

    - at distances 50 + meter sometimes heads and vehicle turrets not rendereing, popping in and popping out. can be verified in VR room
    - ingame sound is strange now, small weapons from infantrie are very loud and clear, AV and AA turrents/explosion sounds like they are "ducked", Like in a spawn tube.
    - reload animation from my NS7PDW broken

    + the microstutter/hitches dissapeared. Game is more fluently now. Frames/s still the same. 100+ player @AMP/Biolab 50+ FPS (i5 3570K@4,3GHZ/AMD 7950 OC 1000Mhz / VDSL 10Mbit/1Mbit stabil 40 milliseconds Roundtrip to Miller)
    + nanowave nerf regarding headshots. TTK now faster with an infan/SMG/ADS combination.
    + No issues with hit detection so far after PU in CQC with infantry after 4 hour (european) primetime play.

    I had this problems with the decimator before patch also that it sometimes not connects to the target. I switched back to my S1 and then it was/is fine again. Not tried the deci yet after PU.

    All in all i can play like normal, since it rarely use hipfire the hipfire nerf no affects me to much. Furthermore with the new weapon view it seems that ADS'ing is a bit faster. (Yesterday, i killed many of this ADADAD/hipfire pirates BR 70+ with headshots...:p )

    Prop. the hit detection thing has something to do with a slow server ping or maybe midrange PC's...
    I will try my altchar on connery today and report... (200ms roundtrip)
  17. TheHandsOfLyr

    • TR MR1 Fracture
      • Direct damage reduced from 315 to 210
      • Max blast damage increased from 25 to 30
      • Short reload is now longer at 2.2 seconds, from 1.75 seconds
      • The flat projectile velocity of 200 m/s has changed to the below
        • Launch Speed: 70 m/s
        • Acceleration: 50 m/s
        • Max speed: 180 m/s
    • VS Comet VM2
      • Direct damage reduced from 475 to 315
      • Max blast damage increased from 80 to 85
      • Short reload is now longer at 1.6 seconds, from 1.5 seconds
      • Rate of fire reduced to 110 rpm, from 120 rpm
        • This evens out the damage output with the other max AV weapons
      • Accuracy reduced from 0.1 to 0.2
    • VS Vortex VM21
    • seriously? tell me how the VS still get weapons that are OVERPOWERED plus they have ZOE and you nerf everything the TR has they are doing over 100 base damage than US plus you nerf our rotary`, and we still do over 100 damage less, whats the point of nerfing everything to make it easier for the less skilled people who dont use their heads. Please tell me why you have to give us a higher magazine size ? why not give the TR the advantage by having like 5 or less than 5 bullets than the competition and then you can bring our damage and performance closer to the VS which still have everything. I play VS now and their weapons are so much easier to kill with than ours and this entire game is getting out of control you guys should just make this game VS wars and have different factions of VS fighting for control of the planet,i cant wait for the next patch were TR gets nerfed further! this is a joke now
  18. PS2xProphecy

    ***** PATCH FIX PLEASE *****
    What's the point of "3 Day" XP Boost if you aren't even guaranteed to play?
  19. LividPatriarch

    I won't deny that I'm a little bit upset about the Saron Damage nerfs. WHy has it been reduced to do approximately half of its direct-hit damage when it is (at least to me) a rather difficult weapon to do direct-hit damage with to infantry. would it be reasonable to request that the Saron HRB be reinstated to its preivious damage level only against infantry?
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  20. Sir Nanigans

    Wow. Just wow.

    You guys at SOE make a great game, one that I choose wayyyy before CoD or Battlefield, but this is too much. No, seriously, it's too much. Several of these adjustments are complete rebuilds. Somewhat true for the Harasser, moreso for the lock-on rocket launchers, and glaringly obvious for the ZOE. How should I know of the VS Max is a good choice for my certs if you changed everything about it at once? More importantly, how can you expect the game to be balanced if you adjust so many things at once?

    Keep the game going, I still love it, but please release your balances steadily, one peice at a time.