Design it! Your perfect PS2 vehicle!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RasFW, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Peebuddy

    I'd love a transport variant to the liberator, get rid of the belly turret and allow it to carry half a squad. Where as galaxies can be the C-130s dropping entire platoons the liberator can be more like the Huey of planetside.
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  2. TacticalButterknife

    [IMG]The Fafnir from Mechwarrior. Because why not
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  3. Sirlala

    Battlecruiser from starcraft (with repair capability while flying)

    Science vessel from starcraft (air support)

    Goliath from starcraft
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  4. Larington

    Giving the lightning a secondary weapon, choices being either Kobalt or Bassilisk so that the Lightning can provide point defence against troops whilst escorting/grouping-with other tanks and defend itself from enemy troops perched over rocks and the like. It would continue to have the downside that it's a relatively light tank and only has one crew member so has one less person to watch for enemy threats trying to sneak up on it.
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  5. Larington

    I have to say, I'm kind of against the general concept of a Mech in Planetside 2 because the general concept implies certain things:
    1. High damage output
    2. High maneuverability (The PS1 BFR could strafe as well as enter a run mode FFS, in fact the whole concept of giving a tank giant legs implies fast movement, implying it can run as fast as or outpace an ordinary tank, making them obsolete)
    3. High armour (Wish I knew what the PS1 devs were smoking when they gave the PS1 BFR a regenerating shield)
    You could make it a 5 man thing and I'd still hate it because it would probably end up having those 3 aspects in some form.

    A heavy mega tank however implies:
    1. High damage output
    2. Low maneuverability (You're putting a lot more weight on the tracks)
    3. High armour
    You could make it a 5 man thing and that's ok because it can't move fast enough to escape attempts to swarm it and has to actually fight its way out of trouble instead of running away with its tail between its legs.
  6. BengalTiger


    Primary weapon - railgun. Fires twice as slow as the 150, shells are twice as damaging, have 350 m/s velocity instead of 275.
    AP ammo only - long rods.

    Secondary weapon - also railgun. Fires twice as slow as the Basilisk, but with greater accuracy, and better damage per shot.

    The price for these goodies?
    Frontal armor of Vanguard, side, top and rear of other 2 MBTs.
    Heavier weaponry requires lighter armor to keep the mobility it currently has.

    Driver operates the secondary gun, gunner operates the main gun. Main gun has stabilization as an offset.

    That rendering also appears to be made using only assets that are already in the game files.
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  7. Degenatron

    To anyone posting any kind of "giant robot":


    Seriously. BFRs killed this game once before. Let's not have a repeat.

    When I posted on the live stream chat during the 1 Year Anniversary this message: "No BFRs Ever. Period.", the reply back from the devs was "What if we did it right this time?" There is obviously a faction within the dev team that think this is still a good idea. Let's NOT encourage that mode of thinking.

    I apologize for my total lack of humor on this, but I really think we need to stay away from making the devs think we want anything like this.

    If you want big robots, go play Mechwarrior Online or Hawken.
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  8. Chicken Wings

    Wait, if we want a new kind of vehicle in the game, wouldn't that add to the armor game, make it more diverse? And besides that, if your argument is "just play mechwarrior for your mechs," well, to be frank, all of us suggesting mechs already have. It isn't just that we want mechs, it's that we want mechs in planetside 2. Further, if your argument really is that we should just play a different game, why not have all the tankers just play world of tanks and all the esf pilots play world of airplanes or whatever it's called?

    I don't disagree the BFR was OP when it was first added into PS1. I don't agree, however, that any addition of a mech to PS2 would be OP in the first place to PS2. That it needs to be smartly implemented, and not just "OM MAH GOODNESH MASSIVE MECH REJUVENATION AND SHIELDS AND ROCKITS AND BULLETS AND DAKA." In other words, a simple mech that can take down infantry and tanks with support is all I ask for.
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  9. Shinniok

    From the side it looks l
    From the side it looks like a shoe *-*
  10. Robes

    you forgot titanfall
  11. Ryekir

    That's something I hadn't considered, but some sort of air support unit would be a great addition!

    It could have:
    1. limited offensive capabilities -- so it really can't be used as an offensive unit by itself
    2. medium armor (maybe even a shield of some sort) -- so it's not flimsy like an ESF, but not overly tanky
    3. relatively speedy (close to that of an ESF, but maneuvers slower)
    4. has long range scout radar capabilities
    5. ammo/repair modules similar to Sunderer
    6. some sort of EMP gun that could disable enemy vehicles for a short time
  12. GrayPhilosophy

    Burst out laughing, thank you sir xD
  13. Kristan

    There, fixed for ya. You're welcome.
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  14. Degenatron

    >implying there is any way to balance giant robots

    Nope. Sorry. It shouldn't even be flirted with. Anything that makes a giant robot feel like a giant robot is going to make them way OP. If it's nerfed to the point of being balanced against the other vehicles in Planetside, then it's not going to feel like a giant robot - just a giant walking coffin.

    Also, it just ends up being a gimmick for Planetside.

    Also, there are already games that are DEDICATED Robo-combat. PS2 is not going to do it as well as they are.
  15. Giusi

  16. P4NJ

    Pre nerf lockdown prowler shooting pre nerf ZOE maxes with pre nerf Vanguard shield... oh wait, shield didn't get nerfed =P

    On a more serious note... a small two man vehicle similar to the flash but flying up to 100m over the ground. It might have guns for both passengers. Wraith cloak of course. Fast, maneuverable but very lightly armored.
  17. MountainMan

    I had it ( aka halberd harasser) and they nerfed it to uselessness to satisfy incompetent tankers!
  18. Unclematos7

    BFRs. Like the original Planetside, there will be a walking variant and a flying variant.
    Here's what the TR ones will be:

    Flight variant: Each arm will have Megavulcans.
    Ground variant: Each arm will have ProwlermegaHE

    Both will have shoulder mounted Megastrikers.
  19. Kentarchos

    ^This, it could be based on the Sunderer
  20. Kanil

    2 man Lightning. Dedicated driver and gunner. Actually a tank, and not a buggy, so Forumside has a harder time nerfing it after they die to it.