New players, before you choose a faction choose a dificulty

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by eduarddato12, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Liquid23

    pffft other people's freedom always gets in the way of my freedom... they want to be free to walk around town safely which ruins my freedom to drive down the sidewalk
  2. vanu123

    It is okay, we don't understand the skill that it takes to fire 5 rockets that lock on to their target and fly on their own.
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  3. Epic High Five

    If any MAX was going to have a glorious lumberjack beard, it's the NC MAX. Our MAX punch should seriously be replaced with a big *** axe.

    Also it looks like one of those power loader suits from Alien had a baby with a bulldozer and named it Shaw T. Gunner
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  4. Devrailis

    NC MAX Lumberjack Beard Helmet + NC MAX Lumberjack Plaid Camo = INVINCIBLE FREEDOM
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  5. Ronin Oni

    ESPECIALLY not our beloved Swagriders
  6. DreamEvo

    Reported, violates the rules.
  7. CL4p2p

    0/10 saw it since I'm here.... learn to change and create...

    Vs: Pro Halo > Very accurate , good power at short range but less at long range, you have to be near enemy -> Your best weapon: Your inteligence. Faction for smart player.

    Nc: Pro CS > Very powerful, bad accurate but deal lot of damage at any range. You have to be fast and have good aim -> Your best weapon: Your balls. Faction for moving player and tough one.

    Tr: LOLCOD > Powerful, Fast , good aim, nothing to do just rush rush rush xD LOL ROKET too, don't care of friend :p -> Your best weapon: What ??? Just run xD dont car of taktiks we R not in life LOL just rush nd kill xD

    Fixed that for you.
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  8. LordCreepy

    Ach als ob der Rest nicht zergen würde ;)
  9. The Rogue Wolf

    Well, let's be fair. Who doesn't love bonus checks?

    Papa Vanu's gotta buy groceries too, y'know.
  10. Halcyon

    You obviously don't play on Connery.
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  11. RogueVindicare

    I just wanna say that I'm seriously enjoying how this thread has morphed into the "Space 'Murica, F@#% YEAH" Promo Thread.
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  12. Rayden78

    VS Zerg?! Von was sprichst du? :eek:
  13. deggy

    Never underestimate the NC and their enthusiasm.

    I have never seen VS or TR as excited en masse about their faction and its ideals as NC are.
  14. LordCreepy

    Wenn ihr mal die Pop. habt dafür, dann passiert es ganz natürlich - siehe RPS events.
    Kann ja nix dafür das ein Großteil der Zombies meistens TR spielt.
    Wenigstens hast du so nen Exp Bonus und weniger Freunde die dir in den Rücken schießen ..
  15. Kid Gloves

    Everyone knows VS galaxies are more powerful than NC or TR ones.

    Same with Lightnings.
  16. Prudentia

    Check out the Galaxy Bulldog leaderbords on DasAnfall.
    Miller is wrecking everyone and NC is leading by a large margin.
  17. Xasapis

    Can we please close this rubbish thread? For two reasons:
    • TR can't claim another empire is easy. Not when they have identical gunplay to VS, identical max and had (past tense) superior vehicles in every category.
    • A huge balance pass was introduced in the servers. All you have to do to see which empire is "easier" is to see where the population will migrate.
  18. Takoita

    Is that the mighty hand from Hexen? I definitely second this.
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  19. hansgrosse

    Indeed, that is the Hexen Fighter's armored fist of justice! So nostalgic...

    As for the OP: Yes it's old, no it's not necessarily accurate, yes I've seen it about a billion times. I still laugh every time. XD
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  20. NightmareP69

    Congrats Edurardo, you are the cancer that's slowly killing Planetside 2 and it's allready bad community.