Who needs ZOE?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViXeN, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Arbite

    Can't we let this topic die now? If you are discussing the old ZOE vs the new, I could see how this would be topic worthy. This is more like some kind of masturbation. I appreciate you are having fun with the game and by whatever standard you measure yourself by you feel you are doing well. Good gamers are good. This just in, water is wet.

    We just had a large balance pass and there are a lot of other things to discuss/read over than your score.

    Or.. To quote your second post here, "It's all about YOU."
  2. shd

    I expect quite few people here would be interested :)
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  3. Epic High Five

    Some do, almost certainly, but I'm damn good with a slug MAX and last night was the first night I could reliably land enough shots on a VS MAX to kill them before my 4 second long reload forced me to charge out. There is some truth to the notion that it really DID artificially raise the skill level of its users - in a game that's 90% mobility and 10% surprise with a trace amount of gunplay, nothing else could be expected of it.

    Ironically, ZOE would have fit in much better in PS1 with the much longer TTK, as then the damage taken increase would be much more noticable because the MAX couldn't just jump from head to head with dual Blueshifts, kill in a fraction of a second while strafing faster than an infantryman can run.
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  4. ViXeN

    Yeah, I HAVE done that several times. In fact, I believe I posted a screenshot a while ago of one of those moments. I had like 300+ kills and around 20-30 deaths I think and that was mostly playing HA not MAX. Scroll through my threads, its in there.
  5. IamDH

    Okay thats an opinion that you are free to have and i can completely comprehend that.
  6. Meeka

    It's a little off kilter to say what weapons are used doesn't matter... because it does matter.

    Skill can be offset by weapon power as much as weapon power can be offset by skill.

    To ignore one while bolstering the other would be like listening to only one side of a story; and is a half truth.
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  7. whiteshadow2000

    The old ZOE caused problems for the NC\TR though as organised max rushes often decide the outcome of infantry battles.

    I'm VS but we had too much of an advantage in infantry fights with ZOE just like the TR have always had way too much of a vehicle advantage in any large fights due to their OP weapons\mossies in combination with their striker air\armor denial.
  8. whiteshadow2000

    Great post Meeka.
  9. Akeita

    This post is not right or wrong, it's arrogant.
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  10. ViXeN

    Sure, it probably helped some of the lesser skilled players in the same way things like the vulcan, ESFs, MAXes in general and tanks help them get more kills without needing a lot of skill. But many NC and TR were suggesting that the only reason VS in general did well was because of ZOE and I made this post to show that wasn't true. Its just what they wanted to tell themselves so they would feel better. Your NC MAX helps them get more kills too because its pretty easy in CQC. That's not to say that people who use NC MAXes are bad, much like ZOE users weren't bad in general. But neither the ZOE or even the old pre-nerf NC scat/hacksaw MAXes really needed to be nerfed into the ground as bad as they were, they just needed some small tweaks. But people exaggerated the problems to much that the devs felt they had to basically ruin the two things.
  11. ViXeN

    No, i'm sorry but you are wrong. If you put an insanely OP weapon in the hands of an average player he or she will still get stomped by a much better player with a lesser weapon. Nothing offsets skill and experience. Period. If you had ever played on a competitive level against top players, you would understand what I mean.
  12. MrMurdok

    Also, just realized you made 105 kills in two freaking hours.

    Is your server that empty, or are you sitting behind a spawn shield with a Battle Rifle? Because they just really buffed sniper rifles, you should try them.
  13. NinjaTurtle

    No you are wrong.

    If I gave you a gun that shot bubbles and took 100 hits to kill and gave them a OHK mini gun they will win regardless of your skill/experience because it is OP.

    Yes that is an extreme example but the point is correct.

    ZOE was OP and it made a huge difference. It's amazing how many so called top players used it when it was available. If skill/experience was all that mattered then they would have stayed using what they were before but they didn't they jumped onto the most OP thing you had
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  14. RHINO_Mk.II

    Welcome to every ViXeN thread ever.
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  15. Stew360


    ZOE was just screwing up a lots of thing at least now its more situationals and cant be toggle on and offf

    The lessons we have to take from this ZOE catastrophe was to NEVER EVER LISEN to the VS fanboys doing test on the test servers these peoples was saying that ZOE was underpower in its MOST obvious broken OP state lol thats say a lots about how valuable some players feedback are ...
  16. Epic High Five

    Unfortunately, the NC MAX is a bit of a pile of garbage until you get exmags and slugs on both arms (what arms they are matters less than the upgrades, but the Mattocks are king right now and this patch just widened their lead). Even then, a lot of my compatriots don't see the value of slugs and instead die horribly a lot while magdumping to bring someone to half health at 20m away.

    The real reason that ZOE had a substantial impact on VS victories wasn't ZOE as much as it was how many more people were pulling MAXes because ZOE made them like HAs on super soldier serum.

    In a 48/48 battle, who do you think will win if one side has 20% more MAXes, and those MAXes have been outperforming the other side's MAXes since the game was released? For all the NC complaining, the game only just now stopped being an endless battle at Quartz Ridge with ZOE. We're burnt out, and now we're happy it's over. Let us celebrate and high five. I assure you that the VS did the exact same thing when skillsaws were nerfed (though nobody understood the second round of nerfs that broke the back of a lot of shotguns, and the NC even got a lot of sympathy), and the NC/VS did the same thing when the Striker was FINALLY fixed to stop traveling through goddamned mountains to murder my poor, defenseless Reaver :mad:
  17. Theory

    Thank you, you beat me to it.. Logic, how do we do it.

    Move along people.
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  18. Shockfc

    sigh.... why do i visit these forums anymore?
  19. ViXeN

    Unfortunately, Waterson doesn't seem to be doing well these days with population.... I'm thinking we need a merge with mattherson. That server seems to be doing fine just like connery and the others but waterson has lower pops lately for some reason. Its really frustrating when I came on and most of the big fights are at quartz ridge and indar excavation every night unless there is an alert.
  20. Mootar

    How would you know?

    You post rubbish like "Look at my skillsuit K/D" as if people should be impressed and talk to people as if they are not on your level.

    I'm sorry but nothing about your stats suggests you are anything more than a distinctly average player with severe delusions of grandeur.

    Stop attention whoring, get off the glue, give your head a wobble and come back to earth you nutter.
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