Continuing to investigate server issues

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Funkadelik

    If you think that is copypasted then I will give you $10 on paypal if you can find the source.

    Have fun *******.
  2. Takoita

    Speaking of NC, I'm not sure I understand how the premise justifies them not uniting with VS against TR and resolving their issues after they've got Republic forces out of the picture. Or do we operate by W40k rules now? :)
  3. dwalin975

    Hi, I went to go play this game not knowing that there was a server shutdown but I noticed my characters were gone. Does anyone know what's going on.
  4. Marmite


    Word of advice, put on some jazz, get yourself in a jazz trance, when you come out of it, server will be fixed.
  5. Funkadelik

    This happens everytime the servers are down because your characters are server-based and not client-based. Once the servers are live again you will see your characters.
  6. TheCuqui

    You can't see your characters because the servers that stores the characters data is offline.
  7. ThaneKri0s

    This thread needs to be locked, almost none of the posts are on topic, this is getting completely ridiculous.
  8. Noktaj

    are the servers up or not?
    can't login, keep getting stuck a 96% load
  9. portlandian

    servers are down
  10. emre

    it's temporary
  11. portlandian

    go to the main forum page it has the server status's up on top
  12. AuxiMoron

    More than 24 hours of downtime...did the game just spontaneously delete millions of lines of code because it couldn't handle balance for once in a year? Thanks for your dedication to getting us back online, SOE, but this is just unacceptable that this could be allowed to happen
  13. ShiroSan

    Thumbs up if you think SOE should do a 24 hour triple sc sale for this massive server issue that's been going on since patch before all the daily deals are over.
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  14. BilliBobBillsen

    I aint even mad but ....
  15. GarettJaX

    Jezz guys shut up, its not gonna get fixed by yo yappin and this thread is just way too big...
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  16. Funkadelik


    Check the forum homepage, at the top there is the list of servers that display their status. If the servers are down/locked you will NOT see your characters because they are server-based and the server they are saved on is not accessible at the time. This also means you will NOT be able to connect to the gameworld.
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  17. BilliBobBillsen

    @garettjax yes mister forumdebuty sir
  18. Stinneyt

    Status: 12/18/2013 13:24 PST - We are currently investigating a potential issue with the servers

    It certainly looks like a real issue......
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  19. CaptainBryan

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  20. Gorn

    I don't know how SOE handle this bit i think if they stop the server to work at it, they will stop the Timer for this, too ^^