Server Downtime for PU02 December 17, 2013 9:30 AM PT (6:30 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. TheCuqui

    Enjoy the assault infiltrator till their "DATA" shows that you kill too much.
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  2. Roland2TowerCame

    There is a huge difference between reducing effectiveness by 66% and reducing effectiveness to 66%.
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  3. lunate

    You do know they nerf the nanoweave right. So it doesn't increase health, it becomes a resist shield like a HA, and whats worst it doesn't stack with HA resist shield.
  4. PiLamdaOd

    Here is what makes that an interesting dynamic: They outrun their support and are very weak to infantry weapons. At the same time you have the TR MAX that is insanely good at killing infantry. The twin miniguns and the fact that their ability doesn't make them weak allow them to slaughter whole squads. Its interesting play and I like it that way. There is nothing wrong with different classes being really good at different things. It keeps the game interesting.

    Balance is boring, avoid it.
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  5. devolis

  6. devolis

  7. Scatterblak

    Re: the Forums main page:

    "Connery (US West) UP"

    ...this is a new use of the word 'UP' that I wasn't previously aware of.
  8. lunate

    It wasn't, it actually requires skills to shoot down planes.
  9. devolis

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  10. Roland2TowerCame

    Thank god for the MAX revive change.
    And thank you SOE for making my Eidolon a better ranged weapon (which is what it's supposed to be, but hey, if you like clicking a lot, it's good at close range with a laser sight). I left it behind after getting the Ursa.
  11. Caudill

    You don't need a degree to know when you are being robbed.
  12. Arcturus314

    Really? Bullet drop on VS shotgun slugs? Now our faction perk is basically useless, as all of our long ranged weapons (the ones the no bullet drop perk would actually effect) now have bullet drop. And I just dumped a bunch of certs into a shotgun with slugs :( Anyway our faction perk isn't worth anything anymore as the only weapons which could benefit from no bullet drop now have bullet drop. Personally I don't care about bullet drop in a close range firefight with my LA carbine, so what is the point of our faction perk? Yes our shotguns with slugs were getting more kills than NC and TR slug shotguns, but that is the point of our faction perk, right? Now you have taken away the point of us not having bullet drop. Well at least I don't have to take bullet drop into consideration with my SMG at 100m I mean that's the point of our faction perk now right?
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  13. DerpVonStrazunburg

    Lol Im not whining or anything but i seriously find those parts the most amusing out of this whole patch. 3 seconds looking at a vanguard/enforcer with a specd out magrider. Usually gets the magrider down to 10% armor left lol. I play all 3 factions. But i feel more loved when im playing nc.
  14. Schwarzpferd

    I am not thrilled about anti-infantry nerf of esf nose guns. It doesn't make sense, here I spent so long trying to get good at killing with nose guns because it took skill and was more fun than lolpodding. If they are going to do this they should at least give us an anti-infantry nose gun, but oh well.

    In any case my disappointment at this is irrelevant because there are some legitimate improvements listed here, much needed ones. Good re balancing among many areas. I will just have to try harder I guess to kill infantry. No worries.
  15. Jimmydean

    Give us AI nose gun....but wait.....oop there it is.
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  16. Pikachu

    Dude there has been a dedicated anti-infantry nose gun for all factions since the game launched. In your case it's called Light PPA.
  17. LovelyNibbles

    Whenever I try to log on to my NC character the game auto-crashes. But my Vanu and Tr work perfectly fine. Please address this =)
  18. Praemus

    Games are ever changing and squeaky wheels get greased. Two facts about all MMO's but I feel that my $15 a month is being well served when observing the effort and close attention to Planetside 2 fixes. Constantly advancing a game played by thousands and adapting to the adversity of the masses while maintaining a stable platform. I look forward to the servers opening.
  19. Phos!

    OK there is no way I am not responding to this:
    There's no counter play with ZOE, the ZOE max either gets bursted down like any other MAX (which is harder because it can dodge rockets more often than not, only max that can ADADADADADADADA like that), but unlike other MAXs you can't outrun it if you aren't currently in a position to fight back. That means you maybe get whatever's in your clip to fight it and either its dead or you are, and the extra damage from ZOE is so minor that, here's a hint, it's going to be you that's dead.

    The ostensible weaknesses to old ZOE are largely based on unrealistic situations and or bad players and organization that would lead to any MAX dying in that circumstance, and other maxs don't have the movespeed to outrun their enemies if they see the error of their ways.
  20. Nerkun

    I agree. I play more as an NC (although my strongest char is VS), but I was sad that they removed one of the very few unique features of the faction. Also, not refunding the's a bad decision.
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