Why is the patch so big?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by CHDT65, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. CHDT65

    After all, this patch is just a question of tweaking some numbers, no new content, so why is it so big ?
  2. ProfGiggles

    Likely because of the optimization and Esamir updates. Also if I recall the notes there will be a new pistol.
    • Up x 1
  3. Halathorn

    Also, the 30 Page document of patch notes.
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  4. Akuzimo

    You have to keep in mind just how big in size these textures can be. They're retexturing an entire continent, so they basically are rewriting the entire continents files on your machine, that in an of itself is a huge chunk of space, not counting all the other things they're rewriting.
  5. LordMondando

    Your essentially downloading a new map of esamir.
  6. Killbot

    read the patch notes by the time you finish the next patch will be out.
  7. SierraAR

    Still got another hour and a half before we can play though :(