Server Downtime for PU02 December 17, 2013 9:30 AM PT (6:30 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Larolyn

    I wish you guys would roll out the updates on the European at 6 am CET. That way any **** ups that happen can be addressed before they hit your US servers with the update. Cause right now every single update these past couple of months have been smack bang in the middle of EU primetime. I am really looking forward to this update but you keep getting it wrong for the EU. Repeatedly. It's just sad you have to mess it up for the EU so often.
  2. Saltydbs

    For the size of this update and the amount of changes, I'd say let them "having issues" slide on this one lol.
  3. Nerkun

    I will assume that all of this was sarcasm.
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  4. davoll

    Well you EU guys they changed the times again it is TBD so gl hf.
  5. sephusath

    I was really thinking of spending another 50-60 bucks during a possible triple station cash sale but after reading these patch notes you will not get a single cent from me SOE. It seems probable that I will leave PS2, just keep on nerfing SOE. (TR Player here)
  6. lunate

    Great SOE so you nerf all TR guns because of out performance, but you buff all the out preforming infantry guns of the NC and VS.
  7. Nobalification

    Refund Minichaingun, Striker, Anchor, Lockdown, Fracture, Claymore, Nanoweave, Marauder Prowler, Marauder Harraser, Walker and Bulldog from Galaxy, Composite armor from harraser and much more. When crying kids with ZOE gets refund i want too refund for TR nerfed things.
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  8. Ghosty11

    Population is more OP than any weapon in the game. No amounts of nerfs will change how OP being the over populated faction is.
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  9. SLiCKRiCK

    I kind of feel like my battle bus got nerfed because they moved the proximity radar to the defense slot. Its probably where it belongs, but not useful for battle bus anymore ;)
  10. Mittens4kittens

    Anything that is worth Nerfing, is worth Over NERFING!

    Nice that they have been turned into instant NOMNOM's for tanks.
  11. Ghosty11

    It seems the only weapons that received the .75 ADS accuracy penalty are the ones that had a fire rate of over 700 RPM.
  12. Gav7x

    Whats going on with the downtime start ? i was so exited about the patch :(
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  13. Saltydbs

    The sheer amount of tears from the TR/VS are overstimulating for me, can't handle it.
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  14. teks

    I don't like being farmed by infantry camping the spawn room just as much. You know what I do?

    I respawn somewhere else where the fight is even.
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  15. ChapmanBaxter

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  16. RaTzo

    Uhoh! Someone on Forumside is being reasonable! ;)
  17. PS2Freak

    What means : legshot multipliers ? how it exactly work/count ?
  18. Trelfar

    Do you actually think it's stupid, or do you just not like it? What's stupid about it? Would you prefer mines were magically indestructible other than by vehicle movement?
  19. Predator01cz

    ZOE farmers will be refund....

    Oh yeah, do you remember how they refunded TR when they nerfed their Strikers to hell??? Yeah, me neither.
    (or shall I say overhauled/modified to a flare launcher, judging from all those red rockets flying straight up in the air everywhere)

    Anyway that's probably the most informative patch notes we'll ever see. Can't wait to try out the new BUFFed and improved C85 Canister-H.. But somehow I still have a feeling that HA with Jackhammer in the back seat will put it to shame.
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  20. Ghosty11

    This sounds a lot like the complaints of the Magrider pilots when the Magrider was over nerfed, and the TR rejoiced in the Vanu tears. I guess everything comes around full circle. Don't worry I'm sure it's just a L2P issue like everything else Forumside.
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