Server Downtime for PU02 December 17, 2013 9:30 AM PT (6:30 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. davoll

    lets put it like this. The harasser has gotten a couple nerfs but in all this is it's first as it is needed. Everyone QQ's I want my certs back at it's first one. Where as the ZOE is on it's 4th nerf and allot of people that have it may or may not use it again as that they have nerfed it into the ground and it will probably be as useful as lockdown.

    IMO they shouldn't refund certs not nano weave not ZOE nothing. When they changed prices of things in the depot I didn't get SC or certs back why should anyone get anything back? It's not like certs are this super rare thing that no one can get a hold of or have to buy. Certs come and go but SC doesn't.
  2. Thango

    Why would you mess with my beloved Serpent......and my C4 :(
  3. nallar

    7-8 AM PST =/= 2-3PM CET

    Which of those times is actually correct?
  4. Phazaar

    It's more about the fact that it's OP on paper, and oh would you look at that, it's OP in reality too. Players getting good with something has nothing to do with it... Or in fact, it does, but it's 100x easier to 'get good' with Prowler AP (or HEAT, or HE -which got a buff?! MENTAL! ;) ) than it is to get good with Magrider/Vanguard alternatives.

    Also, go look up EHP for each side of a tank. Prowler is most definitely not made of paper, and IIRC, it's 5 shots from a Vanguard... Cry me a river.
  5. Phazaar

    Marry me?

    You actually just made me spit my drink over 4 Macbooks in a meeting. Brilliant.
  6. Unclematos7

    Changes that caught me eye:
    I auraxed the EM1 when it was ****, so the buff means it's fun times ahead for me.:D
    Another NC MAX nerf. Bug surprise.....
    SAW-S buff? Thanks guys.
    C85 is still trash.
    Will the CARV-S actually be a viable weapon now?:eek:
    ZOE nerf? FINALLY!
    Ursa buff? Hell yeah!
    Don't know what to think about the .75 ADS nerf...
    UBGL nerf? The drop pod nerf alreaby gutted the thing by making us have to use aircraft to get to some of the best camping spots.:mad:
    Backseat repair is a bad idea. If they want to be repaired on the move, then they should get NAR and/or FS, just like everybody else.
  7. sephusath

    Nerf everything, goodbye Planetside2!
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  8. Nerkun

    Well, I'm speaking for myself, but I have to play 10 days to get 1000 certs because of time restrictions and willingness to play. That means that 20 days of my life of certs are stuck in something I didn't want and wouldn't buy if presented in the way it is now. SC, I understand, you can't give money back that you have spent. Also, we all had to sign a user agreement that says we will accept the possibility of weapon changes. Certs are a code, and they are not tied to SOE's finances.
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  9. MickeySerendipity

    Delicious VS tears.
  10. MrMurdok

    This is hilarious.
  11. VerminSupreme

    I didn't know VS tears sounded like this: "OMG, my infantry tractor can't take out targets from multiple ranges?!" because thats literally the first 5 pages
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  12. Serafine

    You have no reason to complain.
    The Prowler will still be ridiculously good at farming infantry and TR will still do **** like shooting down to adjacent bases from the crown with 20 of them. Also TR was farming infantry for months by using fractures.

    The new main battletank will appearantly be the Sunderer. DPS on Dual Basilisk almost matches AV battletanks and max blockade has even more hitpoints. Also Racer 3 Sundy is pretty fast.
  13. d_carey Developer

    We're encountering issues that will force us to postpone the update until later today. No exact ETA as of yet, but we'll try and keep you informed.
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  14. devolis

    Ok Sony,

    Lets Nerf EVERYTHING, provide no refunds to nerfed items. -- You make every TR want to quit this game. In fact I'm pretty damn close. In fact I stopped paying cause you're nerfing everything, providing no promised improvements in gameplay, milking player content, but not inputting content that keeps players interested in this game.

    Why does VS get refund for their MAX and no refund for the Striker or the nerf on the Harasser and Prowler?

    Lets Nerf the less used feature on the TR faction - Pounder MAX .... makes no sense.

    i dont know i give up. NERF A GAME, put no new content during the holiday season. NO SENSE.
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  15. JackD

  16. RIctavius

    It's been postponed until a later hour
  17. Nerkun

    I know that when an armor zerg arrives, I stop having fun. The end. Yes, it's completely hard to play and survive in vehicles. I only get 50 to 100 certs on almost every heavy tank and harasser run. The skill ceiling for vehicle drivers is too low to mention that as an argument. Nothing beats numbers in this game, not friends, not organization. The only thing that is worse than being crushed by being outnumbered (having numbers doesn't need coordination between strangers, countering it does), is being outnumbered by vehicle zergs. It seems the devs agree with my position.
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  18. pmurgs

    Do you realize when you posted this, the update was already two and a half hours late?

    soe's comprehension of the concept of keeping their customers informed is rather unique
  19. NoctD

    Not sure if intended or otherwise - but on the PTS which I assume are the changes you're putting in, vehicle thermal no longer highlights infantry targets in VR at least (I'm guessing elsewhere too).
  20. Nerkun

    Because they are the minorit, and choosing the minority having fun over the majority is logically flawed perhaps? It seems SOE doesn't agree with you and people like you, so maybe you should leave. I will not have to deal with tanks and bombers as much any more. Guess what, having vehicles in FPS games isn't a novelty. The difference is that other games can balance it out, this game can't.