PLZ we need some caves ,underground tunels , to hide from airnoobs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TrainerS2, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. TrainerS2

    From aircraft you can easy farm infrantys they got no playe to hide , no caves no tunels , just few usless rocks !!!
    We need lots of tunels , and caves so yo ucan hide there and sometimes dont get kiled by noobpoders.
    Underground tunels or make infranty less visible for aircrafts !!!!
    I can get a showel and stard diging one just give me it :D
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  2. Crackulous

    There are these special kinds of rocks with holes inside of them of which you can hide in.

    They're called buildings.
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  3. TomaHawk

    Putting in a subterranean complex because you don't like air killing you is not a reason to pour resources into that idea. If it were to expand content or provide an updgrade to the stale non existent end game in PS2, then I'd listen! :)
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  4. MFP_TK_01

    What's a showel how do you stard something?
  5. teks

    Try flying. Just try it. You'll never call them a noob when you realize how hard it is for them to do what they do.

    The game is supposed to be about combined arms, so adding to an already large list of areas vehicles can't access isn't something I find very attractive, unless they make vehicles stronger as well so that outside these tunnels they make a bigger difference.

    It is very difficult for Air to combat ground targets they are very delicate, and have many hard counters. There is nothing noob about planetside air.
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  6. WyrdHarper

    Caves are coming to Amerish, no shovels or pickaxes or axes or hammers or lumbering (have you never dug a tunnel) required.

    There is already quite a good bit of cover as well. Put on flak and stick with a squad and air should never be a concern for you ( and that's as someone who plays infantry and air).
  7. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Give pilots something to do aside from bombardment of ground forces...

    Establish the resource system around aerial transportation and you'll start to see people flying defense and assault of these aerial resource transports. You might still have a few harassing ground forces, but you'll see a lot more pilots delving into this aspect of the game where they can enjoy a more flight simulator oriented gameplay and those dogfights they love so much.
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  8. axiom537

    Pull a skyguard, grab an AA rocket launcher, switch to a Burster Max, jump into an Anti-Air Turret jump into an Anti-Air ESF. The tools are there to deal with aircraft hiding under a rock is not the answer.

    Please SOE take away rifles, I am so sick and tired of rifle noobs shooting at me and killing me. Please create an area where only knifes are able to be used.

    Oh I have one more option for you....There is this awesome game called "Hello Kitty" maybe that is more your speed...
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  9. Typhoeus

    I play about as much air as I do infantry. If the enemy brings no anti air to a fight, they deserve everything coming at them. Tired of getting killed by air? Pull a dual burster max, a skyguard (they're actually really good now!), lock on missle launchers or finally pull an esf yourself and shoot them down if you're any good. They're noobs after all right? How hard could it be?

    Interestingly enough, I barely ever die to air when I'm infantry and I don't even use flak armor. And trust me it's not because NC or VS don't pull air... What helps me most to avoid them? I listen for them. You can hear esf's coming from super far away. Also, I avoid open areas as much as possible. Stick to walls or underpasses. Take shelter in buildings. Run from cover to cover. If they get me after all that, then they deserved that kill.

    Situational awareness is everything in this game. Good luck mastering it!
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  10. Yuukikun

    did you just say lolpods are hard to use?
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  11. Mhak

    lolpods got the name for a reason.

    Good pilots are good, no doubt, but it does not take a good pilot to lolpod. It only really takes a good pilot to dogfight and win w/o using A2AM, and to avoid the fire of tanks and libs while they kill tanks and libs.

    And really the second part is being pretty generous.
  12. Owleyes

    I rip on pilots regular, But i have to take their side on this one.

    You get caught out in the open with an AI loadout, Then you deserve to get farmed.

    Be more careful and aware of your surroundings and pull AA when air is bothering you.
  13. LegioX

    Sorry flying in this game is child's play compared to real flying sims.
  14. Makora

    I'm one those people who think that continents need to be redesigned in that a lot of the small bases have to be cleared away and larger or select smaller bases need to be improved. As in pumped full of steroids and expanded. You should not be able to drop right on to the point (or the shack the point is in) from a galaxy.

    The point being that with more fortressy bases that the now much larger no-man lands around bases promote more vehicle combat but once you get to an actual base, you have very little to do while in a vehicle as the combat itself takes place is a largerly (or completely) sealed base with quite a few entrances. The capture point itself (of HIGH tactical/strategic importance, regardless of base) should not be sitting out in the open but in the core of a larger complex. So even IF you drop three galaxies of MAXes on the base, you still have to go through four rooms and five bottlenecks to even GET to the point, not to mention hold it as the defenders should ALWAYS have the home field advantage with multiple exits, some taking you outside where vehicles CAN engage you but since you have multiple choices, you made a choice and took the risk. If you die then it's your own fault.
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  15. Klondik3

    Play as SMG infiltrator, cloak makes vehicle problems go away.
  16. Riku

    Ha. Owned by an airnoob.
    You are bad and should feel bad.
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  17. Sebastien

    That's debatable. Just fly somewhere where the enemy doesn't have AA and farm them, as soon as they pull AA or an ESF comes after you just fly away and farm somewhere else.
  18. teks

    Where is this magic land where players are too ignorant to pull AA?
    Flying sims at least let you use a joystick. Flying in this game is about as unintuitive as flying can get for a new pilot. If it was so easy then surely we would see more ESFs, yet we don't. I struggle to fly myself, and I've been practicing.
    They did, however, the OP clearly called them NOOBPODS.
    And, compared to everything else in the whole game, yeah, it does take a heck of a lot more skill, and thats considering no AA. The fact that AA is everywhere, and very difficult to avoid compounds the situation. Then the fact that Anti-Air ESFs all use afterburners, and the game gets real tough.

    Reality sucks, but believe it or not everything that kills you isn't instantly OP. Some people are just really good, and ESFs are great tools for good players.

    and, yeah, lolpods are hard to use. Not because of the weapon so much as the ESF itself. Few players can even do that let alone fire pods.
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  19. AzureKnight

    We can't have caves and underground complexes because what would the tanks and planes do while they can't sit and farm spawn rooms? :rolleyes:
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  20. Mhak

    Well I respectfully disagree that lolpods are hard to use (I never said they were OP btw), but aside, it sounds more like you're complaining about how hard it is to avoid AA rather than how hard it is to use lolpods. It is hard to avoid AA, but it is *not* hard to avoid *dying* to AA before you land, repair, and go back for round #2 unless you're trying to lolpod in the dead center of a huge battle. Flying low and using flares does not require proskills.

    Add in the fact that in a game where nothing is made to last forever, or even very long in most cases, and it seems like pilots get pissed off that they're ever downed at all. That's called Planetside 2.
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