Reason to stay on NC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ralathar44, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. WaaWaa

    Doesn't seem to be the case with certain LMG's on the TR/VS side on the PTS. We'll see how devastating the effect is on live I guess. Still not a fan. I'm of the mind "If it ain't broke don't fix it" and "If it's broke, fix it".
  2. Ralathar44

    Considering I didn't have bad success rates with the SAW in close quarters and that is one of the worst at it I'd say it was broken :D. Now I'll need to ADS in CQC instead of being able to hipfire depending on range. This will make it more lucrative to have different loadouts present and actually raise the skill cap a bit.

    Ironically when choosing alternative loadouts even the Warden will likely benefit from this somewhat as it has a quick scope time. Battle Rifles still need their own buff of course, but they'll take anything they can get atm.
  3. Epic High Five



    • Up x 2
  4. Devrailis

    Reason to stay on NC?

    Cause we're NC.