"Reload speed increased by 36% and projectile speed increased by 08% when deployed."

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Frostbitten, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Jeslis

    Have my babies?
  2. Jeslis

    I disagree.. as a long time Prowler user.. Im lucky to get 2 (my first 2) shots on a long range magrider.. sometimes only 1 (the first misses, 2nd hits, or first hits, 2nd overshots).. the MOMENT they get hit, they move, and continue to move generally in random directions, making them IMPOSSIBLE to hit (range 450-550m).

    Don't get me wrong, sometimes they seem to only know they've been hit, but not where, and come directly at me, or away from me, which might still let me get a kill..

    But I completely disagree that magriders can't dodge lockdown prowlers. I wish I had streams/videos of myself as proof.. but I don't, so I hope you'll at least partially take my word, with a grain of salt.

    A vanguard with racer accelerating across my Left (or right) at 450-550m, making slight left/right turns to increase/decrease their effective distance to me, will also be impossible for me to hit without some blind luck.
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  3. Phos!

    That's the thing, why don't the faction specific ability and the faction specific secondaries synergize at all? The vulcan and its bloom seem to have been conceived when the prowler was still thought of as a cavalry tank by SOE before they just shoehorned us the same boring ability that our maxes have.
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  4. Larington

    Just a quick post to say, the high shell velocity bonus on lockdown is something that's bugged me for a long time in tank vs tank combat - because it *significantly* negates the strafing advantage that Magriders are supposed to have (and get less tank health to compensate for) whilst also giving them much higher damage per second. I'm just glad they removed the accidentally over-buffed velocity increase as when that was in a Anti Tank shell could cross 600 meters in a split second and I couldn't do a darn thing about it.
  5. Mxiter

    The GU1 or 3 (MBT balance pass) buffed the anchor mode reload and muzzle velocity and suddenly made it viable.
    Now they revert that buff. (but11% reload speed & 8% velocity buff).

    Let's go back spamm HE shells on spawn rooms with 1/2 prowlers like when anchor mode just increased the relaod speed by 25%.
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  6. TekDragon

    Anyone who claims the Prowler is the king of AA is an idiot, and that includes SOE staff.

    The prowler has to land TWO shots to kill an ESF and FOUR shots to kill a liberator. Those two shots don't come out simultaneously. They come out sequentially with a huge recoil after the first shot.

    Is it possible for a locked down AP Prowler to easily kill a lolpodder or liberator floating still in the air? Sure. You know who can do it even easier? Everyone else that can one shot an ESF with an AP shell and 2 shot a liberator.

    Worse than combating a non-existent problem, the velocity nerf creates even more problems.

    The Vanguard beats the Prowler at close, medium, and long range and loses at extreme ranges.
    The Magrider beats the Prowler at long and extreme range, and loses at anything closer.

    By heavily nerfing velocity it guarantees a Vanguard wins at every range and moves the Magrider's victory range even closer.

    If Prowlers are shooting down more aircraft it's not because the Prowler is the best AA vehicle, it's because the Striker has forced opposing ESF pilots to fly low to the ground so they can more easily break missile lock.
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  7. lunate

    Yea they should buff the magrider instead of nerfing the prowler. Next they will nerf the vanguard cause that shield is too OP even for a current deployed full certed AP prowler you can't kill a vanguard with full shield & AP.
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  8. lunate

    Na the reason why we are using AP to shoot down aircraft is because they nerf the striker so badly that there is no point using it. Also those NC and VS are so smart to hover and they are not scared of lock on anymore. CAUSE THEY NERF THE STRIKER so badly that they can hover how ever they want without worrying about lockon killing them.
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  9. mLocke

    The Magrider has an advantage at range? How is something that drifts whenever it moves an advantage at range? If anything the Magrider needs an anchor mode to make it useful at range. With the other two MBTs all you have to do is angle the body for optimal gun traversing and set your mouse DPI as low as it will go. It's like playing World of Tanks only the VS tank is on hover-skates. You're better off getting out of the Magrider and deploying a AV mana turret.
  10. teks

    Lol. I do that with my skyguard. Its ridiculous. I also use tye VS infamous no-drop slugs as a sniper rifle. Also smores. I cant camp without smores
  11. NeverWas

    Maybe it's because , just like vs max, no prowler runs anything other than lockdown ?
  12. teks

    Well first. Thats not true. Lockdown is pretty situational.
    Second. The same could be argued for all tanks. Even the magrider overwhelmingly favors magburn.
    Third, good. I dont see why an item should be nerfed strictly because its more popular then non-es choices. With minor exceptions this is true across the board. In those exceptions we actually see other problems such as the halberd which is generally the better AV choice as an all round tank killer.

    The prowlers extended use of deploy, if even true (id say vanny shield is far more universal), is likely more to do with the fact that prowlers werent forced to use smoke to counter strikers rather then because deploy was better then the vanny shield or magburn
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  13. Camycamera

  14. lunate

    You know whats the best part. VANNY ZOE GETS CERT REFUND, while TR and NC nerfs doesn't get any refund. E.g. Striker, enforcer, prowler deploy.
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  15. Frostbitten

    Even though they decided to lower the nerf level meanwhile I still think this is competely uncalled for.

    But this is typical for SOE: "balance" things to ruin them completely instead of looking at the wider picture of usage situations.
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  16. teks

    When we're refunded for our magrider we will talk.
  17. Mxiter

    ZoE is the only one nerfed faction specific stuff that gonna be refound. How to explain that?

    What about NC max, strikers and phoenix refounds?
    Oh and max lockdown.
  18. teks

    I don't even know where your getting this information from in the first place, but why would I have to explain that. Our tanks got nerfed to the point where they weren't even usable for 4 months and everyone thought it was hilarious, but 9 months down the road its unfair that the TR are treated the same way?

    I'm fighting for you guys, but this idea that SOE is treating you any differently then they treated us is bologna. We know exactly how it feels, and we got it far worse too.
  19. Chipay

    only Striker I agree with
  20. Mxiter

    SOE will certainly needs to do total certs reset if it works for every nerfed stuffs.:D