@SOE Any ETA on the pizza box fix?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RHINO_Mk.II, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. RHINO_Mk.II

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  2. Brainpan

    Oh, Vanu smite me... did they break my freaking tank mines even more?
  3. IronPhalloi

    ha ha caught you playing VS
  4. WyrdHarper

    They've been broken for more than a week.
    In fact, we've had a hotfix to fix other thing since they were originally broken.
    It's absurd, really.
  5. Sen7ryGun84

    What do you mean? That WAS the fix. AV mines are now just IEDs that need to be shot or naded to detonate. They will reassess the changes after, OMFG3, Hossin, the ESF update, the resource overhaul and Higbys next haircut.
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  6. deggy

    Yep. They don't go off now.

    What's sad is that most people don't notice because tank mines aren't used as mines anymore, they're used as Sundy-busting explosives.
  7. treeHamster

    ...who uses those radioactive pizza slices as mines anymore?

    The only thing they're good for is spawn room mining and Sundy busting.
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  8. RHINO_Mk.II


    It isn't my video.
  9. Lazaruz

    Been like this for couple weeks? now... and I think they'll remain broken for a couple weeks longer.
  10. SinerAthin

    That Sunderer was literally humping the tank mines, and nothing happened.
  11. Morti

    Eventually they'll phase AT mines out of the game and nobody will notice.
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  12. gigastar

    Its been broken like that since before PU01. I remember a shield camping Vanguard driving over my pizza deliveries as if they were not there.

    I thought it was lag, until i shot the mines and was awarded the kills.

    About 10 mins later, i dropped pizzas for another Vanguard intent on chasing down my Lightning, he ran right over the mines and they did not go off.

    It is sort of worrying that its been that way for a month now and nobodys really paying attention.
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  13. Camycamera

    i guess vanu's technology isn't that mighty after all then.
  14. isilyan

    Why dont they nerf VS slugs first, its a way bigger problem:cool:
  15. DashRendar

    Wait you mean you were awarded the kills even though they exploded when there was nothing on top of them? Or did the Vanguard die in the explosion?
  16. gigastar

    It died in the explosion.
  17. Cuze

    Oh wow, thanks for that video. I guess I can stop leaving mines in bushes in preparation for a defense. I just figured my mines were getting spotted.
  18. Epic High Five

    They still work when you put a bouncing bettie on top of them

  19. Badname707

    Hopefully they'll address this soon. I actually DO use the mines as mines, and would find them quite effective, if they actually worked.
  20. Tommyp2006

    Tank mines confirmed for bullet detonated C4, no longer actually mines.