Reason to stay on NC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ralathar44, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. CDN_Wolvie

    I too played with the Vanguard a good deal, played NC for roughly a year. The Prowler/Magrider is just better, its better speed/maneuverability lets me get the drop on Vanguards and get the hell out of bad situations, the Vanguard shield just delays the inevitable in most situations - and yes, I am aware of such notions as turret high and the utility of racer chassis certs. I was BR 66 and IIRC $50 of SC stubborn with sticking with the NC too and I don't regret uninstalling the game there for a month rather than put up with the mess the NC are in.
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  2. Noppa

    Well.. 95% of the times it is c4(not paying attention),lib or ESF who kills us, not the other tanks ... grass isn´t always greener on other side(might be red or purple) ;)

    But yeah, maybe il try some other faction when im br100, i have had too many brakes from the game in past year(6month total) ;)
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  3. Lewbio

    I played all 3 factions during beta and preferred the NC, I played Nc to start with on release, after a long period of inactivity I left an outfit but then started to play again and joined another outfit which was pretty fun, but I became inactive again, but was a bit curious about TR as the leader of the outift ran a tr outfit on their main so I started off a TR character and just enjoyed playing on it more. I recently overtook my nc character level with my TR character.

    I tried VS character again but not too keen on it.
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  4. Goretzu

    I'm not convinced it does even there (over ZOE at least), LD is more situational, and can't be well used in a lot of situations, but in those it can it is appalling effective if done by an organised outfit.
  5. IamDH

    I like the way infantry NC weapons handle
  6. WaaWaa

    You are weak, but if your testees come out of your body at some point, come join us on NC Mattherson and I'll show you that NC can be more than meat for the meat grinder. Links are at the bottom of my post.
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  7. IamDH

  8. CDN_Wolvie

    Wow, that is some brah-chismo BS if I ever read it. Why don't you grow some ovaries and realize being more than meat in the meat grinder in the NC is a TR/VS average.
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  9. WaaWaa

    When said person who says such things actually shows me that they can back up their claims. Until then, sit back down and fold your hands in your lap. You've been schooled!
  10. arby1990

    NC is the faction that takes skill to play, through all the UP and nerfed crap we get we still put up a fight against the Pink Pansies and the False Republic heretics.

    I say if you need your hand held go and don't come back. If you wanna be good at this game stick through it and man up.
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  11. Goretzu

    Much like the NC throughout the entire WDS, for one of 2 possible reasons (1. every NC player inexplicably sucks or 2. the NC have game balance issues).
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  12. CDN_Wolvie

    Clearly a place you haven't taken the care to have been yourself, there is plenty of back up what is much more than simply claims littered throughout the history of these forums and my own posts, if you were bothered to read. But can't have your narrow, self aggrandizing view of the game challenged, now can we?

    This student is already surpassed the bully proclaiming them self the teacher, you're still clinging to old habits of the high school class room social trivialities while others have already walked out the door to see a much wider, more accepting world.

    If anything, you are giving others yet another reason to not bother staying with the NC or PS2 o_O
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  13. Shotcalla707

    The reason?


    We dont care if you give us rubber bands and sticks...we are going to bash some skulls.

    Sure, give us the c85 modified VS the Vulcan.....I WILL KILL YOU

    I dont care if your maxes can kill ours at any range, until we get up close...only to have a 50% chance and horrible reload time...I WILL KILL YOU

    I really dont care if our guns have a ton of kick /recoil / bullet drop....I WILL KILL YOU

    So what if we have to charge into c4 range just to get kills with our maxes while theirs stand back and mow down infantry like a turkey shoot from medium range..... I WILL KILL YOU

    Our "jackhammer" isnt even the best shotgun, it isnt even the hands-down king of the shotguns like it should be...I WILL JAM IT IN YOU AND PULL THE TRIGGER

    So what if the phoenix is inferior in most ways to the other specialty rocket launchers....I WILL GIGGLE AS I WATCH YOUR DYING FACE IN THE CAMERA...does it matter you cant hit aircraft with it? does it matter you cant hit a moving flash or harasser without getting lucky? HELL NO.



    Freedom! Murica! Shotguns!
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  14. WaaWaa

    Good. Don't want you on the NC. Quitters not welcome!
  15. Yerk

    Vanu - EZ Mode
    TR - EZ Mode
    NC - Hard Mode

    There, pick.
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  16. DrSNAFU

    Sup. :D

    But seriously, the best we can offer is intangible crap that ha no effect on gameplay? Yaaaay underdog. The game sucks for us but continuing to play shows all those other guys what stones we have, on the internet. Oh, and slogans. I looove the slogans.

    No, no I don't. I love balanced gameplay and fairness. Yes.
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  17. Goretzu

    And apparently neither are people that want game balance! :confused:
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  18. Gav7x

    Why would i feel bad for playing the game and looking at the weapon and vehicle stats ?
  19. Ralathar44


    I'll gladly play a class or a side in an MMORPG that is underpowered all day long in a massive PVP environment. There I have more control over my fate and my side's fate. I can compensate more via skill and our side can compensate via selective engagement, using tactics and strategy superior to our enemies.

    In a massive FPS environment like this however, the TTK's a limitation on how much you can compensate with skill and the lattice system really limits your tactics and strategy. So all you are left with is a straight up brawl where you have worse equipment than the other sides.

    I'm a masochist, but I like being able to turn the tables with good play. The reality is in this game that only happens when you are vs bad opponents OR you have a significant pop advantage when you play NC. I've done a fair amount of kicking TR/VS butt, but I'm aware of WHY. If the battle is remotely competitive in population/skill you get schooled in the long run, badly. All those little details where NC isn't competitive slowly add up, except in the cases of maxes. When maxes become a focus we tend to lose quickly unless heavily dug in somewhere highly defensible and pack to the gills with bodies. But that's more a result of the defensive position than our stuff and all sides can do that.
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  20. BobSanders123