Im pretty upset at SOE right now. How do you feel about this?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ABATTLEDONKEY, Nov 21, 2013.


    This thread has nothing to do with balance, pop control , or anything of the like. My beef with SOE right now is for pulling a stunt that proves how disconnected they have become from their base, on par with EA.

    A while ago, it was hinted that SOE was going to deliver something that we have been asking for since launch, on Nov 20. It wasnt just hinted at though, it was hyped up. They were "excited" to give this to us, and so on and so forth. Well Nov. 20 came and went, and nothing was delivered. Nothing that I could remember hearing about since lauch/Beta. However, after reading through some threads I have come to the conclusion, that the surprise, that we have all been asking for since launch, is the dang anniversary 6 month booster pack!

    Now i dont know about any of you, but I NEVER asked for a 6 month booster pack. I cannot remember a single thread, or post making this request, and if the requests are out there, they are so rare, i could not be bothered to find one. IMO, this shows a sever disconnect between what the community wants, and what SOE thinks is beneficial implementation.

    Noone cares about the PS2 anniversary. If SOE never announced it, Im pretty sure 99% of the community would have never noticed it. Anniversary celebrations are times in which the Dev company THANKS the gamers for their support, and their contribution. Its a time to give back, and, in an abstract way, earn some money by making sales. Its not a time to shove boosts in our boxes and try to make a series of selling points, while giving us nothing but a "thanks".

    Im going to end this thread with a series of questions.

    Am I wrong in my conclusion of what our surprise was?
    Am I wrong, does the community actually care about these boosts outside of their monetary value?
    Am i being eltitled by expecting SOE to actually deliver on their promisses?
    Has SOE become disconnected from their base, and does this move illustrate this?

    Im upset at them for this, and will not be spending another dime until significant content/gameplay changes (not necessarily addition) occur. As far as this customer is concerned, SOE's over hype has lost them money. What say you?

    Am I right? wrong? melodramatic?
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  2. Zombekas

    You're right, but also seem new to F2P games :confused:
  3. Dingus148

    A little melodramatic, but I'm there alongside with you. I was hoping for a game-changer to get me excited about the game again. Instead, there was a pack of stuff I'm not going to buy because I think SOE has more than its fair share of cash from me and I'm waiting for them to reveal a game worth paying for. (Seeing as I was paying for the future features which never appeared, I feel more than a little miffed and burned.)

    Not really surprised by this, but it's just such a pity. I want to like SOE, but they just keep disappointing.
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  4. Liquid23

    they also gave us a double XP event which is always and constantly being asked for

    personally I didn't expect anything massive but was hoping for something more along the lines of like the flaregun they did for 4th of july
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  5. Zombekas

    Double the XP, quadruple the lag!
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  6. teks

    Double XP Extended weekend.

    Who cares what crap they sell to people. It's whats keeping the game F2P. I'm a paying member, but I'm totally for F2P. F2P equals more players, and thats what the game needs.
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  7. Athleet

    Stop being over dramatic. Its a FPS, go play.
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  8. Goldoche429

    You're right. I'm starting to think SOE is just milking the cow has much as possible and have completely stopped developing content. It's been one year and what meaningful content have they added? Harassers and the lattice update. That's it.
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  9. EmmettLBrown

    But it's been F2P. When does the "more players" kick in?
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  10. WyrdHarper

    I was excited for something, and was a bit disappointed. There's been plenty of talk about the bundle, so I won't get it here. However, two broken hotfixes leave a sour taste in my mouth, and the server lag is abysmal. I've been staring at the login screen for five minutes after crashing with ten seconds of an alert where I spent the full time leading. It was a tough global alert and the fourth faction is out in full force. We went from even pops to 28% TR and 40% VS. Just the latest global alert this week it's happened, I might add.

    Could've really used something new and fun. It's hard to explain to returning people that "nope, nothing new"
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  11. Typhoeus

    I feel for you but we have to remember, they've been tied up for months now working exclusively on OMFG. They are just picking up where they left off back in what? July? So instead of Nov 20th, it'll probably be March 20th that we'll see something big. And I'm guessing it'll be hossin. If that's a big deal for you is up to you to decide ;) If your beef is with the gameplay itself and not the lack of new content, then I don't think you'll ever enjoy the game.

    Oh and I've asked for them to put the heroic boosts on the depot ever since my first one from alpha squad expired xD So I'm happy about that. Now 40$ for it is kinda steep but still much cheaper then buying 7day boosts 24 times.
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  12. teks

    I've been playing SOE's F2P games for a loong time. Sire, they didn't have the numbers they needed, but man, when they put a $5 monthly charge on it it was a ghost town. They never recovered.

    You'll never see the more players because they game was always free to play. They can't make it more free, only less.

    LOL guilty as charged.

    Not a F2P vet, but my beef is the fact that it was hyped up, and not delivered. Not that these type of bundles exist........if thats what you were getting at lol.
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    Pretty much exactly what I was thinking. After re-reading, I realize i was a bit dramatic. I could have composed myself better I suppose. I appreciate your feedback/opinion.
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    a 1st! Well i guess I found you now! lol

    This was something that they specifically (in the last week or 2) mentioned would happen on nov 20th, as part of the anniversary sale. Not just a promised content. I understand content delays (to a point), this is not one of those things.
  16. RolyatNayllij

    I was a bit disappointed as well. Then I thought I would get the bundle for my daughter's toon and it was like adding insult to injury when I realized that there was NOT a resource (%50) boost with the bundle! xp only. Felt cheap.
  17. Liquid23

    a crappy item and/or some sale is par for the course on an MMO's anniversary really
  18. Wecomeinpeace

    Wait. That was it? That was it what we were waiting for since day one? A ******* sale?? Is that a bad joke?

    And this has nothing to do with "the nature of f2p" games. I wouldn't expect anything else from a finished F2P game.
    But when you have an inconsistent, unfinished mess of a game that is missing its basic features and announce that you have something people have been waiting for since day one, isn't it natural to assume it could be one of those missing elements?

    Well silly me i guess, i was actually thinking they had something in store to positively surprise us. But i guess it's just the usual disappointment in this games development and we continue to go nowhere.

    I can totally understand you OP and i don't think you have been melodramatic. If all, you were being too kind.
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  19. Bickdouglas

    I for one wasn't asking since launch for a stupid heroic boost. And here I was thinking they would kick Hossin out the door...
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    double XP events are not things that the community has been asking for since release. They are little events that encourage additional players, which have occurred numerous times SINCE release. The double XP is not the surprise. I honestly love the bundles. I like that they exist. I hate that something was hyped up, and then so little was provided. Its kind of like hyping up a new car, only to release the Pinto. It would be a MAJOR letdown, especially if you already branded yourself to that company lol.