6+ months of blatantly violating rules with no action taken whatsoever

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iRepair, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. Degenatron

    The best thing to do is wait until a mod announces that they are on duty, and then direct tell them if the suspect is online. Simply ASK them to watch the guy and tell them what you suspect. Be brief, be adult, and only ask once.

    I have done this a couple of times and have gotten excellent responses back from the mods.

    Often, when I see the mod announce their presence I'll write down their name just in case.
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  2. Mhak

    I hate to say it, but that description sounds just like a very skilled player. I know a lot of players who have mowed down entire squads, and know every nook and cranny in the game to check for hiding players or make the perfect escape.

    Wallhacking is a different story, but if you hold a grudge against someone it can be easy to mistake a lag spike or something make them appear to hack. Aimbotting as well, I find it hard to believe. As many times as I've been headshot while full sprinting and serpentining, I've also managed to do the same by pure luck, and there are many players genuinely skilled enough to do it regularly without hacking.

    Maybe this guy of yours is a legit hacker...but I've been playing for a long time too, and I have not a single time witnessed blatant hacking. The few times I was suspicious of an aimbotter could very easily just have been pure skill or luck. I think hacking is overhyped in this game.
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  3. jeuvisage

    You're BR46 and you're trying to pretend that you've played this game a lot? I've seen single guys wipe entire platoons from a zone on numerous occassions. Obvious speedhacks, wall hacks, aimbots, etc. But hey keep on thinking that being a BR46 qualifies as someone with a lot of experience in this game.

    you realize there in so way to spectate someones aim in this game so there is no way to tell someone is aimbotting. you can't tell someone is aimbotting from getting shot from a 3rd person pov unless you go to their stats page and their headshot ratio is above like 35-40% with an lmg etc.

    determining if someone is using a wallhack or esp is even harder since there are too many variables and circumstances to determine. this seems like a thread of a bad player calling out actual good players dunking on them
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  6. LordMondando

    Really? Really?
    I didn't deny there is hacking... Quite the opposite.

    Nor is there any tangible evidence presented, only hearsay.

    Also terribad made me giggle, cheers for that. Thanks for taking the time to look up my stats, allways nice to meet a fan.

    Cicero level rhetorical skills up in here.
  7. Utrooperx

    I wish they took the script kiddies as serious as me pointing out they DO EXIST...contrary to all the nay-sayers who "haven't seen a hacker in Ages..."

    That's the point, really...they are subtle little advantages...like the guy moving faster then a speeding bullet to knife you...or the SMG six shot "guided missile" bullets from 50+ meters...or the...

    The list goes on...

    "Free-to-play...your way..." doesn't mean "Free-to-play...hack away..."

    There are a lot of smart people at SoE...assign one to solve the problem and it will get done.
  8. Hatesphere

    since the double XP started I have been seeing a lot of infiltrators that move unnaturally fast while cloaked.
  9. Ice

  10. Snowfake

    5% of players generally hack and in a game where you are going to encounter 3000 people that is around 150 hackers on at any time, do you really think SOE has the man power to deal with that? especially when they are being careful its nearly impossible to catch. In my experience the more people go on about hackers the more people will start to hack as they assume everyone else is doing it.
    If you know they are truly hacking then you shouldn't let it bother you. Just /report smile and enjoy the game with your m8s, as hacking is here to stay.
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  11. Snowfake

    Btw 5% is what people say you can expect to find in your usual FPS game. No idea what it really may be for PS2 from my time playing I would like to say less than that.
  12. Black Humor

    Hm, my experiences with reporting cheaters is that I never see them again, always felt like the GMs were kicking ***
  13. ajma

    In the 1 year I've been playing this game, I've only seen 1, maybe 2 obvious cheaters. From my experience, they don't seem to be as prevalent as people say.
  14. Ryme

    I think it may be some sort of latency or netcode issue. I'm seeing it happen with my own faction's Infiltrators at the warp gate. One second they are walking out a door on the other side of the room, the next they are right next to me at the loadout station, then they are sprinting up the stairs, and then they are at the continent warp terminal. I doubt any hacker would waste time or effort trying to psyche out friendly units at their own warp gate. They weren't even fooling around or spamming shots at other friendlies. They just appeared to be going about normal tasks and something "glitchy" was going on.
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  15. Astriania

    I don't think any appearance of wallhacking, visibility hacks, aimbotting etc can really be taken very seriously from the last few days. Latency on Indar on Miller last night was 5 seconds, totally unacceptable by the way SOE, and that means that what you see of the enemy is completely unreliable when it comes to inferring what they see. You get weird warping effects of people going through terrain etc, apparent instakills with weird weapons and so on with a combination of that latency and client side hit detection.

    I wouldn't expect that there are zero hacks in PS2, because it's really hard to close a game down to that level when it relies on client-side decision making. But when the servers are operating normally I don't think I've seen a single instance of someone blatantly hacking.

    I'm sure you know this but client side hit detection means that you can be 'shot round corners' fairly legitimately in that someone you can't see yet can shoot you. In lag conditions like we have now, they can shoot you and disappear in a completely different direction before you see them.
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  16. RobotNinja

    @IamDH It's not unpractical at all. As Utrooperx pointed out, this is an advertised feature of many of the most popular PS2 hacks available.

    These PS2 hacks and their features aren't some deep, dark secret known only to an underworld of script kiddies. It's pretty much common knowledge to be honest.

    Utrooperx only posted a list of functioning features of current PS2 hacks. He didn't post any links to websites or any videos either. All he did was call BS on the people claiming that there was no such thing as a target list aimbot and post the features of the hack. That's hardly advertising. It's no secret that there are hacks available for Planetside 2. One of the most popular sites for PS2 hacks, one that is almost entirely dedicated to PS2 has over 4000 registered members. And that's just one site...there are many more.
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  17. IamDH

    Put yourself in his position. You'd be sacrificing all your kills and probably die on the way towards your target who might not have even exited the spawn room. Its a very silly and unsuccessful way of harassment that could only probably work in a game like CoD in Shipment
  18. Bill Hicks

    They need alot of more people spectating suspicious people. Spectating works.
  19. Ohchit

    This is just disgusting! This outfit ruins this game! ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HACK MUST BURN!

    I don't care if i suck at this game or only have been playing for 1 month. If i get outskilled and end up screaming "WTFREEEAAAAKK" while being outskilled, they fu*king hack.

    If they kill me 25 times in a row and further demonstrate my lack of skill to myself and my friends and family...they hack.

    180 no scope pointblank kill on me? Even though i probably sprayed and prayed all 100 of my rounds in my LMG and completely missed him...he hacks. Damn Coward.

    I feel your pain, your agony, and I am sincerely sorry for your loss brother. May the Light guide you through the darkness as enlightenment brings us to our future.
  20. Blackbird

    SOE sucks . Why they cant get it in their head that a bad person in the game affects ALOT of people I dont know .

    I do know that a big company once did a study on how much crap a customer would take before they left . Wonder if SOE did ?
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