Reason to stay on NC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ralathar44, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. dragonwinds

    There was AA, the vanguards.
  2. Cab00se187

    Well according to these forums you're suppose to one man your two man battle tank because it shows real skill:rolleyes:
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  3. CDN_Wolvie

    Aww, man, that sucks. It really sounds like you need a good Outfit to roll with Pika. Hell, if you hit me up on Steam (I'll pass it along in a PM) so I know when you are on and you can message me quickly, I'll make a character just to roll with ya as your secondary gunner if I don't already have one on your server.

    Hell, if anyone is having a crappy PS2 day and its down to someone on your team wasn't sticking by your side, let me know, I'd like to help out if I can.
  4. Noppa

    Nothing wrong with NC if u have the right outfit(or good friends who can play), Im doing just fine as a NC and so are my friends.

    NC:s problem is that most of the players here seems to be freeking noobs/bad/whiners ... hate those..
  5. Pikachu

    I have a friend who likes to man it. Today he was not online, not much yesterday either. Are you from europe? Can you fly liberator?
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  6. Cab00se187

    My reasons to stay NC

    1) Enjoy losing
    2) Enjoy weapons that can't hit the broadside of a barn
    3) Enjoy playing Max's at 5m
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  7. Ultramarine

    Only reason I still play NC is [WMD] The friends I made. I keep hoping SOE will remember that the NC faction trait is MAGNETIC WEAPONS not shotguns, and start adding real gauss or railgun rifles.
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  8. CDN_Wolvie

    I'll take the rest of this conversation to PM and Steam if you still want me to tag along :)
  9. Epic High Five

    Some of our weapons kick like mules, but others are ******edly accurate given their ROF and damage (Gauss Rifle and Carnage, for example)

    And you should seriously have slugs on your MAX. Buckshot used to be alright when they were 100 infantry and ZOE MAXes didn't exist but anymore slugs are a 100% requirement to not getting horribly killed instantly.

    As far as losing goes, there is no winning condition for this game. If you're having fun, you're winning. If you're not having fun, you need to find a new outfit. Nothing is more fun right now that getting together with fellow [GOON]s and creating a wall of highly certed Vanguards that can just cleave through anything and never die.



    Vanguards are seriously the best AA we have. I don't envy Scythe pilots - they have the choice of either dealing with Strikers or risking being instantly blown apart by any stock Vanguard on the field. I know I waste at least half my shots firing wildly into the air at aircraft, because that every once in awhile kill is so worth it
  10. Cab00se187

    Heh, I should have mentioned I play on Connery. :p That server is so unbalanced when it comes to the population it's disgusting. It's either VS with high pop, NC with high pop or TR, er wait, TR are the only ones suffering on Connery right now. When alerts happen, only one faction participates and steam rolls it. When the other factions try to do the alerts they get so discouraged and either log off, go to a continent that the alert isn't on to ghost cap or just flat out join the winning side.
  11. Epic High Five

    I enjoy the hell out of my NC Connery guy. Pops do tend to get crazy, but the vehicle meta on Connery is soooo much more developed than on Mattherson so you've always got support when you're rolling in a Vanguard. On Mattherson you're either flanking with a wolfpack of ****** out Vanguards or getting Lanced or Strikered to death from outside of render range.

    There's nothing more enjoyable than watching ESF after ESF dissolve instantly into debris because they're trying to rocket strafe with 15 Vanguards around
  12. RobotNinja

    Play whichever faction you feel most comfortable with. You can talk about loyalty and honor and blah, blah, blah but at the end of the day it's just a game. Play whatever is most fun for you.
  13. minimbi

    1. Greedly - toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many resources spend on NC character (time, money, rules of gameplay as NC)
    2. I can legally say any bad things about SOE. I have right hate SOE more then Hitler/fashism/terrorists/feminist woman.
  14. Goretzu

    Always the best advice, but not too helpful to NC. :D
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  15. Ralathar44

    I've been at all sides of the population on NC Waterson. It's that bad. NC are simply not competitive and it's not coordination or skill. Even with populations even or in our favor it's simply not the same as it is on VS. NC just can't compete with either side. I'm sorry, that's the long and short of it.

    I likely put in $15 into NC I will not get back. I will not regret the switch at all. That's how much of a difference it is. I believe this is called putting your money where your mouth is.

    200 hours or so and $15 didn't stop me from testing it. When I realized my suspicions were true it didn't stop me from deciding either. You've invested in NC, it doesn't mean your investment is worth the same amount that you put into it however, nor does it means your returns will be greater. While I'm doing my school and other stuff I'll just let those passive certs rack up :).

    I can verify that is not the case. I freelanced through several outfits during my 200 hours NC regularly and those outfits have a variety of skill levels and organization but on the whole were good to great. Even when in a highly organized squad however it does not compared with being in a similarly skilled squad of VS.

    The MAX disadvantage alone is pretty game balance changing. It's a really big difference when there are more maxes on the field because they are dangerous at a much greater distances and never helpless vs infantry. Even with equivalent maxes on the field the VS maxes simply perform better. This isn't due to ZOE, though ZOE contributes, but the STOCK max is perfectly capable of beating all NC maxes unless at severely close range, capable of dealing with streams of opponents instead of only 1-3 at a time, and is capable of providing fire support in a much higher variety of situation present even in bio labs.

    It's just not even close. I'm not main maxer, I've 10 hours in NC max and 4 hours in VS max. I've actually invested in numerous upgrades for my NC max and the VS stock max is just plain better and more useful in every situation, period. Even in extreme close range the NC max will need to reload very quickly so the VS max loses the TTK by a small amount but wins massively with the ability to continue to handle opponents nearly without interruption until depleted ammo thanks to the fast reloads. Let 1-2 infantry or another max go first and just laugh as you destroy the NC max while he reloads.

    I mean seriously, since I'm a former NC player I know these weaknesses firsthand so it's rather easy to exploit them and render many of the maxes that I face a waste or resources.
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  16. Noppa

    Well, not sure about other server but we have 1 decent outfit on Woodman @ NC side and that is FFS(and off course our 3 man outfit), other outfits cant do jack about nothing and top of that we are missing all the big zerg outfits(GODS aint zerg even when they have tons of players, 95% of em are inactive).
    Top of those, NC in our server dosnt do team work that much...

    And about out maxes, sure it cant hit to longer targets with stock weapons, but after u update ur weapons to Mattocks + slugs + extended u can pretty much destroy infantry to same range than any other maxes(u need abit skill on shooting).. ur range rly grows with those 400%(but u are sacrificing damage on close with slugs, infantry still dies with 1 shot) :)

    And about reload... reload + shield.. cant beat that :)
  17. Ralathar44

    See Waterson has that. Phoenix is the zerg outfit and there are several other organized outfits like Longbow that make a more consistent strategic punch. The others are not on as much as Phoenix, but there always seems to be a few of em up so they trade off. Phoenix can be just as organized as the rest, but that's normally when it's mostly Phoenix and certain leaders are on.

    So Waterson really doesn't have the population or organization problems your server seems to as much. TR normally has much more pop, but what's new?

    When it comes down to it all Maxes can paste infantry in small numbers just fine close range. At medium Range NC max has to equip non-stock weaponry to do so while others still handle themselves well stock. That in itself is a large difference as many people still pull maxes but haven't heavily invested in em.

    However when it comes to dealing with enemy maxes NC max can do it at close range effectively only. Sure you can switch to Mattocks but you are STILL being outclassed at equivalent distances and now your minor close range advantage is mitigated as well. Furthermore other maxes will still have better performance at longer ranges than you.

    If people are rushing you and you unload and then use shield you are just going to get shot from the side or C-4'd. This would work if you had a longer effective range, but you have to be too close to effectively do that against actual smart opponents. Because the shield is directional it's exploitable during a rush.

    Keep in mind more importantly however during this time you are no longer killing people. That means at best you are drawing fire for your team while the enemy rushes, masses, and breaks containment. Due to the nature of NC max weapons it is absolutely critical for you to keep containment. I've seen maxes shield up in front of me during a rush. I plant comet shots squarely in their side or kill their friends. During 4 seconds someone with a properly upgraded ZOE max can kill like 4-6 of your friends or another friendly max or two.

    On a short sighted selfish scale, your idea works. On a teamwork scale and having a proper appreciation of what you being useless for 4 seconds means in a big fight- it sucks.
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  18. Noppa

    Sure, but it is hell of a lot better to use shield when u reload rather than not use it and of course u need to have right position when u use shield(and maxed out flak armor, so u don´t die to those c4 so easy).. But yeah the shield has it uses like ZOE and Lockdown. not saying it is the best ability but it is the best we got, so we gotta live with it :)

    NC Max + shield shines on defending rooms when u got few maxes rotating shields and engis fixing em, other than that we still have the same problems we have had after they nerfed us the first time.

    But what can we do.. crying doesn´t seem to help us NC, it sure helps to other factions .. oh well life isn´t fair most of the times =)
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  19. CDN_Wolvie

    I prefer to live with it by playing another faction or game all together. ;)
  20. Noppa

    Cant change away from NC.. i play too much with Vanguard and it is so much better than other faction tanks if u know u got the aim to hit with it .. :eek: